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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. You got that one right Knight!! The big difference between Dogs and Greys, is that Dogs respect the hierarchy of the pack, I eat, me wife eats, they sit and "hope" we may have a scrap left for them. Greys on the other hand are a Flock driven creature that once a food source appears, they all swoop down and enjoy a "free for all" eating frenzy even nibbling the other end of what is in the others beak. If I keep mine from Dayo, he will tongue tickle my ear until I can't stand it and involuntarily twist my head that way due to the tickles, then quick as a gun shot, he tries to grab at what ever may be between my lips.....VERY SMAART!!! :woohoo: So, they see as as just another flock member eating and it's MEALTIME!!! :-)
  2. Oh Makena, your such a tease!!!! Isn't that illegal or something ;-) If, not it should be B)
  3. Hello Shanlung - It's great to hear from you again!!! Your question in the link to the blog you sent: "Can there be anything wrong if we take solace and refuge in reading of some happy times?" It is a great irony, that amid the world we live in, with all it's wonders, yet lacking in the "good". That it is just that glimmer of light and hope we gain, from reading or hearing of those happy moments that keep the dark of this world from over shadowing us. Your prolific writing and photos of Tinkerbell have inspired all that have read and viewed them. I always look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for this "light" and spirit lifter!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/29 21:06
  4. Great photo of yoru baby Grey Ashley. Thanks for sharing it!! :-)
  5. danmcq


    Awwww, Arrior, what a cute baby you have there. You will be shocked how fast he/she wil grow. Looking ofrward to those additional photos. :-)
  6. Great examples and informative post Dave. Thanks for taking the time to explain that in depth!! Regarding personalities of different species. We took Dayo with us over to our friends and breeders home Sunday evening. They trimmed his nails for us, toweling required, but Dayo always takes that fairly well. The home of course was filled with baby parrots of every sort and age from 2 weeks to 14 weeks old. Dayo perched on my wife's shoulder and just "observed everything very reservedly. There was a beautiful Sulfur crested cockatoo that just wanted out of his cage and so we let him out, short flight around stretching those growing wings and learning some basic flight skills, then he came to rest on my arm. We interacted for several minutes and then back in the cage he went. There was a Hanhs Macaw also that just could not stand being left out, which I then let out and he immediately flew to my shoulder, snuggling against the side of my head and feeling the texture of hair, ear (tickle tickle) and finally my nose. He had a hard time reaching round to explore my nose and so flew out 2 feet then came back and attempted a landing on my nose, which resulted in much flapping and a very small puncture from those razor sharp baby nails and little blood. He then flew to me head and I placed him back on my shoulder. he sat content for another 5 minutes and then decided to have some more Nose time. This time Dayo, I guess feeling he needed to help me out, flew over to my shoulder and shushed the Hanhs macaw off which flew over to its playtop. All the while, my breeders Scarlet macaw, perched on his tree stand observing all this was laughing his head off ...he's cool and a real character. We also checked out the baby Suns and Jendays and a gold capped conure. They are all only 5 and 6 weeks old respectively. I got photos of them all and we are going back next week to watch them all grow and over the next coming weeks select a Jenday to bring home. After the long visit, we placed Dayo back in his carrier, got to the car and as was placing him in the back seat, noticed he was throwing up all over the place. This has never occurred before and it kind of scared us. So we went back and asked our friend the breeder to come out and take a look. After checking him out and checking the throw-up for anything abnormal he may have ingested, it was determined he must have just been highly nervous and upset from the strange surroundings, birds everywhere and possibly the perceived attack from another parrot on his lesser owner. We got home and Dayo just wanted back in his cage. He never wants back in his cage. So I believe this definitely indicates he was feeling VERY insecure and just wanted back in his home, door closed and that feeling of safe and comfortable surroundings. With all this being said. I am really starting to realize the very different personalities of different species and how some are very social birds enjoying of species, while Greys are very reserved and do not really take well or opening welcome a different species. Conures for example, will openly go and extend the hand of friendship to another species of Conure, Macaw, Grey or Amazon etc. Yet, the Grey will just sit, watch and wish they were not there and would leave if they have the option.
  7. Welcome Donna!!! It's great to have you finally come out and announce the wonderful news on bringing your new Grey home. We'll look forward to hearing much more about him and also seeing those photos when you get a chance. :-)
  8. Thanks for the update AyaBrea. Please let us know the outcome of the Vet visit. We all learn from each others experience and we also care about each and everyone of these lovely beings. :-)
  9. Hello PepperRIP, You have come to the right place to find those who know what it to experience the loss of a loved Grey. They are like our own children and the outside world of non-parrot owners do not understand the loss. You have my condolences. Pepper still lives on in your memories of her greatness, love and personality that brought you so much joy and sunshine into your life. Though she passed over to the other side, she will always be with you. If or when you feel like it, we would love to hear of her and see photos. Again, I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
  10. Welcome Tina!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you about your new baby Grey and perhaps seeing photos of him/her when you get a chance. :-)
  11. Great to hear from you again Jimmy!! Wow, Cosmo is picking speech up very well. Thanks for the wonderful video. :-)
  12. Yes, I know, women ALWAYS get their way. Thats ok, your all worth the pain. :-)
  13. Welcome Jackie and Pooky!!! Thanks for the nice introduction. We'll watch for those photos. :-)
  14. I hadn't thought of the Nursery Room. I thought it was probably on for Greys? Hmmm, I'll PM Tracy. :-) Darn it, thats where I went wrong. I should have just shown up with ALL the Parrots at home and then asked her, where you want them? :-)
  15. Just kidding Judy, your still the only Forumite woman for me and I appreciate the photos youve sent. ;-) Your still my Forum Girl. :-)
  16. LOL - I was hoping that would get your attention Penny. I guess it worked. Now to clarify to "All", the only photo in the universe of Penny exists in the "Members show us what you look like" folder. Good luck finding it.... ;-) Thanks for being such a good sport Penny!! {Love-000200C5}
  17. Hello Ayabrea and welcome!! When feathers grow in with abnormal splotching or coloration as you describe, it normally indicates a diet insufficiency or an underlying health issue. I would advise you to take Bella to a good Avian vet to get to the bottom of this.
  18. Judy - Yeah, darn it, women always have the last 2000 words, due to us men average 2000 a day and women average 4,000. :-) Siobha - You amde excellent points with your hubby and you got to bring home multiple birds. Way to go!! I'll post some photos this afternoon. :-)
  19. LOL - Well, I just thought I would throw all the possibilities out there. B)
  20. Awww, come on Penny. As the Admin here, you need to set the example. :-) All I have are the great photos you sent me last year ;-)
  21. Awww, cute photo Siobha. :-) Well MBS is striking here again too. Our Breeder has several chicks of various species and we can't resist the Jendays. So, we'll be bringing one home in 6 weeks. Wish I could bring home a sulfur crested cockatoo, a blue and gold Macaw also, but my wife squelched that dream right out of the starting gate. I'll get photos of the Jenday clutch when we go over to visit today. :-)
  22. Well dan_erobbo - You must have water in your home. Perhaps your Grey hears you run the kitchen facet, make coffee, pour a drink etc. The other possibility, is perhaps you leave the bathroom door open when you take a tinkle or maybe your Grey is even on your shoulder when doing so. ;-) Just a few possibilities I thought I would throw out there. :-)
  23. Thats great to hear. What a character you have there, ok now rub this foot.... :-)
  24. LOL Dave!!!! You are a riot!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
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