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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Loved it! Biscotti likes peanut butter, so does Dayo! Loved his BIG SNEEZE Hahahahaha, can't imagine where he got that from. "Who did that?".... won't mention what that was related to... Is Anny your dog? "Don't be scared, Mommy got yer back"..love this. Does Biscotti enjoy looking at pictures with you? Biscotti is a very accomplished talker and fun to listen to. Thanks for sharing this.
  2. OK, thanks for the photos upclose of the door and cup holder. It seems that your square tubing does not cover the edge of the bowl enough when the door is closed to stop it from being lifted up and tossed. Get a thin walled as possible "L" bracket. Drill 2 small holes through the cage square tubing and correspondingly in the "L" bracket. Get matching stainless screw and nuts and bolt it on. This will be above the bowl when you close the door and keep the bowl in place regardless of the effort to lift it out unless the door is open. This is what I have in mind, but thinner walled and only say 1" x 1" that you coul dpick up at your local hardware store. http://www.shortrunpro.com/reinforcing_angle_bracket_101096_ps_vhv46698ytw_vhv39ytw_vhv1ytw_vhv20ytw.aspx
  3. Your baby grey is doing great! It is wonderful to see them kept flighted!! Thanks for sharing this video.
  4. Good find for you! We use various items that keep the birds away from forbidden areas. I must say though, most are only a fear inducer for 2 months maximum, then it's time to search for another monster/predator/scary thingy.
  5. Right now, Quinn is just experimenting with contact calls, sounds and whistles. Those first always by instinct to survive and interact with the flock (you and household members). On average, talking starts around 12 to 14 months, should they decide to do so. Some never speak human, but do very well at conveying their needs and desires through whistles, sounds and body language. Just enjoy this baby time.
  6. LOL! It would be much easier for me to listne the one or two things or Grey does not get in to.
  7. It clearly sounds to me like many times he is referring to a "bobo", maybe a presious do? Something about a phone then the beep as if turning the phone off, bodily noises. and table I think as already mentioned. Talking so fast it's hard to keep up with. Thanks for sharing this. I would love to lsten to some more.
  8. Yeah, Actually, we only make meatloaf once or twice a year. He just picked it up a 2 weeks ago, now he wants meatloaf everytime we tell him we're going to make enchiladas or spaghetti etc. He always say's back "Mmmmm Meatloaf" putting in his vote for what dinner he wants.
  9. Just keep an eye on him, since you say he is acting, pooping and eating normally. It may have been regurging for you, as you suspect.
  10. Everyone has given great advice. Greys for the most part are fearful of new things like toys regardless of size. If I bring home a toy that is dissimilar to say a wood block toy or rope toy, it will sometime times take 3 to 4 weeks of him just looking at it across the room before he will touch it. There is one small toy ( A tiny furry mouse) that will generate a scream every time he see's it within two feet. I just through it away after a year. There are toys they may not be afraid of, but just do not like the texture of, for example Dayo HATES the texture of sisal rope and will have nothing to do with it even if it has his favorite blocks and bells attached. No big whoop, I just discard what he does not like. The most important thing, as others said, is to introduce new items at a distance so they can get used to the look of it, then slowly move it closer to the cage or even closer to a play area until they decide to reach out on there own and explore it.
  11. Just keep talking as you already are as you walk by, do things, describe things etc. It does not take "Training". They pick up sounds, whistles and words etc. all on their own. My grey has never learned any whistle, song or sound listening to a sound clip or recorded media. If you can't whistle, don't sweat it. Your Grey will evolve many on his own. Some Greys never utter a word. But, regardless of whither they talk human or not, they are sensitive, intelligent and empaths that are without equal in my book. I did not at first think Dayo was going to speak. He did not say his first word until he was between 12 to 14 months old. Rather than fret, just enjoy the privilege of sharing a home with a Grey.
