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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL - Thats chicken scratching, as the others stated. They are so cute at that age. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  2. Well, can't blame Buster for not wanting to go back in the cage after being in lock-down at the first owners. That is just not imaginable when you would think they would have spent lots of time with one of these intelligent sentient beings with so much to offer in them. Time and patience as he settles in to his new home and flock will bring out the best in him. :-)
  3. Welcome Gill and Bertie!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos and videos when you get a chance. :-)
  4. Welcome Dirtybirdy and Jiggy!! It's GreYt having you here. Wow, you have had Jiggy a long time. I'll bet you have many stories to tell of his antics. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos.
  5. Welcome Allison and Omar!!! It's GreYt haVing you here. :-) Can't wait to hear how Omars travel went and seeing those photos.
  6. Do you keep his talons pinned and bathe him? If so and he hates the bath, he could have finally just decided the best way out of that is to bite the pinning mechanisms, namely your fingers and hand. I would not recommend pinning and bathing a bird if thats what you are doing. You do not want a bad experience like a bath, related to your hands. You will need to make the determination if you must stop pinning his talons. If he only bites every so often, learn to read his body language and move your hand just enough to throw him off balance before he can reach your fingers or hand. If he bites constantly and harder and harder, you will need to stop pinning them.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/17 20:52
  7. Well, everyone knows Chickens can't fly, so CHICKEN is flaunting it!! Congratulations on the flight abilities increasing and the seemingly self weaning program Chicken has put himself through. :-)
  8. Very nice assortment of toys you picked up. :-) Dayo is the same way with new toys that do not resemble something he already has and is used to. It's a Grey thing. Thanks for sharing the photos.
  9. LOL!! With such a reaction out of you (I'd have been shocked also) it's no wonder Dodo caught on to using it at all times. :-) Thanks for sharing this and congratulations on your Grey speaking!!
  10. You hit the nail on the head. He is maturing, entering his "Terrible Two's", showing independence and any Parrots do not like having their talons pinned and will bite as you describe. If they biting when talons are pinned, you'll need to stop or suffer very damaging bites. Does your wife pin his talons as well? If not, perhaps thats the cause of the change in who the preferred one is?
  11. GreYt upside down photos and video from you both. I swear them going upside down, laying on their backs etc. must be a natural act for them to do. Perhaps in their Tree holes in the wild where they are safe from predators and feeling comfy. I really wish someone one would do a serious study of Greys in the wild!! Heck, I would pay a $100 dollars for just an hour long narrated DVD of National Geographic, Animal Planet or someone would just do it!! I REALLY want to know what their true traits are in the wild.
  12. I always love hearing updates from you Spock. They are always so logical. It makes one wonder why your Slaves just don't get it! ;-) Obviously, it is just inferior reasoning and logic abilities of non-vulcanites. So please forgive them and humor their best tries at making you comfortable in your palace. :-) Looking forward to your next transmission!!
  13. Char is spot on. Unless you see Star reach down and rip out a beak full of feathers, it's not plucking. Your a normal fretful Parront. :-) We are all that way!!
  14. chezron wrote: We have the same type of wood slatted blinds as you describe through out our house. Both our birds are attracted to the slats and the cords, especially chewing on the knobs the strings all are termintaed in. I can not tell you how many of those knobs I replaced before we decided to "Hide" them and the strings behind the slats as you described. They having been doing this for over 2 years, so I don't see a danger, unless you have you birds out and your not home. :-)
  15. I love the video and the assortment of foot toys the setup up you have as a play area. :-) I also noticed how Dixie promptly shushed your intruding finger away from HER play area. Good body language watching!! :-) Karma for sharing that video!
  16. Hi Tina and congratulations on your new CAG and the way Granny has influenced it!! It's GreYt to have you back and updating. It would be wonderful to see photos also. :-)
  17. LOL!! I believe Judy hit the nail on the head!! :-)
  18. Congratulations Ernzzz!!! Blue is a GreYt name and that photo of him or her shows a very beautiful Grey. :-) Thanks for sharing this moment with us and the photo.
  19. Welcome Hill!! It' GreYt having you here and congratulations on bring your first Grey home. It's a;ways wonderful to see someone take in a new Grey in need of a home. Judy gave a great answer on your Greys talking question. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your Grey when you get a chance. :-)
  20. I know Jack did pick up new words and sounds well after 2 years of age. However, that was 20 years ago and I can not be certain when or if he seemed to ever stop picking up new ones. I can say however, the sometimes fire hose type poops squirting out from the soft diet, left a long lasting memory as they hit walls and stained the carpet. :pinch:
  21. Very cute photo of Misty. :-) They certainly do love Ice Cream! Thanks for sharing this photo.
  22. What a cute baby Mynah, congratulations!! Mynahs are wonderful birds. We had a Greater Indian Hill Mynah from the time it was weaned until it's death at 11 years old. We purchased it right after we were married and I must say it kept us and our children laughing constantly. Although, when our first son was born, the competition between the our son crying and "Jack" imitating him kept us on our toes.....never knew which one it was, if in the same room. You are in for a huge treat, as I'm sure you already know. :-)
  23. Oh Zandische, that one lead could definitely be Athena. When Jake flew the 2nd time and was found 9 days later. The people actually responded to my Craigslist email. It took 3 days to convince them that he was Jake and I would be there to get him the next day. The wife and family of course had become "Attached" to him and I could tell she did not want to let him go. In fact she left the room when I said "Well, I better get him in to his carrier". Her husband was the one pushing for "Doing the right thing". I would really bug that petshop owner and hunt down the person that found an African Grey. If there aren't many in your area and no others have been reported missing, the odds are that it is Athena. I'm praying and hoping this turns out in the final end of this lead,that Athena is brought back home with you. :-)
  24. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That's hilarious. The one time Dixie wasn't crying wolf...perfect context and true understanding of what it meant!! You do know though, that she could have done it herself. She just wanted to watch you and hubby freak out. More karma for the morning laugh!!
  25. Dayo only uses my voice. I do know I have read others on here state their Greys use different voices. It's rare (I think) that they develop their "Own" voice. They normally use the persons voice identically that they have decided on. Do you have a child that comes over or perhaps talk in a higher than normal pitched voice at times? Unless of course they are just horsing around. My wife said she was chopping up some raw Coconut (Dayo LOVES it) Wednesday and He started a song of his own singing (never done before) like a child "Ieee LoOooOoove CoOooOocOoooOoonut MMmmMMmmMMMMmMMMmmmMMMMmmmm.." This is a GreYt topic. Karma to you for starting it. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/15 16:15
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