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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations Robert on making a decision and also on getting your TAG this coming Saturday!! Looking forward to photos and hearing more. :-)
  2. LOL Caroline, those farts get ya everytime time, don't they? :-) Charlie shooshing everyone is funny. How do they respond to ti? Come on Toni - A little Smokey never hurt anyone and they are delicious!! :-)
  3. Welcome chimaysmommy!! It's GreYt having you here and happy to hear you are excited about this site and your new Grey. :-) There are a lot of cages and prices out there. The best rule of thumb is to get the largest cage you can afford. You have chosen a nice model. :-) Here are a few other sites and cages: http://www.qualitydiscountcages.com/products.asp?id=16 http://www.cagesunder500dollars.com/products/tabid/72/p-503-cfds-1305-huge-playtop-cage.aspx http://www.birdcages.com/large-bird-cages/wrought-iron/sonomaplaytopbirdcage.cfm http://birdcages4less.com/page/B/PROD/Large_Bird_Cages/PA5704
  4. Nice photo Scarbarian of you and Charlie. He is one fine looking CAG that obviously has chosen you as his buddy. :-) Thanks for sharing that photo.
  5. Welcome EmilyCaroline91!! It's GreYt to have you here. I am so glad to hear you are opening your home and heart to those two birds and pals in need of a good forever home to love and cherish them. I know a twosome as you describe of different species. A Sun Conure and a CAG wound up in the same brooder box. It was due to the baby Grey getting nipped by one of it's siblings and was moved to the Suns box for mending time with a small and non-threatening roommate. They wound up the best of buddies and were purchased together and stayed in the same cage. As that was how the birds wanted it. If separated they would climb all over their respective cages and call to one another. They still happily reside together in the same cage to this day and are a real joy to the loving owners family. You are certainly in for a treat and an indescribable love and bond that will take place once you have possession of these precious souls. The names you have so far are cute in pairs of well know duo's. I assume you do not wish to keep their present names? A few more sets: David and Goliath Laurel and Hardy Spanky and Alfalfa Amos and Ernie Aries and Thor Biggie and Little Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/01 14:53
  6. Welcome Nina!! You have certainly come to the right place to research and get answers to any questions you may have regarding African Greys. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  7. Jac is a great looking Cat. It's good to hear he is responding well to the meds and the abscess swelling is going down. I can not imagine the pain he must be in from those. Best wishes and hope all goes well with the surgery and recuperation.
  8. danmcq


    Hi Matt, Judy gave some great ideas on getting the pellets into your Greys with out them knowing. Also, try removing the seeds from the cages in the morning and only leave the pellets for them to eat during the day while your at work. They will start eating them when they get hungry. You can then give them some of the seed mix at night, but only a few tablespoons full, not a bowl full. The avian lighting comes in many different styles and fixtures that will meet your particular needs in regards being able to position it properly close to the cage so they get maximum exposure. Here are a few links on the lights\stands: http://www.zoomed.com/db/products/Search.php?SearchID=2&DatabaseID=2&Keywords=Lighting&Heading=Avian&Search.x=13&Search.y=16 http://www.parrot-and-conure-world.com/full-spectrum-light-for-birds.html http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/pet_supplies.cfm?c=5059+5690
  9. Welcome Daniel! The others have given good thoughts and comments on the newness of your Grey. I noticed you didn't mention how old he is or if your the first owner. It will take some time for him to become accustomed to his new home and family. If the ladder is the only way he will step-up and go back in his cage, then that's what you need to use. However, you will need to work on him getting used to your hands by giving him treats he loves etc. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. Hi Lolamay, The others gave good advice on finding a balance of allowing the shoulder ride while your walking around, doing chores etc. Then also working with your Grey on staying on a perch either on a movable stand, tablestand or even a doortop to watch you from and still feel like it's with the rest of the flock. It is a natural instinct for them to go where the flock goes. It will take some time and repetitions of putting your Grey where you want it to stay and watch you at whatever you are doing. :-)
  11. Welcome Ed and Earl!! It sure sounds like you are going to have your hands full. Earl could not have found a better home that will love and properly care for him. It's always wonderful to see someone take in a bird in need of TLC and a forever home that will provide for all his individual needs. With the changes you have described that you will be making to cage size, diet, attention etc, he should flourish and become a healthy happy Grey. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos when you get a chance. :-)
  12. danmcq


