Things are getting bad for us. I have been looking for second job and so has the husband and we have not found anything.
We have got to make cut backs so we can stay afloat.
Please drop me as mod or hire a new I have no idea when Ill have internet back.
God Bless You All
Ok I am going to let this run till the tie is broken. So if you have not voted get your vote in NOW. Please and thank you.
11 votes come on you all we can do better.
What! not crochet? Have you gone mad? lol
Yes the contest is clean so please everyone revote.
Cagal I taught myself with books but now there are free crochet tuts on youtube so learning is much easier now.
Sorry took me so long to get to this. Been on a crochet binge. lol
This is where you go to vote.
And here are the choices.
4. <br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/08/08 03:12
This pole well be up till August 15th.
The names are spelled right. The name is to go with her female Delilah.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/08/08 00:56