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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. YES!!! I think Dayo is secretly and slowly turning our home into his personal HUGE play-gym.
  2. LOL - Yes, He screamed in the first picture. :-) Sometimes he just starts ducking and weaving and the next thing you know he goes bezerko like a little child with a play foe that he's gonna kill. :evil: I NEVER have the camera when he does this stuff. This is the first time I happened to have it with-in hands reach. :-) The Hanging pot and pan holder you see with the Grape designs DID have a beautiful Grape silk plant with lots of leaves and rubber/plastic grapes hanging from it.......The operating word here is DID!! he destroyed the vine literally shredding it all to pieces...what a mess!!! See what happens when you check the grey forum and don't pay attention to what is going on with-in 10 feet of you
  3. LOL, that's funny Jane, I can picture the barking after the ball. :-) It does sound like they are in Ka-Hoots!!
  4. Hi Jane, Well if it is the same breeder, then that may be a good idea. Dayo remembers our breeder and goes with us every time we go over to visit. I believe they remember those that hand-fed them very well. He loves to interact with the other babies of various species such as B&G Macaws, Greys, Suns etc. Talk it over with your breeder and see what they think . :-)
  5. You can do it Laurie, with the resolve I hear in your post. The best advice I can offer is to stay BUSY, that was the only thing that would get wanting a "Cigg" off my mind. If I sat idle for too long, my brain would kick in with the nicotine addiction urge. All I could do to combat it was to stay busy at things I didn't enjoy and things I did enjoy. Best of luck to you!!!
  6. Thanks for the updater on Noah, Wendy. I guess you never know sometimes. They are all different as others have said. Dayo is in a HUGE cage and loves it. It must be a security thing, as others have suggested including your vet. Chalk up one more thing to try in getting a Grey that plucks to stop. :-)
  7. You got that right Judy!! They are a "Shower" only play food in my world :-)
  8. I recently got fresh Palm Nuts for Dayo. So far he chews on them a bit, but not really seeing that he is enthusiastic with them. I well try sugar cane, it is in the produce section of the super market I frequent all the time. Though I doubt it is very healthful, it is probably a fun sweet treat like grapes, apples and other such sweet fruits. :-)
  9. Welcome ChickenDog!! It sounds like you and Charlie have hit it off great after much time and patience on your part. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  10. If He's ok with it, it sounds fine Jimmy. I move stuff around in Dayo's cage all the ti,e too and it does not seem to bother him either.
  11. LOL, very funny Jane. It does sound like your right, your grey is reading you like a book. :-) Does hubby and grey have private conversations regarding you ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/02/04 14:25
  12. Hi Jane - The others have given great advice. It third it. Take it slow and cautious when you bring the new baby home. :-) Visits to the breeder at this point would not help and may expose yours to possible disease.
  13. Thanks again for the kind comments. :-) Hannah - You have got to take a video of that and post it!! That sounds like BIG FUN :woohoo:
  14. Great looking new Grey you have added to your flock LadyBug!! Man, that was a steal on the play-stand. Best of luck in getting the new guy settled in and having fun with his stuffed toy :-) ... that's hilarious....well depending on how you look at it I guess
  15. Super Bowl Half Time :-) Thanks Folks!! He seems to become more acrobatic day by day. You know, sometimes, you can't do anything but laugh out loud!! Glad you enjoyed "Daring Dayo" and his craziness. :woohoo: That's why I enjoy hearing everyone else's stories and seeing photos of their antics. It's wonderful to see these awesome creatures doing things people would never dream of, unless they owned one. The hard part is having a camera near-by when they do something. B)
  16. Hi All, It's been a while since I last shared any photos of Dayo. Here He is having some upside-down fun and craziness with Dayosmom (Kim - My Wife) and lastly a touching moment :-)
  17. That is funny Alfie, maybe your Grey has joined the "Wuz Up" gain from last years Budweiser commercial wit the Parrots all calling out "Wuz Up" when the shop owner leaves. :-) You can watch the commercial on YouTube.com, it is fairly comical.
  18. Hahahahahaha - very funny Terri!! Yes, I think we all go crazy over things now and then. :-) That is human nature and Greys. ;-)
  19. What a great bath story Acapelle. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  20. Welcome Debbiesgirl!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  21. Ok all you smokers that want to quit. This is now a "Sticky" :-) Great Idea!!
  22. OK, I will make Laurie's thread a "Sticky" as requested. It is a great idea and I don't want anyone claiming that I'm preferencial to weigh watchers. ;-)
  23. How wonderful Ladybug, can't wait to hear an update` when you get him home. Thanks for sharing the photos, he is a wonderful looking Ham, he looks like he knows he's a Red and proud of it. :-)
  24. Oh Acappella, how cool is that :-) Thanks for sharing this story with us. Would love to hear more from you. I'm sure you have a ton of things to tell of Dorian!!
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