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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Very touching post. Tigerlily is very fortunate to have such a wonderful mommy. :-)
  2. Tycos_mom wrote: Yes, exactly. The new LCD, Plasma and DLP HDTV's do not refresh at 30 frames a second like the older tube TV's. They are refeshing at a rate between 60 and 120 frames a second. They also maintian the image that is there in between frames. A TV tube does not, it actually goes black, you just can't see it with your inferior human eyes. :-) Thats the same reason for avian lighting, we must use electronic ballasts for the flourescent lights. The old ballasts were not electroninc and fired off at lower frequencies that even use humans could see the tubes flickering. It drives birds bonkers!!
  3. Heather - I figured Annabella MUST be using various words to fit circumstances. She is such a brilliant Grey!! :-) Sigh, ok, here is the list of things Dayo says I started and then stopped. It's too much to remember and keep adding to: Hello Hi Uh Oh Whoops Woo Wooo Hooo Whoa! Careful, Careful Dayo Be careful Crash! Wanna Almond Want some Apple Apple Walnut Almond Almond, ummmmmmm num num num Broccoli Carrot Corn Corn, Ummmmmmmm num num num Cantaloupe Cheese Grape Grape, Ummmmmmm num num num Sandwich Lets make a Sandwich Peanut Coffee Lets make coffee No I love you I love Dayo Good Boy Good Boy Dayo Your such a good boy Yes I do Kiss Wanna Kiss Kisses Ok Are you all right? Are you ok? I’m Sorry Wanna go outside Go outside Want Out Step up Scratches Beak Rub Wanna Beak Rub Pretty Boy What a Pretty Bird Where did Mommy Go Where did Kim Go Where did He Go Where did Mommy Go Mommies outside Mommies in the Garage Dayo loves mommy Mommy loves Dayo There’s Mommy Where’s Bentley Bentley, NO! Bentley go on! Bentley, come on Bentley Jake Come on Jake Jake, it’s ok It’s ok Jake Fly Good Flying! Dance Whistle Ooooooaaaaaaaaaaa, uuuuuuooooooohhhhhhhhh Yawn Whoops, I sneezed Sneeze Lets get a bone bone Yeeeaaaahhh Yeah, good flying Wow! Saaaweet Sweet Good Morning Good Morning Dayo You walk like a duck Coconut Banana Get the Baby Get the Ball Get the Boing Get the Bell One Two Three Ice Cream Ummmmmmmm Almond Ummmmmmmmm num num num Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Come on Bentley come here Wanna take a bath Lets take a bath Chloe, come on Chloe Crystal Lets feed the dogs Come on, lets eat Wash the bowls Wash my hands Turn the Water off Turn the Water on Water Wanna watch a movie Wanna watch TV Lets get some cereal Lets eat Wait, it’s too hot It’s Hot Dayo No! No Bite Peekaboo I see you Like That? I like that Yeah, I like that Peeka, Peeka, Peeka Boo Peeka, Peeka, Peeka Boo, I see You Evil, Awwww Awwwww Awwwwww Laughing Hahahahahahahahahaha Pretty Cool See ya later I’ll be back Be right back Just a second Watch Out! Vacuum Wanna Vacuum Lets Vacuum Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum Turn the light on That’s better Hello, just a minute Hello, Yeah, uh huh, yep…. Lets go night night Night night Wanna go to bed Tickle Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Wanna see outside What are you doing? Sh!t! G@d Damnit! Sh!t…G@d Damnit Shoot! Damn It!
  4. Welcome Valerie!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) There is a person on this site that is having to give up their much loved Grey named Lilo, due to a new baby that takes up all her time. They are seeking a loving forever home for Lilo. They live in Brooklyn. Here is the link in the forum if your interested: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/rescue-room/147948-lilo-needs-a-new-home.html
  5. Birds see in much higher frame rates than we do. To humans, anything over 16 frames a second looks like a movie. Birds see in the realms of 70 frames a second and thus see a flickering image changing kind of like when you flip through one of those drawing books fast and watch the stick man walk, but in SLOW step by step motion. They could not dodge tree limbs or other obstacles like they do when flying 30 miles an hour through them and quickly maneuvering. You will note though, if you play a video on you PC LCD screen, they will watch intently. This is because your PC screen is not flickering like a tube based TV. Dayo watches the videos on the PC very closely and tries to talk to the birds we are watching. He pays very little attention to a normal TV at all, even if it's birds.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/16 21:03
  6. Congratulations chezron!!! What wonderful news. Now your going to perhaps regret some things you've said that Brutus is practicing. :-) Dayo only speaks in my voice. I am the lesser loved one... ;-) Even if it's something my wife taught him, he uses my voice. :-)
  7. What a wonderful recovery story Casper. :-) You and Charlie now carry a special bond after those months of loving care and concern. You and Charlie both had to work hard to reach this point. He is a beautiful Grey and I must say he looks very confident in that photo. He will gain all his previous flight skills back and more. Thanks for this wonderful update and karma to you.
  8. AnnaBella is one very good student. The phrases she has picked up are very cute. :-) I started a list and quit months back. It's just to much for me to keep up with. I don't know if annabella does this or not (but i assume she does. Dayo uses parts of phrases and changes the words to fit the situation or sometimes just experimenting. It has brought many belly laughs at times. Now I'm wondering if he isn't trying to be a stand up comic.
  9. LOL - That is funny, but you know she will never admit it happened and act as if you caused it.
  10. Welcome Dee and the whole Zoo!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) You'll find a ton of inforation on this site and freindly members that will be more than happy to answer questions you may have.
  11. Very much the well dressed and reserved Grey, :-) Thanks for sharing this GreYt photo of Keeko.
  12. danmcq

