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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The continued progress is good to hear. You are such a great Parront.
  2. Thats great news and it's good to hear the salt is working as well.
  3. danmcq

    Cheese Nips!!

    Dayo likes a cheese-it or nip now and then as well. AS Talon said, moderation of such foods is the key. he also likes a low salt Ritz with super chunky peanut butter as well, again in moderation.
  4. What a sad short story that link contained. Plucking is not normally caused by disease and a vet visit as others have said would be the first priority. Quarantining in a separate room is always a good practice. If you have the means, time and love to share with this grey, it would be great.
  5. On the Subject of Cognition. My 3 year old Grey can count to 10, Identify the quantity correctly 80 percent of the time and understands the concept of zero. The cognitive abilities of not just birds, but also many other animals is just starting to be understood completely. He has a vocabulary of 300+ words (I quit counting) uses them in complete sentences and creatively creates sentences of his own in context and correctly, when he is not simply rambling to himself as practice. The point of my comments is not to compare to humans per say, but to ensure all understand that creatures as a whole, are cognitive of much more than we humans have attributed to them. Many studies have been and currently are under way on the cognitive abilities of many animals. I will say again, having a "Young" parrot and yes even my dobermans, reminds me many times of my children when they were 0 to 5 years old. Not so much in cognitive abilities, but the innocent and lively personalities they have and are like sponges at times, like walls at others and when quiet you better go see what they are getting into.
  6. Oh ok. I suspect as Dave and others said, they will grow back. The poor baby, it sounds like an atrocious clip job.
  7. Dave gave a great response as always. This may be a request you could not do, but if your bird would let you spread a wing out and snap a photo quickly, it would help Dave in seeing what your describing. If those primaries were clipped all the way to the actual socket and it damaged the sockets (Which would have been VERY painful) it could affect the outcome.
  8. I am the same as Birdhouse on this question. My Birds both play on the floors of their respective cages. You certainly do not want them tromping around in bird poop.
  9. Good posts Jay and Kaleah. I guess some people just cannot enjoy and smile at a simple and innocent comment regarding our birds accomplishments.
  10. Did you stick the note on Sully's cage while he wasn't looking and then run away? Sweet letter and I totally enjoyed reading it.
  11. Great photos. Judy is right on. Just keep taking him back to the perching area. It will not take him long to figure out how far he can get and where things are. Once he does that, you won't see him run into much unless he misjudges while trying a new spot to attempt a short jaunt to.
  12. Hmmm, this is rather an odd comment. My Son's are grown and I have Grandchildren. Obviously I stated the age range for people to picture or remember wee babies running around trying to mimic their parents..... In regards Autism, for those that may have such a child, it is no laughing matter and should not be used in jest, in my opinion.
  13. Great posts all! DrTak - Boric Acid, thats a new one I hadn't heard. I have read many good control of various types of insects using Diatomaceous Earth sprinkled down as well. Are you familiar with it as well? Never had to use any of these yet, but it would sure be good to know the safest and most effective treatment should it ever occur, since I have dogs.
  14. Don and DW- LOL at the "No Bark!". Kaleah - Thats wonderful, great progress in making her feel so comfortable! Your right, their intellect and cognitive abilities are amazing. Just like having a young 3 to 5 year old human child running around jabbering away.
  15. Well, there are a couple of dynamics taking place here, 1) They are feeding off each other screaming wise (Big fun and something to do). 2) A Grey will make contact calls over and over if they cannot see their flock, namely you. 3) If you react be saying no and going in to shush him, it is a reward and the frequency and intensity will increase. If possible, I would take your grey with you into the room you are, either in a smaller cage or on a T-Stand if he will stay there and not bother you too much. I am certain others will chime in with their thoughts and ideas as well.
  16. Just hang in there and wait. The average age they say their first word is around 12 to 14 months old. The key is, as others said to use words associated with items and actions consistently. Like Apple, Walnut, Almond, Grape, Water, Hello when you enter, see you later when you leave etc. They will associate the consistency with each and use them if they think it is something import they wish to be able to communicate. Just hang in there. Also, It's great to hear you would love him even if he never uttered a word.
