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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hahahahahahaha, they keep you on your toes don't thye and do it with a laugh of complete satisfaction. :-) Thanks for sharing this GreYt story.
  2. jamalbirdbiz wrote: NEVER WEAR GLOVES to interact with your Grey!! Thats the owrst advice I have seen given. It would ruin the trust and relationship very quickly.
  3. At 12 years old she could be a little hormonal. She obviously has taken a liking to you and is letting you know that. However, being so mature and set in many ways. You are going to need to keep her on the program she is used to of sitting on her cage door and chilling. As you know, if you interrupt her routine, a bite will let you know thats not what she wants right then.. Just spend more time letting her chill while you talk to her and go about normal things in the room. She will get used to you and feel more secure each day as she learns you are not a threat and that perhaps more out of cage time and closer interaction is welcomed if she so desires. Just go slow, she is very new to you home with only 5 or so days there. :-)
  4. Welcome Dutch!!! Looking forward to hearing how the "Misting" went with your Grey. It will not resolve the dry skin issue over night, but will certainly help. You will need to learn the method your Grey is must comfortable with, if any. :-) Do you have any background on this Grey? Perhaps the previous owners could give you good pointers on how they performed this. Also, if she's only been there a few days, you just need to build trust with her in the new surrounding s and people and or critters. Looking forward to hearing how this goes. :-)
  5. As others have mentioned. Just open the cage and let him come out on his own. There could be many dynamics at work here between the new bird and perhaps people in the house. Being left in the cage is just frustrating him more. How long is he out of the cage per day when you have let him out? Any new items added to the room or near the cage? Something definitely started this, if you have had a good relationship for 10 years with him. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/04 21:30
  6. The Microwave is perfectly safe as long as you follow the items mentioned by all the others that posted here. I use it for defrosting and heating up veggies and foods for my birds. The hotspots are well known and are over come by simply stirring and also letting cool until warm to the touch. My Grey learned a sentence over a year ago and says it every time I cook something in it.... "Just wait, it's Hot!"..."Just a minute!" He knows what HOT is and has used it to tell me when he becomes hot outside, he will say "Dayo Hot" ..."Wanna go inside". So my theory is between the brain power of human and bird, it can be safe. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/04 21:25
  7. Welcome Dave and Avy!! It's GreYt having you here. Nice photos of Avy. Thanks for sharing this and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  8. Congratulations!! Never knew a woman that could resist chocolate or a Grey. So you had a double whammy working against you.
  9. The others have given good thoughts. It does seem either something changed in the surroundings or you did something your Grey didn't like. Most would jump at the chance of getting out of that cage. They may not want help out sometimes. This changed as our grey grew older, but most times he will step up. But, unless something has changed, they normally want out. :-)
  10. Now you have a good reason to have another drink..... Harvey needs something to do.
  11. Congratulations on adopting a Grey! Normally a peep or beep when you walk by or in is a call to "Let me outta Here". :-) As others said, they usually have a favorite and since it's hasn't been too long, that could change to another person. All others will be at a different level of permissions with him and that may or may not include step ups or other interactions that only that one favored person can do. The others can expect a bite and must learn his body language and boundaries. Just have everyone try and offer treats and take part in giving food, cleaning cage etc. so your new Grey can see all as part of a functioning and happy flock. Looking of forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  12. Could have been food as was already suggested. Keep an eye on any behaviour changes or if it continues take him to a vet. He could have an ear infection resulting in a discharge.
  13. Julian Beever's chalk art is truly amazing and strikes awe in all those who happen to be fortunate enough to see it before it is washed off. I personally consider it art. :-) Link to more: http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/03 21:11
  14. Cool! Hopefully a few strobe lights and a disco ball will keep them away and things hopping along to the tunes of KC and the sunshine band. B)
  15. What a small world! I added them to my facebook friends yesterday. Their photos of Pippa says it all in being a love muffin. :-) Thanks for sharing your story. I can't believe Pippa is your neighbor!!
  16. They are pretty much fully grown at 16 weeks. They will gain muscle and bone mass which will add some weight. They will also have some feathers, especially primaries still gaining length until about 6 months of age.
  17. danmcq

    Cleo Update

    Thanks for the update on Cleo. She sounds like a happy and healthy Grey!!! :-)
  18. The photo show pure bliss on Spocks face. Even though he would deny any emotional expression whatsoever. ;-) Thanks for sharing these GreYt photos!! :-)
  19. Welcome Amy! I am so sorry to hear of the loss. I am with the others on the thought of perhaps bring her in and keeping her close to the family and "Flock". She will atleast feel like she belongs somewhere. :-) It may be hard to try and find a mate she would except, but you could try. Only you know your circumstances and how to best deal with this sad situation. I hope to hear more from you.
  20. The others have all given good comments. A Grey is fully grown by the time they are about 16 weeks old. Their feathers will continue to grow, especially their primaries in length and they will start putting on more a little more weight from muscle and bone density increases. My Grey weighed only 427 on average during and after weaning and fledging. Over the course of his first year, he slowly but surely gained weight to reach a maximum average of 470. As others have said, your grey is fine and just on the smaller end of the spectrum. Which in reality, Greys under 500 are on the smaller end while those 501 up to 650 are the larger Greys. :-)
  21. Sindbad wrote: Wow, sorry to hear of the fear issue of Sinbad you are now dealing with. They react just like any flock or herd member to one becoming upset. All start reacting and become fearful of whatever alarmed the first. They also remember what that danger was and the call to alarm the initiating member used to communicate that danger. I suspect as you were passing by and said "No" again, which is very similar to the first alarm in nature, he alerted and reacted based on that first "Call to Danger" by you, his flock member. So it brought back all the intensity of that first moment. This will pass in time as you continue to just assure him all is ok, as you have been doing. It just takes time for them to sort all that mental and emotional input out before they come to the conclusion you and the surroundings are completely safe.
  22. Thats wonderful, they are entertaining while actually stating something that has meaning at the same time. :-) So, did Dave go and let Charlie out? Now, thinking of the movie 2010 with HAL, "what are you doing Dave?" ;-) Thanks for sharing this!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/03 14:29
  23. Congratulations on Chimay's first words and sentence!! :-) Now, you know he was questioning the fact of whether you can truly whistle, since he had to learn the human language to correct you.
  24. What a nice video of his first trip. He was in such awe, that he could only just gape his mouth open in wonderment. :-) Thanks for sharing this first of many!!
  25. Sounds like you and Harvey had a GreYt time! Thanks for sharing this outing with us. :-)
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