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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Stick with male. The Karnak Hat has not failed me yet. I'll wager 20 Karma on it Judy and others. B)
  2. He is in a whole new world and needs to get used to the surroundings, Cage and People. Just let him sleep peacefully and have everyone around him stay calm, talk gently and happily to him. Since he picked you at the store, approach the Cage slowly and see if he offers to beak you again. Then depending on his reaction, either offer to open the cage and see if he will step-up or just back away a little, sit next to the cage and talk to him. Patience is the main ingredient right now. :-)
  3. danmcq

    Poop Stain

    I'm glad all the knowledgeable women popped in on this one. I don't notice the dried poop until I take my shirt off and throw it in the laundry basket. All I know is, the next time I wear that shirt, the stain magically disappeared. :-)
  4. Welcome skyyblues and menagerie!! It's GreYt having you hear. Looking forward to hearing all the stories you have to tell and photos. :-)
  5. Welcome darth-mint and soon to be unnamed Grey!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your new Grey. :-)
  6. Magic Calm, A "Dream Catcher" is of Native Indian origin. You have probably seen them in stores and not realized that was their name. Here is an image of one:
  7. They normally molt start their first molt anywhere from 8 months on. Dayo started molting in Jan at 9 months. He is still molting now. He first lost large quantities of downy feathers, then moved on to some neck, mid-back etc. He has now lost all but 3 of his tail feathers and one primary flight. The first molt is the heaviest and most complete they will go through in there lives, so be prepared for may more feathers in the coming months. :-) I am keeping dayos mid to large feathers and am going to make a "Dream Catcher" adorned with them.
  8. I just "Know" Congo is a Male. I did put my Karnak Hat on to make certain. ;-)
  9. Ditto on the others suggestions to return to the vet for xrays. Also, as Tracy asked, did the vet take blood for analyses? To really diagnose the problem and attribute it to Calcium deficiency or lead poisoning, he must do so. Is this vet highly skilled and know for working with Parrots? Looking forward to hearing how he is progressing. I am so sorry you are going through this.
  10. Yes, the little white floaties you see every where when you pull the bottom tray for cleaning. :-)
  11. What a character your Bad Boy Sensei is! :-) He could be in his first molt, which most of our Greys are now. Have you noticed a lot of the down feathers too when cleaning the bottom of the cage? When the feathers are being pushed out by the new and become lose. They pull them the rest of the way out themselves while preening. Then, most will play with the feather, bite it in half etc. The other possibility on some of the snapped feathers, is they could have become damaged while playing and he removed them.
  12. I am so sorry to hear of the continued problems with plucking. As Tracy indicated. Putting your Grey on would preferably the last path to go down. If you haven't already, perhaps a good question and answer session with your vet may help explain their experience in dealing with this and why it would be the right path at this point to take. Also ask how long this type of treatment was necessary in previous cases dealt with in this manner and if the previous birds resumed plucking after the antidepressants were stopped. I assume you are also misting your grey with aloe juice atleast 3 times weekly and giving him Red Palm Oil in some of his foods daily. These two items will help immensely in reducing irritation, keeping the skin supple and the oil will provide the natural vitamins, enzymes and fatty acids that Greys receive in the Wild by consuming Palm Nuts. You are such a great Grey owner. :-) You have been through the mill and don't ever give up. That is highly admirable of you and I commend you for it!!
  13. Hey, where did Adaya go? Cute photo, thanks for sharing it.
  14. She certainly looks healthy and well filled out. She is a "Wide Body" model. Probably capable of breaking the sound barrier given enough room to get up speed flying. :-) Thanks for the photo, we love them!!
  15. Well, what a nice good morning. You and Adaya have a great one too!! :-)
  16. Congratulations on bringing your new baby grey home sweetfx!! Can't wait to hear more and seeing some photos. It sounds like he just settled right in and loves his new home and family. :-)
  17. Nice photo of Adaya on her playstand having fun. Looking forward to the story. :-)
  18. Welcome Lanibird!!! Wow, you have quite a flock there and they sound like a ton of companionship and entertainment. We love stories, photos and videos here. So when you get a chance, just start pouring them out. :-)
  19. LOL Pat, yep Tyco is with out a doubt VERY upset. :-)
  20. Welcome carlosrugby !! It's great having you here. :-)
  21. I agree with Siobha's advice. If you have a friend you can trust, leave your Grey home and flighted. :-) Just request that your friend leave your Grey in the Cage.
  22. GreYt photo Roger. As he matures, he will start liking many different foods. The key is to just keep offering them and one day BAM, they decide to start eating it. :-)
  23. Blabber on Mel, Blabber on. :-) Here is a link to a topic specifically answering your request for reviews: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/training/21728-favorite-grey-books.html#56474 Most of us know more than the Authors or disagree with them on some points. ;-) B)
  24. donste2287 - I would take that Grey to a vet ASAP. If the Crop appears mid to full and has not been eating, something is very wrong. The regurgitating could be your Grey trying to remove something stuck in the Crop that will not pass. The loss of appetite, no play/interaction, fluffed up and growling indicates something is very wrong. A trip to the vet would be the best thing to do at this time.
  25. WOW!!! YOu definately have the fever!!! :-) Very nice toys you have built there, thanks for sharing the photos of them.
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