  17. Your fine and Murphy can not catch your cold. Fortunately viruses that affect humans do not affect birds and vice-versa.
  18. I would recommend getting her to an avian vet asap if you have had her a long time, the diet didn't include too much watery veggies or fruit etc. and just changed. The fact that you see a change in behavior could be an indication that she has been sick for a while. As you probably know, they hide illness well and obviously you have been watching the poops for a while to recognize something is wring with it. If you stop feeding veggies, fruit and just let her consume the normal diet I would assume of pellets, seeds, nuts legumes etc, It should go away rapidly. But again, as I said, I suspect something more is amiss. How is she acting that indicates all is not well?
  19. It's great to hear Kopi is doing better each day. Thanks for the updates.
  20. Dayo LOVES fresh coconut. A bitter tase is odd as Azzie said though. Did you scrape/peel the the thin lining off the meat? Did you notice any mold spots on the thin lining? I shake them to make sure they are as full of milk as possible and even then, sometimes once cracked open I find mold at times and just toss it. The shells once cleaned thoroughly do make a great toy part(s).
  21. Lilly is beautiful, congratulations!!! Thanks for all the photos and I am looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more.
  22. Welcome Mark and Bambinoi! Your new Grey is going to be very cautious for a while, new home, person etc. Just move slow around him and the cage, do not introduce any new toys at this time and if there are toys in the cage you notice Bambino is sitting far away from and cowering, remove them. The best thing you could do right now is exercise patience and sit next to the cage while you watch TV or listen to tunes or read. Bambino will come around and become comfortable with you closer in his timing. In regards having to feed 30mm of a multi-vitamin mix, that is not needed. Your grey is fully grown and a diet of pallets, seeds, nuts, plenty of healthy veggies (See our food room) will endure he has all he needs diet wise. It would be best to feed what the pet shop was and slowly start introducing various veggies and fruits, along with some nuts and perhaps some pellets and cooked legumes. Unless he was diagnosed by an avian vet to be vitamin or mineral deficient, it is dangerous to give them as they can cause toxicity. each grey is different. It is advisable though, that they sleep in a darkened and quite room. Some prefer a cage cover, some don't. You will need to see what he likes. Just leave a little nigh light on at night so it is not completely blacked out. They cannot see in the dark at all and become fearful in most cases. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  23. Sully will develop many favorites as time progresses. At such a young age, yes they normally have "One Favorite". When Dayo was that young, his was also a small knotted rope foot toy with small wooden blocks on it. They do love untying knots. With ropes it's a little harder for them because he knots are large. I have pieces of leather about 12 inches long that I tie many knots in and he loves grabbing it and untying them all. The I just tie a bunch of knots in it again. As they age and gain confidence and coordination, they have favorite larger toys as well., like Judy said. Dayo also has several large bell toys hanging from chain suspended around the house and in his cage. He likes nothing better than to bash them around and also hang from them as he flaps his wings, attacks it and spins in circles for a while. Theo f course, there are all the various types of wooden chew toys you can make or buy. They love destroying them.
  24. Don - Dayo said in a haphazard way "Lets make some Enchiladas", sometimes he must follow my example of mumbling lazily at times. Malika - We have two Doberman Pinschers namely Chole and Bentley. He speaks of them both at times and that morning last when I flimed this, Bentley was laying at my feet and Chloe was running around in the living room upset at some outside activity. I constantly warn Dayo of them as he has become "used" to them over the years and just gets too close at times. So I always get him before he becomes a possible snack by telling him "Chloe eat Dayo" or "Bentley eat Dayo"... BECAREFUL. he jabbers about them a lot at times and says things like "It's ok" Chloe or Bentley or "Bentley, GO ON!", "You Leave Dayo alone!"etc. When they bark at people passing by, he always hears me tell them "It's ok, be quite". He says this as well when they start barking at times. So, since they are a large part of the activities here, he makes them a large part of his conversations at times.
  25. GreYt work, keep it up. Kopi is a fighter.
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