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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. He is an amazing strategist. First He acts like the butterfly scares him gets some distance and decides the best strategy is to bash the window with his ball. This will accomplish 2 things at once. It will kill the butterfly with glass shards, then provide a tasty meal once the shards are removed. Thanks for sharing this story. :-)
  2. LOL - What a GreYt story of a vet visit. Brutus is one VERY entertaining and intelligent Grey. I would love to hear much more of him and see photos and videos!! We just don't get enough members sharing videos of their Greys, atleast not for me anyway. :-)
  3. One other thought just came to mind. Since you live in a multi-story building and I assume others are around too. One might have roof access, as some do, that you could use a pair of Binoculars to carefully scan the area. It would give a large viewing area and depending on the power of the Binoculars, you could see very close up at long distances all around.
  4. I was just reviewing your photos in the thread when you brought Chikki home. I see that you live in an area with many multi-story buildings and not any trees in view, as you just stated. He may very well have landed on a roof or other structure he felt was safe. One thing I do know, is they can literally be only 50 or a 100 yards from where they flew from and unless they return call back to you, you won't normally see them. I know how devastating and sickening that feeling is all too well. The only thing you can do is keep on keeping on like you are and not losing hope of his quick and safe return. I am uncertain of which country you live in, but if it's in England, your evening hours are not that far off. Godspeed to you and his quick return.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/02 15:22
  5. Oh no Arun! I am so sorry to hear this very bad news. You have done all the right things. When he flew and you watched, did he gain altitude and speed quickly? This will give you a good idea of how well he can fly and also how high he was approximately to give you an idea how just how high he maybe in a tree somewhere in the vicinity of where you last saw him. Most will remain silent the first 24 hours due to being very scared and it is their natural way of protecting themselves from predators by remaining silent and concealed. One thing, continue going out and walking and calling Chikki. Especially during the early morning and evenings at sunset on. If you do make eye contact, don't leave that spot. Your Grey may be afraid to fly down if he is high in a tree and it could take hours to coax him down with his favorite food, treats and water, maybe even his cage if you can have someone roll it there while you keep a vigilante watch. It sounds like you have done the right things to get the word out. Know that your all in our thoughts and prayers for a safe and quick return of Chikki.
  6. They are so adorable when that young. The blanky photo's are GreYt! Thanks for posting them. :-)
  7. Your Grey is still very young and having only been there two days is insecure and needs assurance all is well. Greys flock together only and your his flock now. When they want their flock member, they contact call and seek them out. Add being a needful baby wanting his Parront close by and you've got exactly what you are experiencing. In regards the biting, it's sounds more like "Testing the Perch" to me. All Parrots naturally check something they are about to perch on to ensure it will hold them and is stable. They also do this just to feel the texture of all items they encounter. They beak eveything. One thing I would recommend, is when he goes beyond the gentle beaking to clamping down harder and harder. Is that you don't just sit there and try not to react. YOu need to let him know that after a certain amount of pressure, it is unacceptable. Either gently move your hand just enough to make him stop or tell him something that you will constantly use like "Careful", "No Bite" etc. and correct him by using your other hand to make him step up on to it to stop the hard "Testing". Your grey will soon learn that beaking too hard is not acceptable. This is how they learn. If they beaked a member of their flock too hard, I guarantee you they would get corrected immediately to let them know that is not proper behaviour. But, if you truly need to leave him in his cage most the time, you will need to just start ignoring the calls instead of going there immediately everytime he calls. If you continue to do that, it will become an expected behavior. Spend quality out of cage time with him. Then when he needs to go back in, place him there and do what you need to do and ignore his calls. At his early stage in life, you are teaching him how the flock (you) interact with each other and what is expected from each. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  8. Welcome Greystar!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Your Grey is still very young and having only been there two days is insecure and needs assurance all is well. Greys flock together only and your his flock now. When they want their flock member, they contact call and seek them out. Add being a needful baby wanting his Parront close by and you've got exactly what you are experiencing. You are not doing anything wrong. But, if you truly need to leave him in his cage most the time, you will need to just start ignoring the calls instead of going there immediately everytime he calls. If you continue to do that, it will become an expected behavior. Spend quality out of cage time with him. Then when he needs to go back in, place him there and do what you need to do and ignore his calls. At his early stage in life, you are teaching him how the flock (you) interact with each other and what is expected from each. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. What a beautiful baby grey you have there. Thanks for sharing these photos. :-)
  10. sinnie wrote: I know that gut wrenching feeling very well. After an incident like that, it feels almost as if you had a loved one in the hospital. No matter what, you could never bring yourself to say or do something harsh, due to the empathy you have inside.
  11. OMG Dave, I haven't had a laugh that good in a long time!!! What really gets me, is I can picture you actually being the one that created this joke ad-lib while bored in a Walmart line!! Now where are you going to get you Aloe? ;-) Too Funny!!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}
  12. Oh how precious!!! She looks absolutely enthralled with huge new cage, rainbow of colored toys and of course the new loving flock surrounding. With good food too, who could ask for a better family? Congratulations and thanks for posting these photos. :-)
  13. Awwww Pat, love grows stronger over time and Tyco just could not contain it any longer without letting you know. :-)
  14. Dave007 wrote: Always Dave is spot on. I reached out to Dave when my Grey was attacked by my Dobermans, flew into a wall, had tail feathers pulled out and was sitting on the floor screaming and growling when I arrived to the rescue. He barely stepped up, I believe only due to the dogs flanking me which was a threat. Once I got my Grey up on his normal roosting place, he would growl if I came within 3 feet of him. He had some head swelling and would not be moved from that roost, so he stayed there day and night for 3 days before returning to some what of his normal self. However, he would not step up without some bites and a fight. What made matters worse, was his favored person, my wife, was in the hospital at that time as well for 9 days. It took weeks, even a few months for our relationship to return close to what it was. For whatever reason, somehow the rescuer in a BAD incident, seems to get the blame at times. It's GreYt to hear that your Grey came to you today!! :-) Most of us here owe many thanks to Dave for always being there with his decades of experience and great advice to help us through it.
  15. judygram wrote: Judy and the others are right on. The "second" lover must take the second in most things. ;-) Keeps everything going happily along in the Nest. :-)
  16. danmcq


