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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Ok Ray, now you have my full attention. So tell us, was this at your house?
  2. I am very sorry to hear this. I hope and pray all turns out well.
  3. Congrats on Django's homecoming. He looks very happy and content. I love the photo of Blacky taking care of him.
  4. Welcome and thanks for the photos of your flock. They are beautiful.
  5. You tell me, are they weirder than us Humans??? Me thinks some of us are just Dain Bramaged....
  6. DNA test would be the only way other than seeing an egg laid.
  7. A "Normal Grey"??? They are not in any sense of the word. I call them mystifying complex creatures.
  8. Dave gave great comments. The bottom line is, presently you cannot trust Radar and Echo both out at the same time without close supervision. Radar is an adult grey and Echo is a baby. The two of them are going to need time to work out the pecking order (Radar will be dominant). Hopefully over time they will get along, but maybe not. You just never know. However, Dave's main point of Radar being the first is important and attention to him needs to continue to be first and to echo second. I can guarantee you there is jealousy going on and Radar expects the same attention he had previously. He may still on down the road protest for example when you want to spend some personal time with echo. This will be a dynamic process you will need to figure out in real-time on the fly.
  9. Sukei is simply trying to get to the light to beak it and chew on it. It does look a little close to me as well. I know as you said, the instructions do say from the perch, but I placed mine 12 " from Dayo's head when he is standing on the perch. When I let day out of the cage, I turn the light off and sometimes need to go get when if he fly's to his cage top and starts beaking the light. That hard plastic cover could be broken with a few good chomps I think. Anyway, grey are curious and once they get used to an object, they will start trying to beak them and check them out. So Sukei is a normal grey. One note, if he will do that for an hour straight, I would turn the light off for a while until he settles down. Being that close to the light can cause eye damage and a sun burn as talon pointed out.
  10. LOL! Yes! Folded and hidden under their wing.
  11. Wow, that is one heck of a stand! Thanks for the additional photos. I see Wilbur was striking a pose for you. Well, there are many huge grape vineyards around me here. Wonder if the farmer would mind if I stripped a few vines.... I think I will refrain from that thought. Getting a load of Buckshot just flashed in my mind...
  12. LOL Ray - You better check your cell phone for sexting going on as well in the wee hours of the night.
  13. Sterling is right. That is a huge weight drop. I would let him eat all the seed he wants right now to get his weight up. One of the big things all parrot pellet manufacturers stress is to watch your birds weight when trying to convert them to pellets. It could be a long process and some birds will never convert to pellets. I wish you well in this trying to convert him, but please ensure he maintains weight. Right now, your CAG is in the weight range of a large TAG.
  14. LOL @ Pirate. Your certainly taking it well after getting over the hurt feelings. Good for you!
  15. Wow, that Grape Vine hanging play area is too cool!!! You have a real talent. Have you ever considered making and selling these possibly? I would be one of the first in line to purchase one.
  16. Oh Jesus! Sorry to hear this Nightstar. Good call on no more shoulder. I hope your facial lacerations are ok.
  17. Jeff - LOL!!! Nancy - Sophie is very kinky.
  18. Since Django is only around 8 or 9 weeks old, he is still on hand feedings of formula and perhaps is getting some pellets or other foods introduced to try out. Formula contains a lot of water and yes, baby greys "shoot out" watery poops like that. He is sure a cutey! I hope the workshop you attend tonight will give you some good tips on dealing with Lorrito.
  19. A regurge when they see their love muffin is common sometimes. But, doing it when your not around is not normal. As Judy said, I would take him in for a check up with your avian vet. It is the only way to know if all is well. Do you weigh him weekly? If so, how is his weight average? A change in weight suddenly is a quick way of knowing something is wrong as well. If you do not weigh him weekly, you really should.
  20. Good job on getting the sample for testing. Smokey sounds like a really relaxed grey in your loving care. Looking forward to hearing the results.
  21. Getting his weight after the morning bomb at least weekly is important so you know his normal weight. This is a key indicator should it start dropping all of a sudden. When you say he looks skinny, thats very subjective and really does not tell much. I would not reduce seeds to try and force eating more pellets on a bird. If he stopped eating the pellets and you were only providing a very small quantity of seeds, he could certainly be losing weight. The key is to try various high quality pellets and see if one is a hit he will eat some of. I never recommend adding vitamins to water. There is no way of knowing how much they are actually getting and it fouls the water. As long as you provide a variety of veggies, seeds, nuts etc. for a well rounded diet, pellets are not needed at all. Also, if you do not have avian lighting over each cage, you should for vitamin D3 production. The dark green poop just indicates he is eating some seeds. After the morning bomb, smaller frequent poops are the norm for all parrots.
  22. Wilbur is a sweetheart in reality. At least I think so from the interactions you have with him in such a short amount of time. I suspect you do not know how lucky you are. We have some members here with rehomed bird that are not near the level yet you are with Wilbur and they have had their rehomed greys for a year plus. Thanks for all you share and ask. You are going to be a GreYt flock member for Wilbur to enjoy life with.
  23. Very cute phrases. The flood gates have opened, be ready for the coming barrage.
  24. Awww, Paco is beautiful. Thanks for sharing this photo.
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