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Everything posted by Talon

  1. My 3 all have the same cages as well, by the time you fill it with perches and toys, it magically becomes smaller! 😂
  2. ILeo, What a sad post...however you DID save Sukeis life...I’m sure he knows it, greys are very intuitive and understand feelings and thoughts in ways we can never know or understand. I think although he may remember, he has adapted to his forever life of love and affection you give him. I don’t think greys have the capacity to “wish” for a different life they may have know....they will remember it, but they won’t long for it like us humans do. The anger he exhibits is a feeling of frustration...he probably doesn’t know “why” he feels the frustration...just it’s feeling....well that’s my take on it for what is worth.. i cant thank you enough for keeping this place running...and anytime you get a second to post, I VERY much enjoy your thoughts. ❤️
  3. It’s difficult once they are full grown.
  4. Talon


    I do the same as the others.
  5. He is on 2 different antibiotics
  6. Thank you everyone. to am hoping for a happy outcome.
  7. Ollie said still,has his cast on, it’s really not healing ...they took the 3 pins out, and when they took the third pin out, a bunch of puss came out. They said he has a bone infection, but they don’t know exactly what kind. He is back in a cast, is on antibiotics every 12 hours for a month. He goes back in 2 weeks ,but it’s not looking good. They are afraid he might lose his leg..😔. Very sad situation...we are praying for the best.
  8. Happy New Year to all our family. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!
  9. OH MY! I am so saddened to hear this...I always enjoyed & looked forward to hearing from her....This is truly shocking! Please keep us posted, & send OUR condolences to her daughter & family.
  10. Amen..I for one, feel so honored & blessed to have the honor of becoming a part of Jay & Maggie's lives in whatever capacity this forum allows. My parrots, especially Nilah have a better life because of all you both have taught us here. For anyone who has an amazon, the lessons Jay & Ray have taught only enriched their lives in many ways. It can be a difficult parrot to have a relationship with, but done correctly, with love, understanding & patience as was taught to me here, my Nilah is a very happy welcoming member of my family. The sermon you have left us with, speaks the truth, but we always need to hear it & put things in perspective on occasion. May God Bless you both with Peace, Love & always know your greyfamily loves you...your posts will live on...just imagine how many fids & parronts you have yet to help...but will..<3 Thank you to all our welcoming family members here...you are very much loved & appreciated as well. The advice everyone gives helps so many...even us old members...God Bless Everyone. I am very thankful to have you all here..<3
  11. Well...I thought I would update....mostly as a teaching tool and a lesson to many of us. Ollie has been back to the hospital for an X-ray the end of November, they said he is healing very slowly, so 4 more weeks....well he went back last week for another X-ray...they said 3 more weeks. The reason for the slow healing? He got a bit spoiled when the injury happened, kind of stopped eating, so my son gave him his favorites..pistachios..well that’s all he wanted to eat for the past month of so...he’s not getting the proper nutrients in his Harrison pellets, thus slowing down the healing process the hospital said...so there’s a lesson in this for all of us.
  12. Oh Maggie...you know my thoughts and prayers are with you both daily. You are one brave woman..you just take it all in stride and stay strong for Jay. I can’t imagine the worry you live with on a co start basis. I know that God is watching over you both...love and strength to you both..and Thank you, Thank you for keeping us updated..I know it’s difficult for you to post..but it means a lot to your greyforum family and friends. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😥❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  13. Oh that is so precious...♥️ Thank you zmaggie for sharing and give Jay our love and best wishes 🙏🏻
  14. Greytness, how do you manage that in a day? 8 solos? Just curious how others mange. Lucky for me my three co exist although their not “friends”, they’re more like family that knows they have to co exist, but not necessarily like each other! Lol
  15. Talon

    Jayd and Maggie

    Hi everyone. Maghie has contacted me...they are having a difficult time. She is busy with her new nursing and caretaker duties, but is hanging in there ask best as she can, Jay is home on hospice care....not wanting to take the morphine, so he’s in a lot of pain...please say a prayer for them both...I wish them peace, and they are in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏻
  16. Talon

    Jayd and Maggie

    Due to the poor health a Jayd has been in...I am worried....Maggie has been unreachable...if anyone ...kitty kitty....knows anything, please let me know..❤️
  17. Aww...I remember these songs. My parents used to play this album at Christmas. Thank you for sharing, brings back some wonderful memories for me..❤️
  18. Happy Birthday Corky! May daddy bless you with lots of hugs, kisses and treats! Pic would be nice...hint hint...
  19. Just an update : Ollie had his first checkup and bandage change. Here's today's pics! The cone of shame which he manages to chew has to be replaced weekly.. $35 for one.. 🙄
  20. I’m leaning towards restricting membership, okayed by admins. This is getting difficult
  21. Here’s a video of Ollie. He is expressing his distaste at the thought of putting the cone of shame back on him after a couple of minutes of relief! AD816E9F-C6C8-4149-97F3-61DA3B2F5722.mp4
  22. Here is Ollie’s modified cage. The woos is covered with soft towels and soft perches arranged for him to rest against. I baby sat him today, he just s sits and rests his beak on the perch. I fed him apple and brought his water bowl over for him to drink. He’s very quiet abs sleeps a lot...probably the meds...
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