    Ahhhh, nothing like sharing some Mash between friends. It does loosen the lips..... Oh! I see it was Smash.. ;-) :-) Congratulations on this big step forward between the two of them. Now, on to making friends with the rest of the Galaxy!!
  17. Welcome CongoMongo!! Looking forward to hearing more from you and if you have decided to adopt and African Grey. :-)
  18. Welcome Ian and baby CAG!! At 4 weeks old chicks are kept in a brooder or other such heated area. They should be kept around 90 degrees. Their body temperature runs around 106 degrees. The others have given GreYt advice in terms of hand feeding and getting rid of the tube. Yes, use material as you've listed for the floor area your keeping your baby in and change it often as it gets dumped on by your baby, which is often due to the formula consistancy.
  19. danmcq

    Parrots Cold

    You had very good reason to be upset. When a Parrot displays the symptoms of a "Cold" there is many terrible Avian diseases associated with those symptoms. There is no such thing as an avian "cold"! It seems to be a wide spread notion that birds contract colds just like their human owners. What may appear to the owner to be a "cold" in a bird, could actually be one of the various forms of upper respiratory tract problems. Symptoms can include, but are not limited to the following: - Increased respiratory rate - Tail bobbing at rest - Noisy breathing - Coughing - Sneezing - Nasal or eye discharge - Swelling around the eyes - Change in tone or voice - Lethargy - Ruffled feathers - Weakness - Loss of appetite I personally never sit anywhere near anyone in the vets office with another bird and insure they disinfected the room thoroughly before ever agreeing to enter it. You should have "beeatch" slapped that person.... :angry:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/01 19:23
  20. she wrote: I guess thats another expense we need to add for newbies considering the purchase of a Grey.... Booze per Month, $1000.00. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/01 19:06
  21. Push the "Flip Up" button, if your model came with that. If not, then your out of luck....
  22. danmcq


    Sounds like Jim did the Aretha Franklin song on Spock and let him know his place right out of the starting gate. What could Spock do to that, but bow and show R-E-S-P-E-C-T? :-)
  23. Congratulation on the GreYt News!! :-)
  24. justalady721 wrote: We all remember that feeling and your right, words cannot describe it!! :-) Congratulations on the GreYt homecoming and the fine job you did of getting him settled in and feeling right at home. Looking forward to hearing more once your all up and around and maybe seeing a photo or two. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/01 17:16
  25. Parrots and Kids can and do get along. here is a couple of photos of my birds with G-Kids: Jake and Skyler(8) Dayo and Skyler Dayo, Jenna and Jeff(12) we initially brought 2 Greys home... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/31 16:49
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