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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. You are indeed a member! That area of the hand is so sensitive and a bad bite when delivers can cause a lot of damage. You and Kate will soon learn to offer the back of the hand with your fist balled up and thumb in so a bite cannot do any damage.
  2. I hope someone that is an experienced parrot owner does get that poor grey out of that pet store and gives him a forever home unconditionally. I think you are making a wise choice in finding a good breeder and getting a young grey.
  3. LOL - Yep, thats a grey for you.
  4. Well, Dayo just says NO!. If he is in attack mode towards something, he growls (never done this to us, but has to the dogs), and he will sometimes make a high pitched "Dink" if he is not liking what or where your going.
  5. I does sound like your grey experienced a seizure, seeing the vet asap is the best thing to do.
  6. Thanks for sharing this with us. I am glad it turned out well, as I was expecting to read after the blood portion on the wing, that he had broken it. He sonds like a nut case when momy is present with with aerobatics.
  7. Welcome lori, it's GreYt having you here! There is a ton of information here, as birdhouse provide one link that is very helpful. Ask all the question you wish and we look forward to hearing more from you.
  8. Welcome Thenabrd, it's GreYt having you here. Just go at the birds pace and see what she wants, likes, dislikes etc. If you have any background on her like her diet, schedules of in cage, out of cage time, preference for men or women etc., it will give you a good head start on things. One thing you should be aware of, is she is right in the middle of the terrible two's. This is when they start trying very hard to find their place in the world by exercising all the rights they can get away with. So be prepared to allow her some space and if she does not need to step up for example if it's just a request, not a necessity like she may be in an off limits area, then honor her right to decide at those times. Watch the conure, the have the heart of a lion and think they are as large as a Macaw. I have a peach front as well and he is fearless most times unless our grey just flat out gets tired of him and then goes after him with gusto flying all over the house after him . Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get them. You will find we have a very diverse spectrum of knowledge here and many people more than qualified and willing to help you along.
  9. There have been a ton of great responses in this thread to possibly address the issue and pinpoint it. Murphy sounds a lot like our grey Dayo. He does not like being in his cage and does not like being out of sight of the flock (Us). He will not volcalize human words when stressing over where I or Kim (his cuddle muffin) are in the house. He will make instinctive chirps and whistles which is contact calling. It is natural for them to produce and use these sounds when looking for the flock. They will never stop if he is shut in his cage. Our grey also paces and climbs all over his cage, rather than play with the many toys. He will eventually just settle down on his favorite roosting spot and just sit there. fluff up and either start nodding off or preen a little. Every grey is unique and it sounds like Murphy does not like being caged, which Dayo does not either. The difference though, is Dayo wants to be where one of us are. Especially Kim. If she is home and Dayo is with me, he is constantly looking and contacting calling for her or trying to see or hear where she may be. I suspect since she is basically his chosen mate, it is only natural that they stick together like glue and do all things together. Their relation is a step above the flock relationship in that sense. I will say, Dayo is always ignored when contact calling, never yelled at nor do we get exasperated with it, it is natural and those that have a bird like this, must just learn to accept that it is what they do as a flock creature.
  10. Very cute, it brought a smile. There is no doubt they know what they are saying, so you are "The Best".
  11. You wanted a talker, he is complying. He is just following your lead of constantly saying it over and over and over and over and over.....
  12. Then since we are all family here, .......(((I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU FEEL LIKE A REAL PART OF IT)))).
  13. Yep, it is that time of year and this will be the biggest, since it is his first. YOu will probably be able to fill a pillow with all those feathers. Dayo's cage bottom has many feathers each day... Nice photos, thanks for sharing them.
  14. Hi Judy, sure I can. I will start with acknowledging that everyone has different opinions, so if I do, I do not mean to step on anyones toes. #1 - Their promoting of wing clipping. #2 - Articles on biting and basically blaming it on the owner, as if a parrot will not bite, they will. #3 - Food recommendations - They always promote pellet diets as if they are the be all end all. They are not and most of us know that. #4 - There views and recommendations on behavior modification. In my view, many of the contributors to these articles are "writers", not really experienced and well qualified bird experts and the promote the continued myths that are all over the internet. I just got to where I would look at the great pictures in the centerfold, then toss them. So when my subscription came due about 6 months ago, I just didn't renew.
  15. All good observations and comments. Both my birds will hold until they realize they are not getting out until some future time. They will then relieve themselves in the same spot which is normally near or in a corner consistently to avoid getting poop anywhere else in their cage. It is natural for them to avoid (If they can) messing in there sleeping hole. I have read, but never observed a bird that would hold therir poop all day for 12 to 16 hours as described here. That is certainly not good for their health at all. Perhaps over time you can break him of that habit by not taking him out of his cage immediately or on any scheduled time (They know what time it is) so he can never just assume you will be letting him out for his morning poop at say 7am. They become very accustomed to schedules.
  16. Grates in here as well on our bird cages for all the same reasons already stated.
  17. If you serve heated food, just dip a spoon in the RPO and grab a 1/4 teaspoon then mix it in with the warm food. Judy and Big Squishy gave good advice also if you need to drip it on pellets or other dry food.
  18. Good bird inc. and Parrots are excellent. I used to recommend bird talk, but after a few articles that were way off base and full of bad advice, I stopped subscribing to it.
  19. Welcome and Bodhi sounds like a Bodacious and highly intelligent Grey that has blossomed under your loving care. You will be shocked at jsu how intelligent they are as time progresses. Thanks for joining this forum and sharing your experience with him.
  20. GreYt having you here Gail and flock! I look forward to seeing those photos and hearing more from you.
  21. The most important thing you can do, is NOT respond to it in any way, as you probably know from your previous experience with a Grey. That is some baggage Chachi came with and obviously enjoyed hearing the previous owners go nuts and scream back. At least it's not curse words. I have no doubt it is nerve racking, but with time, love and patience, you will overcome it. That is the reward for taking in a Grey in need of a home due to the previous owners failure and disregard for these sentient creatures intelligence and sensitivity. You get to help and watch them become a friend once again to the human flock and learn that we are not all jerks and morons.
  22. Welcome Jessie, it's GreYt having you here. It sounds like you know what you want, have done the research and I am positive you will find the right breeder. Right now there are many Grey chicks hatching and you should be able to get one and hopefully visit as it goes from infancy to a weaned and fledged young grey ready to go home. It is a wonderful experience if you are able to visit as they grow.
  23. Congratulations, you have a normal Grey!!! They hold no grudges as you see, if none were justified, which I know with you, no way. Issac is growing up and you will have more episodes like this. They get some type of either pleasure, amusement or perhaps just their message across since their request is being ignored. He got your attention. Dayo is very sneaky, quick and then BAM got ya. Many times milliseconds afterwards he wil say WOOooooooooo, Hahahahahahaha. I honestly believe he is playing some type of game or perhaps just gets satisfaction out of being faster than Daddy sometimes. He never does this to his cuddle muffin... my wife. I am more like the guy friend that he loves to play and rough house with. I will say, placing him in the cage for this and firm no's never stopped it. Perhaps because this particular type of "Play" is not considered by him to be a "Bad Bite". He knows when he has bitten and did so because he did not want to move or I took an off limits item away from him. he goes in the cage and then many times once in it, he will say "No bite Daddy". He will will say that if he was doing one of his "Play" bites. Your baby is growing up and he will continue to mature and change, as you know.
  24. Hi Heather and thanks for sharing this entertaining video with us. I truly enjoyed it and it seems that the Anna Bella is now casual enough with the video shooting to let you get some more of these.
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