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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    TAG or CAG

    Thanks for sharing that article Tari. Jane is a one of the leaders in they Grey world with her personal experience and research she has performed on her own. I have read the theory before of how important the parenting role model is in the Congo Greys life. The findings by Jane in Her survey certainly seem to indicate the "trauma" a young CAG perceptually goes through being taken from it's "Breeder Mom and/or Dad" and introduced to a new flock far sooner than they would in the wild. I sure wish a thorough study of CAG's in the wild would be under taken. It would clear up many of the issues we question each other about regarding our individual Greys behaviour. Jane mentioned Dr. Pepperberg continuing a possible research project on wild Greys. I wonder what that foundation is doing, if anything at this time on that? I know at one point, she had sent a group of students over to study them, but that was over 2 years ago and I have not seen any articles, photos or videos of that at all. Again, thanks for posting that!! :-)
  2. Tari - Thanks for posting the warning that we all need to keep in mind. There is certainly a clear danger when trying to introduce birds outside their respective Cages. Cautious close proximity supervision is definitely called for and only for a brief time at first. Tracy - You are certainly one of the resident experts here on this with the flock you have. Your success means the methodologies you use in introducing them in near proximity first and then eventually in the open is a working model for others to follow. I know it took a while for Dayo and my Conure to get on a mutual understanding when interacting outside their Cages. Greys are a one species flock of birds naturally and will only accept Greys in their flock, unlike some other Parrot species that will allow many other species to flock with them. All other species are rejected and chased off. Dayo will tolerate Jake in the near proximity, but he has set up a 1 foot barrier that Jake needs to respect. If Jake crosses that safety zone. Dayo will just start walking towards him and Jake takes off :-) I know there are many others here with two or more Greys and other species out and socializing together with out harming one another once they know the "Zone" of proximity they are allowed to maintain. This of course varies from household to household with some even liking each other enough to preen and snuggle with each other.
  3. Hmmm, I have never heard of Hulahoop crisps? But, they don't sound like a food you would want to give more than just a very tiny piece of to your Grey. I like Totilla chips and Salsa, so I break off a very small piece of a chip and let Dayo have that to eat. I also brush the excess salt off before giving it to him. If I don't give him something when I'm eating, He keeps trying to jam his beak between my Lips :pinch: and when that doesn't work, he licks thew outside a little...kinda tickles :-) but, I am VERY careful that he does not get inside my lips due to the Bacteria that resides in all our mouths that could be detrimental to our beloved Greys. I'm in the same health boat as the rest...we eat a much healthier diet now, than Pre-Dayo Era B) It's Year 1 A.D. Anno Dayo
  4. Oh that's GreYt news Leigh!! I am so happy it is all working out so well with the comments from everyone. Yes, those White Down feathers seem to come from no where. They are pretty much hidden under the larger Gray Feathers on top. I swear, the numbers of feathers I see sometimes in the bottom of Dayos Cage makes me wonder why he is not Bald.
  5. Well for 3 days, it sounds like he has made fairly good progress considering a complete change of environment and flock members. That's quite a shock to a Grey and even a Dog. Neither will normally just want to suddenly be your snuggle muffin with complete trust. Trust is earned, as I'm certain you know. Giving him a few eeks to get comfortable with his new surroundings will be very good for him. If he's not screaming at you or other things in the house, that's a good first indication things are ok, at a distance. One thing you can expect sooner or later from any Parrot though is a good bite. Sometimes were just not paying attention to their body language and BAM, your nailed. :-) But, normally that is the exception, not the rule. Unless they just hate you for some reason. I hope all goes well with your new Grey and you both end up life long buddies providing one another great entertainment and friendship.
  6. Judy is right on, as always. :-) Dayo lost many "baby down" feathers a day as you seem to be indicating from about 5 months through 8 months. he did not however, lose any of the normal Gray Feathers and still hasn't at 10 months old. It seems they molt very slowly and in different sections at a time with the Tail feathers being the last to molt out. I would let him see all the action. Just let your guests and their children know that the bird is not a toy. They should not approach Cage, poke fingers at him or any other child type of behaviour I'm certain your familiar with. Those screams REALLY get your attention, don't they? B) :laugh:
  7. Welcome Adelt!! Since it seems you have him out of the Cage already and are scratching him, giving him snacks etc.. Where is he sitting? If on your Lap or arm cushion etc. Just slide your hand under him and tell him to Step-Up. See what he does. Have the Cage door open so you can just place him straight in the cage once you have him on your Hand.
