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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thanks for this important information Sterling.
  2. Nancy, I am not trying to be rude. But I am concerned about your advice to feed Mac and Cheese as a good protein and carbo source. this simply is not true in regards protein. Seeds and nuts are filled with protein, vitamin E,and essential fatty acids etc. and are far more healthy than Mac and Cheese which also has a very high salt content. No one should should feed a bird that in trying to "Fatten Up" their bird. It is detrimental to their health if continued for long.
  3. Thanks Sterling, this could avert a serious problem with a birds health for anyone feeding Goldenfeast to their bird.
  4. She is beautiful. Is she sitting on the eggs or just ignoring them?
  5. I am very sorry to hear you and Echo are going through this. If he is not drinking the water, you should really ask the vet to give you either pills but since you have a liquid form of antibiotic. Perhaps ask the vet if you can just mix it in with the formula and how much you should add. He needs a consistent dosage to fight a bacterial infection. If it is a virus, antibiotics do nothing except help stop a secondary bacterial infection. One other comment just in case this goes downhill. The breeder should have given a health guarantee. I know you love echo, but if this gets worse, I would take echo back and demand a full refund. However, I am hoping and praying for the best outcome.
  6. A 10 week old grey is no where near being weaned. They are not even ready to start fledging until around 12 weeks old to learn to fly. Offering seeds, pellets, cooked legume mixes like 5 bean mixes, fruits, veggies etc. for them to start tasting and learning textures is important and so is having a bowl of water for them to start drinking when they reach that point. You should drop to 3 feedings by dropping the latest, not the morning feeding. Some will stop taking the feedings at 16 to 20 weeks old, some will still want one or two a day even after they are fully weaned. There is nothing wrong with continuing to offer a morning or evening feeding for example. Our grey wanted a formula feeding in the morning until he was around 6 months old, but then started refusing it. Some will enjoy one their entire life although it's not needed, it is a great moment for both the grey and the human to share.
  7. danmcq


    LOL, Greys are not that stupid about getting stuff on their feathers. Of course, they have no problem slinging it on the walls, wiping their beak on you, shirt, couch etc. anything available is game.
  8. It's really good to hear it resolved itself overnight, other than a little soreness which is to be expected. He will probably hate it (NOT), but you could give a soft diet of natural chunky peanut butter, oatmeal, yogurt ... you get the drift.
  9. Vstar - Many of us use humidifiers to keep the level up to around 40%. At least that is what I do. Here in California, the humidity is only around 10% which is way too low for any parrot. In the summer, we keep our house temperature at 77. In the winter we keep it at 72 during the day and 68 at night.
  10. LOL, I love that phrase :"Cotay goes Roar". To cute, gotta get a video of it.
  11. Welcome Rita and flock. It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you have a chance.
  12. It's good to have the support of loving family and especially from your grey that will just sit with you in support. Chemo is a real challenge. I hope and pray for a quick and complete defeat of the cancer.
  13. LOL Wingy! It's like a box of Cracker Jacks... you don't know what awaits inside until you open it.
  14. Dayo uses "It's ok Dayo" when he is approaching something new in the home or if he got startled by something. It certainly does seem like they are reassuring themselves. One cannot but fall in love with Gilbert and his valiant efforts to start letting his guard down and open up as he fights to over come the fear instilled by previous bad experiences. The want and need to feel safe, loved and have contact with another is a powerful driving factor. It seems Gilbert has a powerful underlying knowledge that love and companionship must exist in the world somewhere and his journey has finally led him to it.
  15. I hope he has remained quiet and restful over night. The vet will be able to take care of it once you get there. Waiting for an update.
  16. I am of the same mind as Sterling and Katana. LUna has entered the stage in life that they start expressing what they want or don't want. She is no longer that baby dependent upon her parronts to tell her what or when to do something. I guarantee you that she remembers you and your wife, home surroundings etc. As others have said, just giver space, time, love and understanding and she will come around at her own speed. It may not be as personal as before, which also happens as greys age. "I just really, REALLY miss being her hero. I know it sounds cheesy. hehe" Ah the most common words of a father that has realized their son or daughter has become a teenager and has their own independent thoughts, desires and people/places they want to go and share their time with instead of us. But, the good news is, they still love us.
  17. You just do as good as you can. The first 5 years we had Dayo from 16 weeks old onwards, we both worked full time. In fact the first 4 years I commuted 180 miles away and was gone from Monday through Friday and returned home Friday evenings. So my wife was the only one he saw in the early mornings and then out with her in the evenings M-F 530 pm until 9pm. Weekends he was out of his cage from 6am until whenever we went to bed. They do learn to go with the flow. The most important thing to do first give them at least 3 to 4 hours out with you each evening and secondly is tell them when and where your going to and they will learn very quickly when your "Going to Work" you'll be gone 8 hours. When your "going to the doctor" you'll most likely be back in an hour or 2 etc. Also, if your going to an outing, park etc., put them in a carrier and take them with you. They will love it. I have been blessed to now work full time from home rather than commuting and my wife is permanently disabled and can no longer work. So now our birds have us home 24/7 except for family or friend functions and outings we take them with us in carriers.
  18. It's good to hear his weight is coming back up.
  19. LOL, I know that look as well. Thanks for posting this.
  20. Good idea on moving the thermal perch so he gets used to it. I hope it's a really wet winter here in California. We need a lot of rain in the valley and snow in the mountains. It's been drought like conditions here for the last 3 or 4 years and the huge fires roaring presently are due to this drought.
  21. Dave is the most knowledgeable in this area. Whats Gabby up to this morning?
  22. Until his weight comes up, I would not worry about his eating pellets. The most important thing to ensure is that he has seeds and nuts available 24/7 making certain food that he will eat is available and he is not hungry. Just mix in some pellets with his seeds and he will decide if he wishes to consume any. Pellets are really not necessary, nor the healthiest diet for a parrot. Abundance feeding is the best path to follow in my opinion.
  23. Meet them both and see which seems to be the most attracted to you. Personally, I would go with the TAG.
  24. Welcome Amanda and Petri! I am looking forward to those photos and hearing more.
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