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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I ditto Go Diego's thoughts on wood shavings, just use paper in the tray. I also did not quite get the last question regarding tail feathers. I assume you are how long before those little red dots grow into the full tail feathers?
  2. How true Ray, I would love to hear the stories you have to share and see photos and videos when you have time.
  3. How profound and very true! Our empathic Greys are a reflection of our feelings, much like a mirror that could reflect the soul.
  4. Well with a mother that sings as well as you, she was inspired to fill the air with the beauty as well, following in mums footsteps. I would love to see a video of that as well.
  5. That was and is one of my greatest fears of a movie about Alex and Me. We just have too many people watching you tube as it is. They run out, buy a parrot, then get pissed at this bird that poops all over the house, chews on everything it can, bites if you try to turn it into a cuddly puppy dog and needs a diet prepared that takes as much time and money as cooking for your human family. Next thing you know, that parrot is either in a rescue or dead.
  6. You said there is a discharge from the eye, yes that is bad. The bruised area looks very bad as well and swollen to me.
  7. Wonderful updates. Pippa is certainly flourishing under your care. I love hearing of her antics,
  8. Sounds like a great list, I'm sure all will go well.
  9. The eye looks terrible and if it's running, it is serious. I am certain the instant your mother see him an avian vet visit will take place right away. Is it possible to let your mom know ahead of time so you can call and get the visit schedules asap? I cannot stress the need for this grey to be seen asap.
  10. danmcq


    The others have all given GreYt comments on you Greys learning flight. He is already getting it from your description. The landing skills and proper slow downs will come through trial and error.
  11. Wonderful photos and introduction. They both have a wonderful playground and owners. It always brings a smile to me when I see two grey's flourishing in a warm and loving environment. Thanks for posting this and looking forward to hearing and seeing more from you.
  12. Welcome Nikki and flock!! Now I am going to go find those photos.
  13. Welcome back Toria and flock! Loved the photos. I look forward to hearing and seeing more from you.
  14. Jay and Jane have given good responses. As they said, it is normal interactions for reunited members that knew each other in their previous home. The let down of Elvis watching long lost buddy ride off into the sunset did of course upset him and thus the response you observed. Normal visitations like you described by weeks or days apart are fine. There is a chance if you home two greys that like each other that much, that they could interact with one another more than you. This is never 100 percent for certain, each situation and bird is different as in Jane's case. Loved the photos.
  15. Well the biting would be more likely to occur if you try to cage him after your guests arrive. I always cage Dayo before those avian uncomfortable guests get there. I also use his favorite foods like apples, grapes, walnuts etc. as a treat for him in his cage to have him go in willingly and happy to be there.........well until the guests arrive, he wants to be out with the visiting flock so bad he is like a wee child jumping up and down and running around in circles. When I take him out, he is not vengeful at all, but very focused on doing an aerial survey through all rooms to see if any guests are still there. The only door safety, is when Dayo is out, everyone backs out of doors. If we have guests that are leaving, I or my wife always has Dayo with us or on a stand we watch like a hawk. The family and guests all back out of doors as well knowing the birds are out when leaving and pretty much just do it out of habit now.
  16. Sorry for the full PM box. I get so much hate PM's that I needed to delete many. So hey everyone, you'll not receive a "Box Full" now so you can resume the hate PM's Anyway, yep Dayo is exactly like that with familiar family and unfamiliar people. He will be very interested in them and if they have it...food. I try to stay outsider friendly, so when certain ones comes visiting for dinner, I cage Dayo. It is the only way to keep him and some visitors safe and not annoyed with one another. It kills me to cage him, but I must learn some balance and thats one of the things we need to do to maintain good friendships with some that we wouldn't want to lose. I have the same issues with my Dobermans, some people are so afraid of them, that I put them in the bedroom or outside when some people visit. Dayo considers everyone that enters the house a flock member and sharing space and food with one another is expected. I love he is like that and try to encourage those that may become annoyed to atleast interact with him a little from outside the cage if the opportunity arises. They cannot ignore him or forget he is in the house anyway, due to thie Hello's, How are you's and wolf whistles, many times if eating he will be bellowing Mmmmmmmm Enchilcadas, lets get some apples and grapes, wanna peanut... which normally invokes laughter and questions. I hope this type of activity and limited interaction causes a change in mind sets and appreciation for just how wonderful, intelligent, vocal and sensitive these magnificent creatures are and why we are the way they see us. So it does seem Dayo and Issac are probably from the same flock in Africa that frequents the native pubs and shoots the bull with the locals.
  17. I'm with the others on going back to the avian vet to ensure nothing else is amis and that the airsack infection has been resolved.
  18. Hi Jack, it's GreYt to see you back here again giving you wize advice.
  19. My Grey would not touch a pellet until around a year and a half old. We have purchased and offered pellets of Harrisons and Zupreme varieities. He will occasionally pick a harrisons up and eat it, with most of it crumbling to pieces. he will eat a zupreme once in a while as well. So, basically we go through a couplr bags of harrisons and zupreme a month (1pounders) we toos out probably .99 pouns of each and I figure .1 pound was eaten. But, we continue to offerthem, but I do know that he receives all the vitamins, minerals fatty acids and protiens from the very broad and generous diet he eats each day, along with outdoor sunshine and indoor avian lighting. I will say, he loves the harrisons birdy bread though, which he does not realize has the same ingredients basically and we through in a few tablespoons of Red Palm Oim in the mix as well. I just cannot come to the conclusion that he should be on a pellet, when he can have a very broad and enjoyable diet of literally hundreds of good tasting fresh stuff. He seems to enjoy the variety and thus we continue providing it. I guess I went the long way around of basically saying, no he doesn't really like or eat pellets.
  20. If Dr. Pepperberg is advocating the making of this movie and it provides funds to continue more research, I am all for it. But, until she actually makes a statement publicly regarding this movie, I will remain cautious. If the true essence of Alex and Me can be captured, with perhaps even a cameo appearance by her and perhaps one of her other greys like Griffin much more credibility for this movie would be gained.. I appreciate your follow-up post. Please understand, we all have followed Dr. Pepperberg and Alex for years and as you can see by the forum name and the Greys we own, we are very protective in many aspects. I cannot begin to say, how many people are out there with their hands out asking for money by pulling at our heartstrings, so we are cautious and perhaps phobic much like our Greys.
  21. Shades Of Grey, do you work for Bobbi? Sorry couldn't help it. I own the book as well and it does do a GreYt job of covering all the important facets and considerations one should ponder and research further. Please just use my paypal account for my kick-back on this totally unsolicited positive comment. In all seriousness, it is a good read.
  22. I heard they never truly die, they arise again like the Phoenix, thus the brilliant red tail. So I figure my Grey is at least 15,000 years old, but born again 3 years ago.
  23. I had initially thought about deleting this, but the comments and questions made by all who have contributed here, just may help a person from just laying out some money that at a quick glance, sounds wonderful. However, if it is felt it should be deleted, I will... just let me know. I posted this publicly so all that wishes to can have a voice in it.
  24. Has Dr. Pepperberg endorsed this? I have never heard of a "Movie" producer asking for donations, something is very wrong with this post. When I donate, it is to a foundation that helps our avian friends, not a movie that for some reason needs financing and may never make it to a first cut. I would advise all NOT to fall for this.
  25. Hello Waloos. I am uncertain of how you know mowlis mom, but those are some fairly strong accusations, that none of us ofc ourse couls substantiate. I don't think anyone is praising her. I would like to strangle breeders that give these baby chick to people, plus as you say, it is against the law in many states. I am actually surprised this baby has made it out of a brooder.
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