  12. Dayo just talking away again, this time beeping as if he is calling/ansering on the phone. He says some crazy things like Talk to the meatloaf". I think I will wait a while before I let him speak with my customers. I just noticed, Dayo is saying "See my Shadow" and his shadow is actually casting upon the wall behind his cage.
  13. I loved all these photos of Aristotle. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. It is always wonderful to see a rehomed Grey do so well and be loved so much!!!
  14. The others have made good comments. It's good to hear you got a job and will have the extra income you need. Your flock will adjust to the hours/days as you do. You will find that they are aware of days/schedule and will be anxiously waiting for you to let them out on weekends for a full day/evening of out of cage time. You'll be surprised how fast they adjust.
  15. What a wonderful update and with photos! Congrats on your new TAG as well. It is great hearing from you. Hopefully you may be able to squeeze in another update every so often.
  16. This is a huge step forward in your relationship with Willie!!! The first actions you describe of him just applying pressure and scaring the hell out of you was funny to me as well, so I laughed along with Willie. The "Whats a matter?" was truly because it puzzled him that you became upset at a gentle beaking indicating he was not wanting to go to his cage I suspect. The rest of your story and conversation just goes to show how intelligent these greys and are it's wonderful that you paid attention to what he was saying, requesting etc. and responding in ways that assured him you knew what he was asking and going along with his little first real adventure guided by none other than himself. I have a feeling you two are going to have a very wonderful life together.
  17. Loving these posts, it's great reading!
  18. Greys whistle and make sounds by instinct starting when they are very young. Whistling back to them as a contact call so they know your still around is what they do in the wild as well. I did start whistling tunes to Dayo from the time we brought him home at 16 weeks old. It did not retard his speech abilities at all. He started using words at 12 to 14 months old. He now has a vocabulary of over 400 words and phrases and picks up a new word in 1 day if it's important to him. I love hearing him just sit, fluff his feathers up and make up his own whistle tunes he made up and also others he has memorized I have taught him. The most hilarious tunes he made up have sound effects intertwined in them as well. The down side? Well I don't think Dayo would be a good candidate to ever live in an apartment complex. Unless the tenants next door, above or below like listening to pretty loud whistling.
  19. I love these! I hope everyone keeps this going. It is very entertaining to read!
  20. Thanks Janet! I love the way he responds to "Want a Drink?" and just sits and lets you soak him.
  21. Thanks or sharing this video. She certainly does enjoy her baths!!! I wish Dayo was like that, it would make bath time a very less stressful experience for him.
  22. African Greys in general do not like "Baths". In the wild, they of course must put up with a "Shower" since they do live in or near a rain forest area. However, african greys observed in the wild, generally will only sit under the leaves of a tree and stand like a penguin with all feathers tight and beak up vertical. Most do not open the feathers to allow the rain to soak their skin. Senegals are know to love baths and have a great time much like a south american parrot. Cape parrots in africa are much the same way and are seen getting thier bellies wet while dropping in for a drink of water near streams, but they are not as anti-water as the african grey species.
  23. Dayo as many other greys, uses words in sentences at times that just make you bust out laughing. I will start this thread with a few examples of his creativeness. 1) We have always told him we're going to "get his butt" as we touch his tail and also in a different setting when he is hanging upside down we tickle his belly which he loves and say "tickle your belly". He uses both, but he also made up his own... "Tickle your butt". 2) He loves many food items and types which he talks about a lot when it's close to a meal time. He also talks a lot as if he is on the phone (I know he picked this up due to sitting behind me on his stand while I am working in my office and answering phones/talking to customers). He will make a phone sound as if he just pushed the button which makes a beep sound, then he will talk. He will say hilarious things like "Hi Meatloaf" then "bye bye" and the beep hanging up. These are just two of many things that leave us rolling on the floor. I would love to hear others funny/goofy phrases their greys have made up.
  24. I must have missed that video of ana grey. I would love to see it and another if you have a chance to get it. I am one of the many unlucky grey owners that do as Dave suggests with soaking Dayo whether he wants a bath or not.
  25. Good to hear you figured it out once it became light.
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