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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Geeez, this did take off :-) I go relax a little in the evening and we have a heated topic I didn't even get to pull my guns out for...darn!! In all seriousness though. Terri's post was spot on and as everyone else here so well stated. If you don't want it public, don't enter it. Birdsmom evidently has not visited many other places on the Internet or she would find MANY have the same fields we do for members to enter IF THEY DESIRE TO. Anyway, glad to see everyone made it through this little wind storm :-) One thing you never do though, as birdmom did, is post a private PM from someone. That is personal and actually protected by law here in the USA and if Frankie was so inclined, he could actually take her to court over it and win. I have personally seen this occur over an IM being copied and then broadcast to an entire company resulting in a huge embarrassment to the one individual it was intended to harm....They sued and won. So be careful when copying and pasting private conversations and personal information. It is a crime in many cases.
  2. You definitely need the brooder box to keep that baby at the correct temp, as you know since you have evidently reared other Parrots. The correct temps for a 3 week old Grey is 90 to 95 degrees and humidity at around 60% until they are getting their down covering. Once they are down covered you can lower it to 78 or so. Monitor them closely and if panting, lower the temp a little and if shivering, raise it. I have no idea on building a brooder box, I would just buy one.
  3. This is building momentum and Maui would be a great destination to visit Makena. B) Don't know that many would be able to assemble there, but I wouldn't mind going back to Maui again. It was our favorite Island after having done Oahu and the museums, tours etc that are the main attractions there. A trip there would take a lot of planning and time for most to get vacation times lined up and plenty of cash stashed for the wild parties at Makenas House
  4. Hi Steven, it's great to have you both on here!! It sounds like Smokey is just loving his new found freedom and home. Yes, time will get the connection going between your Wife and Smokey. He will enjoy and appreciate that new cage too. :-)
  5. Wonderful photos and Doop looks like he is having a blast!! :-) Thanks for posting these.
  6. Oh Laurie, I am so sorry to hear this. You have mine and Kims condolences and will be in our thoughts and prayers.
  7. Welome Audra & Daniel!!! It's great to have you here. We'll be looking forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seenig some photos. :-)
  8. Welcome Theuns and Annelie !!! Great to have you here. :-)
  9. CD - That is a horrific chain of events for you and your family. I can not imagine the stress and anxiety you have and are going through. Tomorrow is a new year and a new start for you on a completely different and adventurous path for you and family. It must be a big and wonderful change-up that destiny has had their for you all along. :-) You hang in there and stay in touch!! PM anytime CD!!
  10. LOL Joe!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  11. Thats great information to know Reta! I know Dayo is only 8 months right now, but He lets kim pat him on the back (me too) and also rum under his wings (not me). We will need to keep this in mind when he gets older. :-)
  12. Welcome Jeff, Jamie and Doop!! How wonderful that you have taken in a family Grey. :-) It sounds like he is settling in well and knowing your Wife for years, is of course a natural fro him, since he has already accepted her as part of the flock in his previous home. His fear of you will lessen with time, as you mentioned. We'll look forward to hearing more about his progress and maybe seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Well thats good to hear Judy. :-) But, it does not take Admins or us Mod's for others to plan their own local activities.
  14. Oh God!! These are funny qoutes from your respective Greys. :-) Thanks for the morning laugh!!
  15. That is a great idea and it has been talked about here before. Although, we were talking about gathering in New York, but many could not make it with such short notice. Local get togethers is a better idea. It is not such a major undertaking and would only take a few hours on a weekend to get their from surrounding locations. If nothing else, the Greys would have a wonderful trip and they could scream at each other from their travel Cages.
  16. Well Tracy, I'm glad you did! Thats what I have that album open to the world for. :-)
  17. Wow!! That is impressive for a 15 year old Grey, lacking attention for who knows how long, to settle in that quickly and show affection. She obviously has been missing the attention and love she remembers once enjoying and sharing. :-) You guys are so lucky and blessed. It sounds like the start of a wonderful lifelong relationship.
  18. Great Photos, thanks for sharing them! :-)
  19. LOL RadarHayes - Thanks for sharing that, it is hilarious. I would love to see that one on video!! :-)
  20. That is a good thread in Chili Peppers. Dayo's Seed Mix also has a lot of dried chili peppers in it too. They love HOT stuff. :-) Watch out though, they get the chili dust on them and then it rubs off their feathers to your face and neck if you shoulder them.....I learned this early on, when my Face caught on fire.
  21. Hi RadarHayes, Zupreem is a bird food manufacturer. Most often, when you see this mentioned, it is referring to their Pellets. For example, I give Dayo (CAG) Zupreem Fruity blend pellets. They are available in any Pet store that carries Bird feeds and supplies.
  22. Welcome Radarhayes!! That sounds wonderful. How old is she? It sounds like the two of you really hit it off, since she has chosen so quickly to mimic your phrases and seek out your attention. We'll be looking forward to hearing of her arrival and how things are going with you two. :-)
  23. Welcome Tickle!! It sounds like you are taking things slow and making your new Grey feel safe and secure in his new environment. :-) He will start talking and interacting with you more and more as time goes on. There is a ton of information here on the Forum that is easily searchable by just entering a keyword. We look forward to hearing more form you. :-)
  24. Hahahahah Terri - We may need to get the two of them setup with webcams :-) I'm glad Bella found it interesting.
  25. danmcq


    Hi Lynn and welcome to the Forum!! It is great that you have sought out advice from other African Grey owners. Dave007 and Chapala have both given you important advice you need to understand from their years of experience. In reference to some of the behaviours you mentioned. The play-stand is something new and scary to her. African Greys must look around their environment for a while (Days/Weeks) to resolve with-in themselves that the room, items in it, the people, it's new cage and bowls, toys etc. in it are all ok and pose no harm to them. The key is patience, gentleness and not introducing too many new things to them at once. Right now that Grey is in mental overload and is feeling insecure. Just stay close to the Cage, talk to her and have her step up and just sit with you while others are in the same room, but not moving about to fast, poking fingers at her or getting in her face. :-) Greys do not have a "Pecking Order" or any type of structured "Dog Pack" system where one is the Alpha. They live in a communal flock and go everywhere together, feed together, play together and love together etc. They are instinctively drawn to being a member of a Flock and that is what you and your family are becoming to it. The Flock is their security, protector and love of their life. This baby has just been taken away from it's Flock (Clutch) and only surroundings it has ever known. So I am certain you can understand why he is a little skittish at this time. I am very sorry to hear that your child was bitten. I am sure he may be a little fearful of your Grey now. Just have him appreciate your Grey from a distance until he regains his confidence. Please stay in touch and and ask all the questions you wish. It is important to your Greys health and well being to learn as much as you can about them. You will be rewarded with a wonderful lifelong relationship and a happy Grey that will love you dearly. :-)
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