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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Dayo is a very touchy feely Grey and would cuddle and receive scratches all over for hours too. We were over at our breeders Thursday night and his gentle, cuddly demeanor came up. We talked about how the two clutchs with 6 total CAGs born at the same time, of which Dayo was included, each had a different personality. One was a biting screaming hellion by the time he was 10 weeks old and wounded me a few times. Once with a full on flying attack :-) Others were more into playing by themselves or if they did want to be held it was only on your hand or arm with no scratches allowed. One would just sit by itself and watch all the activity going on and never really interact at all with humans or his brothers and sisters. It did enjoy the company of a baby sun though that hung out with him when out of the cage.
  2. Md2020 - Are you joshing with us or maybe had a little too much MD (Mad Dog)?:blink: If one pet doesn't meet your expectations, others will probably have some personality or habit you don't like either. Purchasing or rescuing a bird, dog ,cat or anything else is done with unconditional love, if not, then don't go down that path.:angry: If you think the tone of this response is harsh, your right. I do not take things like this lightly.
  3. I love your Grey's name Trina and it is so fitting now knowing what the translation is :-)
  4. How many times did you oil that door knob before you realized it was your Grey I'm sure that destiny will help you in making your path clearer on rescuing or getting a baby grey. Your neighbors are probably thinking your starting a mini-zoo :-)
  5. I can not imagine the angst and gut ripping anxiety the flight dilemma must have felt like. Thankfully it all worked out and you are united with Sweetheart. :-) It sounds like you are having a great time and you new TAG is in tip top shape. Get us some photos and more stories to go with them :-) We're all excited too :woohoo:
  6. Hi Mrsmq and welcome to the forum,. Diagnosing and treating your bird is a very dangerous path to take. But, I understand your sense of urgency to treat this very sick Grey. I am not certain what the dosage should equate to per gram of body weight, which is how most meds are administered. Doxycycline is what is normally prescribed for respiratory infections in Parrots along with a mucus expectorant, but I know your using whats available. The issue you are describing is serious and could lead to the death of your Grey. If at all possible, a vet visit is a must, I would think.
  7. Welcome Court87!!! It's wonderful that you have your new Grey and are introducing others to the Parrot world also. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos when you get a chance to upload them.
  8. Welcome krutsingd !! Sounds like you have a lot of experience and your question for those who own both types of Ag's is a good one. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
  9. Speaking of insurance, which is a great Topic, how many here have it on their Greys? If you do, does it cover checks-up and what is the deductible and maximum amount per year, if any?
  10. LOL Richardsmommy, he probably is trying to tell you to blow on his Tummy Again. That noise is his only way of communicating that to you. :-) I could be full of it, but hey, it sounds reasonable.
  11. LOL You two - Duelling Photos.....I love it. :-) There both great and obviously it must have been fun taking them too for both you guys and Makena. B)
  12. Very Cewl Joe! B) I guess I am going to need to add another of your great works to my inventory. :-)
  13. I only know of one law regarding Parrots born here in the states and sold. That is in some states Quakers are banned for example here in California and some other states.
  14. Hi Deb, Boy, it sure sounds like you have tried everything most would recommend. The only additional thing I can think of, would be to remove all the food bowls after he has finished eating. Then when you know he's hungry, only place the pellets in for around 25 minutes or so. You know how it is when your hungry, things you normally might not try start looking good. Once sampled, he may decide it's not so bad after all. I am sure others will have some good ideas also. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/26 17:46
  15. WoW Adele - Those are great videos of Manzi. How old is he and how long have you been working on the flight training. The Remote Ride is hilarious!! :-) Thanks for sharing these.
  16. Awww, thats great Tari, you proud Momma You!! :-)
  17. Well, it is definitely an acquired taste, which I don't have for it, but if your wanting a good pregnancy as far as some of the "Health?" benefits go.. Kraft currently advertises Vegemite as both healthy and a great snack for pregnant moms. One serving of about a teaspoon or five grams has 30% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of folic acid or folate, which is an important nutrient, especially for women trying to get pregnant. Women who take the RDA of folic acid, prior to getting pregnant, have a much lower incidence of bearing children with a variety of birth defects. Vegemite is also low in fat, and contains about the same sodium content as a glass of milk. So though it tastes fairly salty, it is really not high in sodium or fat. Though a good source of several B vitamins, Vegemite is not particularly high in protein. On its own or served with bread, it doesn’t necessarily make for a protein rich meal. So maybe it's like the pregnant women and pickle craving, but in the UK and Australia it's a Vegemite craving ;-) I don't think I would give it to my Grey though as others have indicated.
  18. All good posts and reasoning by everyone. :-) I haven't personally considered Micro-chipping, but if your Parrot ever did happen to fly away, live and be found by an animal lover that knows it must belong to someone sitting at home crying over the loss of there Parrot. If the Parrot was micro-chipped, the finder could atleast go to the nearest SPCA or Vet office, have it scanned and find the owner and reunite the two, much to everyones relief and mutual benefit. My take on it, is if you want even the "slightest" chance that your much loved Parrot could be returned to you, why not? The bottom line is, if it's not chipped and is found, you will never know it or have any chance of ever being reunited with your Parrot. After reading the links and posts on this subject, I believe I will have Dayo chipped in the near future. Thanks for starting this Topic! :-)
  19. Hahahahahaha Hannah, Thats a great story :-) Karma for the first morning smile!!
  20. Ok, so cover the wooden benchs with old levis sewn together and you have the best of both worlds It's good to hear you like a sense of humor, because thats all I have when it comes to furniture fashion and selection :-)
  21. Thats great news Clay! It sounds like you two are off to a great start with many adventures ahead :-) Keep us updated and post some photos when you get a chance.
  22. Welcome Jimmy!!! Those are great photos you sent and beaker is obviously already getting comfortable with you. Just from the photos, I can see you are already starting out on the right foot with him. Getting him used to you holding and touching him in all different ways like giving scratches, rubbing back, lifting wings gently etc. are all the first things to do while bonding. At 6 weeks, he's a little young top start teaching him color identification or learning the alphabet ;-) As others have said, there is a ton of information on this site that you can search for by keyword in whatever it is that you wish to learn more about. We'll look forward to hearing more from you about beakers progress and maybe a weekly photo if the rapid changes they go through. :-)
  23. Wooden Benches would work well as bird friendly ;-) I know, Men have no sense of fashion B)
  24. LOL Joe - You go guy :-) I appreciate this and all you do, especially when I know it comes from the Heart!! Talon and Toni - Thank you both!! :-)
  25. Hahaha hitchhikerz - Thanks for the update on Mozart :-) It sounds like you and he are having a wonderful time together!!
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