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Everything posted by judygram

  1. No Dan I am at work this week, I didn't work last Thursday or Friday, I am a little better but not over it by far, so yes I did spend more time those two days but not now.:ohmy:
  2. Thats one thing for sure, no kid of mine will get to lick my nose LOL I'll walk around the house with a T-shirt on with bird poop on it all day but would never wear one with my kids poops on it, I would have changed it for sure.:woohoo:
  3. Yes I'm still sick, this stuff does not loosen it's grip very quickly I am afraid but I can feel improvement so there is hope for me yet.:unsure:
  4. Continue to work on the stepping up, she needs to learn that, just do it in short sessions, say 10 to 15 minutes tops at a time so she does not get bored of it. You are making progress tho it seems to you to be so slow but it takes time and lots of patience when working with greys. Oh boy you are falling fast aren't you, witnessing it firsthand will do that to ya.
  5. I'd say odds are that she will eventually start talking, they all start out mimicing other sounds and doing jibberish (thats what I call what they do)so yes talking will come soon after, just be patient.
  6. No I think you still need to work with Chico and not leave him alone for the time being. You don't have to necessarily get him out of the cage but talk to him and be there with him a lot so as to let him know that you are to be trusted. You are not the one who clipped his wings so he shouldn't associate you with that but he is perhaps a little mad or upset that he can no longer fly to get away from you and that is what you need to work on. This will take some time and patience but the rewards are great, offer him treats and read a book while beside his cage or play with some of his toys to interest him in that.
  7. Thank god it isn't too loud, that could get annoying:blink: real quickly but my guess is she will start talking soon so be prepared. :laugh:
  8. Hello Steve and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and George. Thats so sad that he was treated poorly before you got him but I bet he gets the royal treatment now. Yes if he was not handled much then he isn't going to be very tame but with a lot of time and work I think he will improve a lot maybe not like it would if you had gotten him as a baby but a long way for an adult grey to come. He sounds like he is an amazingly smart grey using words in context but then we already knew that but most people do not so they think wow you have a very smart bird. Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can. If you have some pictures of George you would like to share with us we would love to see him.
  9. We don't call ourselves a family for nothing, and feel free to join in the fun and mayhem if you like as I am one of the ringleaders on that part.:laugh:
  10. Don't you just love our little humor and wit we throw in for free here and I have heard that sound:sick: and don't care if I never hear it again, jeez:laugh: :blink:
  11. EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:sick: I agree that is much worse:sick: :laugh: :woohoo:
  12. The only concern about walking about on the floor is the poops they will leave, thats not very nice to be stepping in, eeewwww:S :laugh:
  13. If the house is comfortable then I don't see the need to use a hair dryer anyways, I just let Josey drip dry, of course she never gets just soaking wet as she won't go in the shower so I have to mist her. I didn't know that teflon was in a lot of hair dryers, that stuff is everywhere it seems.:ohmy:
  14. Some of the members greys love to walk around on the floor and some don't like the feel of being on the floor, maybe it is just thats its so low and they like being high up. I have also seen some of the members post pics that showed a ladder from the floor to the cage door opening so they can climb down and back up to the cage so they can come and go at their leisure. I get my Josey out on the floor from time to time and play with her on the floor and sometimes she sits on my shoulder or my leg and that is having the talons in a different position than around a perch. But yes it is important to vary the perches and such so that they have different positions to have their feet in.
  15. Josey talks and I also have a sun conure that does not talk but Josey imitates her scream:S but if I didn't have the sun conure I think she would talk anyway, I'd say that very few ever not talk at all.
  16. Hello Pegn53 and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Harley Jean, what a cute name. I'm sorry for you that Harley has chosen your sister as her favorite, but that is usually the way with a grey, they play favorites but you can still be a big part of her life. You be the one to give her the treats, that will at least put you in good graces with Harley. It sounds like you have all the bases covered and she is adapting well to her new home and the food situation sounds like a plan to me too. Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can. If you have some pictures of Harley you would like to share with us we would love to see her.
  17. They're all funny as all get out, even that old irish curse Siobhan:laugh: B)
  18. judygram

    Red Palm Oil

    Josey did not much care for the palm nut itself, but I haven't given up on that either, but with the oil at least I know she is getting some of it in her every day.
  19. Very good advice Berna and if anyone knows finches it is you. Good luck to you Yvette on bringing in those Java Rice finches, maybe you could share a couple of pictures with us of them after you get them.
  20. I agree, moves are never easy for them or for us either for that matter, but Angie will come thru it with flying colors I am sure if you implement the ideas and suggestions the other have given you. I too lie in bed at night making plans, some of my best plans have come that way.B)
  21. That would be a natural place for her to be for it is high up and in their mind the higher the better, maybe you have a photo of that you could share with us Hannah.
  22. Wednesday, March 19 and I wish this cold/flu would leave me alone, I have had enough:angry: But the sun is shining and it will get up to 60 degrees today so that is at least something bright but who cares when you are stuck inside all day. Hump day, so two days behind us and two more days to go to the weekend, family coming in for the Easter weekend, hope I feel up to it. Signing off this morning at 9 am DST
  23. Amy I love that picture of your bird in the bowl of macaroni, how cute is that:laugh:
  24. judygram

    Red Palm Oil

    I feed the red palm oil every day, I only use 1/4 teaspoon, I mix it in their morning oatmeal with a little baby food veggie, she eats it right up also.
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