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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Clear skies and cooler weather here at 630 am.
  2. Wow MabesM, Great photos and what a change in attitudes of these rescues. Wonderful work!! Can't wait for more updates and photos of the Eggs hatching in 28 days!! :-)
  3. If your Grey was weaned on Harrisons and eating it, it woul dbe a safe bet to go with. Toni has good advice on starting with a sample pack just to make sure. Harrisons seems to be liked by some of the members here. It is a good compressed food like the many other brands. :-)
  4. danmcq

    1 cage

    Joe is right, it would be safest to start out with a second cage. Greys are VERY protective of their Cage and normally don't like sharing it unless it and another were very young maybe like 10 weeks and were housed together.
  5. Oh wow Mabes, you have a breeding pair, thats awesome!! Looks like you got you own answer, no less than from your Grey itself :-)
  6. Hi Judo, You can place the Cages next to each other if that's how you wish to arrange the room. In regards Greys not learning to talk if there are other birds in the room is probably coming from something you have read about actually caging them together in the same cage, not in separate cages in the same room. It is suggested, by some, that if you house two Greys in the same cage, they may decide they like each other better than you and no longer need you for friendship or vocalizations with. They could lean towards just talking "Grey Language" and ignore you. They could also get to where they would not want any contact with you either. This is not the case in your situation so your fine. :-)
  7. Welcome Christina!! We'll look forward to your comments and stories of Calvins antics and Photo's. :-)
  8. Welcome MrWifi!!! You have an interesting login Name and Grey Name :-) Great looking Grey you have there, he could be molting as Judy suggested. He sounds like a character and much fun to be around. We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
  9. Welcome JujubeChan!! Great photos of your Greys. :-) Lookiing forward to hearing more from you about these wonderful guys.
  10. Hi MabesM, Wow, that is a large list of Parrots you rescued, all at once? What a wonderful thing to do. :-) It sounds like you have already turned them around and are making great progress towards being one HUGE and happy flock!! I can't wait to see the photos of these wonderful Parrots and hear more of their antics. I love the Hiccuping "Father O'Reilly" :-)
  11. I will carry you - Clay Aikens Yeah I know it hurts, Yeah I know you're scared walking down the road that leads to who knows where. Don't you hang your head don't you give up yet when courage starts to disappear I will be right here. When your world breaks down and the voices tell you turn around. When your dreams give out I will carry you, carry you. When the stars go blind and the darkness starts to flood your eyes. When you're falling behind, I will carry you. Everyboday cries, Everybody bleeds, No one ever said that lifes an easy thing. Thats the beauty of it, when you lose yourway, close your eyes and go to sleep and wake up to another day. You should know now that you're not alone. Take my heart and we will find, you will find, your way home. When your dreams give out I will carry you, carry you. When the stars go blind and the darkness starts to flood your eyes. When you're falling behind, I will carry you, carry you, I will carry you, carry you, I will carry you, carry you, I will carry you. Why My favorite, in the past when Kim had Cancer...
  12. Now thats a much better deal Clay. You would spend that much easy once you bought all those "Must have" items on top of say 850 for your new CAG.
  13. Oh Jesus, Harrison has proselytized the UK too? When will this mad mans evangelism ever end. ;-) OMG - Do you think he is working his way to Africa as his ultimate goal? :woohoo: :ohmy: :whistle:
  14. Hi jujubechan and Welcome to the Forum!! Why don't you post an introduction in the Welcome room when you get a chance so others will know your new here? In reference to this post, it sounds like you REALLY have your hands full now with two rescues with issues to say the least. It is great of you to put the time, effort and love into these guys and showing how life really can be joyful with humans once introduced properly. The two may never get along, but only time will tell that. :-) We look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos of your other birds.
  15. We used scented candles for years while our finches and Jake has been in the house with us. It wasn't until doing research before purchasing Dayo (our Grey) that we found scented candles and other aerosols and cleaning fumes could harm them. Since then, we have abstained from burning or purchasing any such items for home use. I figure, better to be safe, than sorry, even though it never harmed our birds previously, atleast not that we know of. It could, theoretically damage their respiratory system and perhaps be cumulative over lengths of time that would finally shorten their life.
  16. HI Clay, Sounds like you have been making your rounds. :-) 1599 is way too high for a CAG. If they are willing to haggle, offer them 950 tops or I would go for a reputable out of area breeder such as you mentioned and pay the airfare, which would still be much more reasonable. Good luck in your search.
  17. You have my condolences in your loss LoveMikka. You did your best to bring Mikka around and show him what a loving family is truly like. I can only think if anything, you probably extended his life, had you not adopted him.
  18. Wow Ronda, thats is awesome!! You have found such a good breeder. Though she is distant, the items she sent you is going to make your new ownership so much easier. :-) You'll know ahead of time what her likes and dislikes are diet wise and you got a good start on foods try feed her with all the packets she sent you. The 25th isn't that far off and now she has given you some reading material and things to thoughtfully consider as you prepare for the BIG DAY!! I feel your excitement :woohoo: Thanks for the great update. It's so good to hear from you again.
  19. Ah yes, convenience, thats a whole different slant, rather than the "best". :-)
  20. Welcome Bermondseylad !! Where you would post would depend on the topic. If you have training questions, yes post them in training. General questions would go in the African Grey Room, Food and etc and there respective rooms. You joined the right Forum, there are many here with tons of experience to assist you with. :-)
  21. :cheer: Your right LMG - I guess I shared my thoughts B)
  22. I am shocked any Greys ever made it this many 1000's of years without Harrisons, according to their claims of the high mortality rate the wild. ;-) I know everyone promotes Harrisons as "The Best", but I am not one to jump on a one pellet fills the bill band wagon as Harrisons propaganda claims. I personally do not believe a pellet diet for any animal, bird or fish for that matter is better than natural food in it's original state. Every pellet manufacturer for dogs, cats birds etc claim they have the ultimate ingredients for you pets ultimate health. That's great for the manufacturers wallet, but in my opinion, adds little if any longevity, vibrancy, physical strength or happiness to any animal or birds life.....
  23. danmcq

    fruit and veg

    Hi Deedee, It sounds like you are as persistent in offering fruits and veggies of every type and even trying to make toys out of them to make them more appealing to Pepsi. I agree with LMG, just keep offering them as you have and hopefully she will pick at them and over time come to enjoy her favorites. The key will be trying to keep track of what she picked at the most to determine that. The is great and she is a beautiful Grey. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  24. Welcome Clay!! Hope you find a Grey soon. :-)
  25. Welcome Kathy!! Thanks for posting such a nice introduction. It sounds like you are taking all the right steps in preparing to bring your new Grey home. There really is not set "Cage Time" that you must leave your Grey in it. The hours you spend with your Grey per Day can vary without affecting him or her at all, attitude wise. At least that has been my experience since bringing Dayo Home at 15 weeks old. I took 2 weeks of vacation at that time, just so I could ensure he was watched after, spoon fed (just cause he liked it every now and then), have company in his new home and cage and learn to come out and go in his cage when I wanted him to. He has been here 2 1/2 Months with us now and is in his Cage 9 hours during the day on week days and he's pretty much out all day sat and sun when were off. The variance in hours on different days has not had any perceivable affect on his attitude at all. So, play it by ear once your baby comes home and see how he reacts to different cage times and other situations he will find himself in. Every Grey has a different personality just like us humans. It seems some are lovers, some are clowns, some are shy, some are pit bulls...you get the drift. :-) So let your Grey blossom into who he or she is and enjoy!! Guess Ive carried on a little too much here, but just wanted to give you some personal insight. Again, Welcome!!
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