    Hi Matt, I am sorry to hear your TAG is having seizures. The blood panel you had done should give some good baseline information on where Maggie stands in regards all the vitamin and mineral levels. Also, if some other issue exists such as an organ disease or abnormality. The problem wit a seed diet, regardless of the "Mix", is it and all veggies and fruit eaten provide no vitamin D3 which is necessary in a bird for calcium absorption. There are only two ways to get D3 into your bird. Sunlight, Pellets such as Harrison's, zupreem etc. or full spectrum lighting that includes the UVB spectrum for hours each day. In regards putting CFL's in your lamp stands, those are too weak to ever reach your Grey with any dose of UVB. Depending on the Lamp manufacturer and percent of UVB the lamp emits will dictate what the maximum distance from your bird would be to obtain any UVB at all. This is normally a distance of 12 to 24 maximum distance to obtain any benefit. I designed my own lighting system with 2 24" 36 watt fluorescent tubes that emit a total of 76 watts with 8 % UVB. It is a proven fact that Full Spectrum Lighting with UVB is necessary for you bird to produce D3 if no pellets and no full sunshine are given to them. I only use the Lamps when it's winter time due to the birds being kept in the house and receiving no true sunlight. IN the summer, they go outside for 2 to 4 hours almost everyday. The only way to ensure your birdy is getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals is to have them eating atleast an amount of pellets that would equal about a 1/4 of it's entire food consumption each day at a bare minimum. I do hope your vet gets to the bottom of this issue quickly and helps you get your much loved Maggie on the correct path for her overcoming these seizures. One thing is certain. The seizures could be caused by issues other than a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Looking forward to hearing what the results are and what type of treatment plan the vet recommends.
  13. danmcq


    Jaco - You can not stop a dogs natural instinct to grab a moving target wit a spray bottle. Both Greyhounds and Dobermans are sight Dogs. They don't understand what message your trying to get across.The moment movement starts, they alert and chase as they were bred to do for a 100 years. The solution is you must keep the dogs away from Jaco and vice-versa. Either put the dogs up when Jaco is out or keep jaco in your room. You can work at training Jaco not to fly until allowed, but that will take a lot of time and repetition before he ever gets it. Also, if a dog spooks him, he will fly anyway just out of instinct. Thank God he survived the dog bite. I know how alarming that is and you must do all you can to ensure it does not happen a second time that could well be fatal.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/30 15:18
  14. He will always be learning and eager to experience new things as they are carefully introduced. It's good to hear a relationship has been struck up between you two that will enhance his and your lives. :-)
  15. Welcome Rissa!! It's nice having you here. You will find a ton of information on this forum regarding African Greys and their personalities, care requirements, diet etc. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. danmcq

    Pics of Cosmo

    Cute photos of Cosmo with a full crop in your profile area. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  17. Wow, so sorry to hear of the bite your fiance took from the Cockatoo. I think your right. If you get another birdy, it should be another Grey CAG. Thats what you really seem to wnt in the first place. Too's are really needful in terms fo attention.
  18. It looks like a wonderful place. This person has done and continues to do a GREAT work much needed. Here is a YouTube video by them: http://www.youtube.com/user/ProjectPerryInc
  19. I agree with Char. It is either a sound the Grey is making or something is wrong.
  20. gbdb_kcb wrote: Oh, I feel for you my dear! I can certainly understand how you feel right now. I do believe Booty will come back around. Right now is such a short time since all the activity and Booty finding a "Best Friend" to interact with and enjoy. She will come back around just due to the need of wanting someone to interact with and enjoy...Thats you. You are the one thats always been there day and night and you are the one that will still be there many years from now. Be encouraged, yet hurting inside. Be cheerful, yet sad inside. Put on your best face, voice and attitude on for her and she will respond in a little while. :-) She is just getting over the loss of a new found friend from outside the family flock.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/29 15:30
  21. danmcq


    These are all great responses! :-) They all seem to like to put a "Spin" on their name. Dayo's spin is "Dayo.......DAaaaAAaaAAaAaYYYooOooOooOo" like the Banana Boat song by Harry Belafonte.
  22. I agree with your gut feelings David and also the others comments. It is natural for a young bird or any other critter for that matter to seek out comfort and security by being with and being touched by their "Parront". As they age most will cut down on the need for all that cuddling themselves. They may still want some scratches and interaction as the become older, but then after a few minutes, walk/fly away and start preening or whatever it is they wish to do then. I look at it rather like a human child aging that requires less and less cuddling and reassurance as the age and become completely non-clingy. My advice is to enjoy it while you can!! :-)
  23. Awwww, that is a GreYt story!! I love to hear of two completely different critters developing a relationship like that. It reminds me of Daves Grey on his dogs Tail taking a ride photo. :-) Responding to the "Go back to your Cage" request is also very impressive. Thanks for sharing this.
  24. Welcome Dennis and Holly!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from yuo. :-)
  25. Welcome Rick and Flock!! First, let me thank you for taking in a rescue. :-) The transition will take a lot of patience, love and time. Merlin may come with some baggage which I assume would have been related to you by the person or rescue you have obtained him from. He will need to become used to his new home, cage and family members. Just don't put too much pressure on him at first to step-up or to try and get him more hand friendly than he shows a desire to. he may not want to even come out of his cage for a while. It just depends on Merlin. Set his cage up in a room you are normally in where he can feel like a part of the flock. Talk to him, watch TV, read etc. next to him. You can also try offering a special treat like a sunflower seed or Nut carefully through the cage bars and see if he will readily accept it. The key is to just let him know he is in a safe place that will respect his space. Looking forward to hearing more from you about Merlin and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
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