  8. Wow MommaFawkes, that is a HUGE play-stand. Totally awesome!! Thanks for the photo and great idea. :-)
  9. OUCH!!! Your definitely a member Casper. The only way to stop those habits maybe to change the Cage entry and offering to step-up of hand offering position. Go in with the "Fist of Iron", thumb clinched inside your palm, Hand bent down to tighten the skin on back of hand and offer your wrist/lower arm for him to step up on. That should stop the twirl around the finger game. :-) The "I want a scratch head position, then BITE" game is a little tougher one. You really have to watch his eyes to determine if he's focused on your hand as it approaches or if he is truly submissive with eyes not being focused on your hand. Dayo started doing this too sometimes. After some trial and error, I finally started using the fist of Iron technique if he was on the counter and did it. Once he realized that he could grab a finger after several tries at this game, he has finally almost stopped doing it. It's all in trial and error, unfortunately, sometimes painful too. :blink: :-)
  10. Hi Rae, I have read through the posts by all of us several times and can not find anyone that made comments judging you or even mentioning "Pellets"? Perhaps you misread every ones comments in trying to help you out? Your right, in none of us knowing your personal situation and it is not our business at all. But, from your comments regarding feeding your family or buying Parrot food, I would surmise your are going through some tough times right now and I am truly sorry to hear this. I went back through and read all your posts (It's hard to keep track of everyone on this BUSY site) and now recall your posts regarding the plucking, the breeder that played rough, which probably started it etc. You have and are going through some challenging trials with your Grey and personal life as well. I read that you were trying to find some Red Palm Oil for your Grey with no success. There is a site that sells it very reasonably priced at 5.99 for a 16oz jar that would probably last for a year: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10001&langId=-1&catalogId=10051&productId=16591&R=28283&keyword=red+palm+oil&Ntt=red+palm+oil&Ntk=Level1&productDropBox=null&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial&N=4294967183&brandDropBox=null&healthConcernDropBox=null Heck Rae, I would be willing to purchase and have it shipped to your address if you PM'd it to me. :-) I know tough times and I've been there. I would also have any other food for your Grey shipped to you that you need. Thats one thing about this forum and it's members, is you know we care about each other and their Greys deeply and will do anything we can to help, with in reason. I think all of us try to be helpful in anyway we can. :-)
  11. Welcome Sam!! I went to the site also and found the photo of the entire clutch, so I assume one of them has a leg band #144? :-) There is a ton of good information on that breeders site. I must say, I am impressed with their facilities and standards. :-) Looking for to hearing more and seeing photos as time and growth progresses.
  12. Dayo had 7 bean soak and cook mix with carrots, oat groats, flax seed and green peas. Then he had some Harrison's High Potency ( yes, he has finally starting eating it) browns seed mix for medium parrots with lot of HOT Peppers. Veggies - Broccoli, Cauliflower and carrots. Then this afternoon he destroyed an entire apple I forgot and left out while working :woohoo: Then he had some cooked corn and mac and cheese from my lunch. then a few Almonds. Then He'll go night-night with just Harrison's in his cage, which he will eat a little before sleeping and then eat that on awakening in the morning while waiting for me to cook his Saturday morning scrambled eggs with Red Palm Oil mixed in.
  13. Thanks All !! Kim is better today and thanks you for your kind comments. :-)
  14. Fawkes is a very beautiful girl. Thanks for posting the photo. :-)
  15. LOL - Welcome Tubescreamer!! Unfortunately you cannot stop a Grey from saying something. The best way to "Maybe" have him forget about it, is to just ignore, do not react in anyway to it. If they see or hear that something got your attention, they will use it even more. :-) Hand feeding treats like fruit... a grape, apple etc. This will get the bond and friendship established. You should have food such as Pellets or seeds along with veggies available for him to eat in his cage or where you let him stay outside of his cage such as the play-top or a stand. Please consider your home, this Greys last home. It is sad to see any Parrot go from home to home and it is very stressful on them as well. They will become a member of your family and look at you as such over time with patience on your part to establish that bond. They are the most intelligent of all Parrots and pick up your body language, tonal fluctuations in voice, eye contact and even your internal feelings such as anxiety, fear, happiness, sadness etc. There is a ton of information on this site you can find by typing in a key word in the search like food, bathing, toys etc. Also, we are all more than happy to answer questions and help in anyway we can. :-)
  16. Looking forward to hearin gwhat you decide on in regards this new 2 year old Grey. Thats barely getting out of the baby stage in to the terrible two's. :-)
  17. Awwww, that is so cute. Cherish those moments. They will pass when she gets a little older. :-) Thanks for sharing that, it brings back wonderful memories.
  18. Happy belated V-Day to all...even though I'm late :blink: I still mean it B) Kim has been down with the Flu since Tuesday, so no big V-Day stuff yesterday, but.....the weekends almost here and it will be fun :woohoo:
  19. I agree, Dave is greatly missed. He unfortunately is VERY involved on another Forum he used to belong to that was finally ressurected after almost a years time and they have a close knit group of Parrot owners.
  20. Have a GreYt cruise Laurie, you deserve it!! Can't wait to hear all the details and see photos :-)
  21. Wow Mommafawkes - You have a birdy Zoo :-)
  22. LOL Ok Judy, your right ...I had to apologize to Dayo for that one B)
  23. LOL Judy - Arrrrr Matey, me must remember to remove my earring ;-)
  24. Trying to emulate the atmosphere your son had the relationship with this Grey is a good idea. Then he would be in familiar surroundings that should bring back the secure feelings he had there. Anything and everything i worth a shot when trying to develop a relationship with your grey.
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