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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Zara!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. Welcome Katie and Flock!!! Wow, it sounds like you have quite a flock there and kudos to you for rescuing that Grey!! Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  3. karunk wrote: That is normal Parrot communication. Chikki is telling you he wants you to move from the area your in. They will do this when uncomfortable or sense a threat. Sometimes the bite to get you to move can by quite hard. Your Grey is still young and has attached itself to you it seems as the favored. He no longer needs to get passed around to guests and is not going to readily accept it any longer unless he decides he is interested in them. The honeymoon is over. Just pay close attention to his body language and also instruct your guests on proper Parrot etiquette, no sticking fingers at him, faces in his face, fast movements etc.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/26 23:52
  4. What a mental image this story of "Who's the Boss" paints. Whisper may be a gentle name, but I think she has the heart of an Eagle! I love it!!! You really need to try and get a video of it. :-) Karma to you for this.
  5. Wow, very nice and humongous perch fit for an Eagle. On the Dayo "Pretty Cool" scale, it is a 10!! Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  6. Everyone has given very good advice regarding pellets. The most important thing for you to do at first, is to continue the diet your Grey is used to from the breeder. Ask what specifically was fed to and liked by your grey such as pellets, nuts, veggies, fruits and legume mixes. Also, it is always a good idea to have a digital scale to weigh your Grey daily to ensure it is maintaining it's weight properly. If you see a 10 percent or more weight loss from the day you bring him home, he is either not eating properly or something is wrong. A change in diet should always be done slowly and weight measurements taken taken daily to see how your Grey is doing. I know it seems like there is a lot to keep track of and to know, but you have a good group of people here to call on with a question. As you have already observed. Looking forward to the homecoming and photos!! :-)
  7. Kim and I watched August Rush last night. This movie (which I never saw any TV advertising on) is one of the best movies Ive watched in a long time. It is a love story, great music track and a child prodigy all rolled into one. If you haven't seen it, I would highly reccomend it. This is one of those rare movies I will buy.
  8. Congratulations on your new Greys arrival!! He sounds like a wonderful grey that is well socialized. :-) It's good to hear your taking him to the vet first thing for a wellness check and a look at that foot. Looking forward to hearing how the vet visit went and tons of photos. :-)
  9. LOL Sheila!! Ok any pair of pliers will work just fine if you can fit them across the spoon and still have enough leverage to close them and bend the spoon. Ok, heres a picture of what us "Guys" call water pump pliers..
  10. Char wrote: Yes, the Devil is always at work....
  11. HeatherStrella wrote: You know Heather, thats a great idea. I do not presently have an official blog of all the events that take place with Dayo and his antics. I need to start one, perhaps on Facebook. These Greys are so smart that they remind me of our children growing up and all the things they did almost each day that just elated, engaged and amazed us. I would like to see others do so as well, like you heather. :-) I know every person here has a lot to share about the antics of their Greys and I would truly enjoy reading them and also seeing photos and videos of them. We have many members here and only a few seem to post these events....ahem.....Dave007, Judy, Penny, Heather, Tycosmom, luvparrots, Char, Sheila, Jan, davey, Casper, Jane, dhorje....and on and on.... :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/26 14:12
  12. I used a pair of water pump pliers spanning the spoon and just squeezed until it was almost the diameter of a large straw.
  13. Thursday, Kim had 2 fly's in the house. Dayo was up on "his" wine rack thinking life is good. Kim gets the flyswatter and waits for a fly to land and "BAM" one fly down. Dayo flinches and says "Sh!t!!!!" The second fly lands about 30 seconds later, "BAM", the second fly eats it. Dayo flinches and says "G@d D@mnit!!!!!!, Noooo!!!!!!. :evil: End of The Evil Flyswatter story.
  14. That is a great way to defeat those nasty cat paws snd other critters as well. Thanks for posting this tip and Karma to you! :-)
  15. Didn't need to see this one.... I suspect this is illustrating one of those chemical reactions indicating the presence of bacteria. Thanks for sharing this Luvykins. :-)
  16. Thats GreYt news Max!!! :-) It always pays to make a trip to the vet if in doubt. Well done!! :-) and...Karma to you.
  17. Thats good news Roger. :-) It does get expensive buying Harrison's the way grey it's it, not much and just bites one, it crumbles into pieces and he chew the very minute piece in his beak and walks away..... I feed him many veggies, bean mixes, fruits, seeds and nuts to keep him on a balanced diet. It's really good to hear from you and hope to hear from you more often. You are always missed. :-)
  18. Spoon is easier and it allows them to eat more at their own pace. It is more messy though. Bending the spoon inwards to make more of a funnel helps a lot with lessening the mess..
  19. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Go back and get photos, if you can. Maybe act like your really interested in getting a bird and you want to share the photos with a friend that knows about them. If Boston is the closest humane society is in Boston or there isn't an Animal Control that is responsible for your area in that county (which there should be) then go to the police (though I doubt they will do anything). Submit the photos along with your story to the Humane Society and maybe even try a local news channel on TV to see if they would like to pick up a story on animal cruelty. It's always sad to hear things like this, but in reality the only time something is done about it, is if a knowledgeable person like you brings it to the right peoples attention. Most people visiting the shop don't have a clue that all is not well.
  20. GreYt additional comments on Monty and also the baby Grey of your Girl Freinds. That is a cool photo. :-) Thanks for sharing all this!
  21. Well done Dave! I believe you put it all into one paragraph, that I would have rambled on for 3 pages about. :-) Karma to you!!!
  22. What a GreYt Poem for Alfie and the rest of us Davey!! We can pirate it and just plug-in our parrots name. ;-) Just kidding. Thanks for sharing this "From the Heart" poem. Karma to you!!
  23. Hi Ralph, The only way you will be able to find out what someone may pay for your program, is to put it up on the Internet for sale, close to the price other such items sell for. Yours is unique, due to being an actual program with wave files and the ability to set preferences, if I am reading your description correctly. This sets your program apart from a CD or DVD that just plays and you have no control over it. I personally would not buy any "Teach you Parrot to talk" item, since I want my birds to learn from me and have it associated with something meaningful. Well, other than whistling Andy Griffith Please do not let us discourage you though from putting it up on line for sale and selling it. People buy all those other products, why not yours? The nice thing about using an actual program, is you can update it and also add features as people that purchase it send in suggestions to you which will give you good ideas for version 2, 3 etc. :-) You go guy, I hope your product you developed is successful and helps you out in providing a luxurious lifestyle for your Parrots. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/25 00:49
  24. Hahahahahahahahaha, funny Story!!! Thanks for sharing it. :-)
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