    Warm mushy food

    LOL, most do like nice warm mushy stuff... it slings good too, BIG FUN and tasty too!!
  13. FYI - That Petstore lerk is a moron.....Birds do not need a shampoo period. Very glad yuo came and asked your Grey family here. :-)
  14. Never head any Parrots do that before. I do hear them sneeze to blow their nares out occasionally. :-)
  15. The best way to avoid this, is to watch the body language and try NOT to let the bite happen. Parrots do not understand punishment. Yelling at them simply reinforces the behavior by giving them a fun and thrilling reaction. It sounds like your Grey is jealous and letting you know it wants your attention. This is normal behavior by a jealous mate letting you know that two timing is not something they like. The easiest solution to this is to have them out at separate times. The feather being pulled could have been a coincidence with a damaged feather being taken out as Judy suggested.
  16. I am not certain of other, but Dayo does not watch TV really at all. It just provides background noise... :-) They learn from their flock (You and family) in regards words associated with events and actions. Believe me, they pay more attention than we ever realized to whats happening in their flocks world called our home.
  17. Heather is right. Alex was treated like a royal prince and lacked for nothing including all day out of cage time and tons of love. FYI - Alex died and the world that knows of him mourned greatly....
  18. danmcq


    I guess Dayo is an exception. We leave the TV on animal planet all day long when we're not home. He has never picked up anything from it. Which I'm glad, I would'nt know what to do if I heard an Elephant blowing their "Charge!!" sound.
  19. Those are "Love Bites" and their way of letting you know they are liking whats happening. They do the same in the wild to each other. :-)
  20. Awww, what a cutie pie Akima is!! Thanks for sharing the photos. :-)
  21. Congratulations!! Wheres all the photos, you know we're expecting them. :-)
  22. danmcq

    color dye

    Yes, on wood cubes and the like. It works great and is totally safe.
  23. Dave is always "Spot On". Dayo is 2 years 3 months old and just recently lost his last "baby" tail feather. He has only molted out about 5 of his primary feathers (flights). Heck, he still even has some secondary feathers that are originals and coming out here and there. We have a large freezer bag that we keep every feather his has molted, except the smallest and downy's. We're going to make a large "Dream Catcher" out of them. :-)
  24. It sounds like thing are going well. Thats GreYt to hear and thanks for the update. Looking forward to hearing more updates. :-)
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