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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Happy Birthday! You are stunning! Hope you had a wonderful day! 17...wow!
  2. All of the above. Also, only rescue animals/birds allowed to be sold in pet stores, no more breeders,or puppy mil dogs,cats. Strictly rescues!
  3. I'm so very sorry.....Indian Ringneck is my "wish I could have bird, but never will"
  4. Another reason why Greyforums is better..and Facebook sucks...too many prima donners...imo
  5. I'm very sorry for your terrible loss. It really is nice to hear from you, I enjoy the updates, nutmy, you have a lot on your plate, hopefully things will calm down a bit.
  6. Vada has been home 2 weeks, what a joy! She's the sweetest girl ever!! I'm very lucky. The birds startle her when they fly off, but she has learned very quickly that they are a "no" and "off limits"....but I watch constantly when they are out. Nilah still perches on my hand while Vada cuddles on the couch at night. ❤️
  7. So jealous!. It's gonna be beautiful!
  8. No worries, as I said, we are tweaking out the bugs as we go. Glad it finally worked.
  9. It's in the tutorial. Go to your profile, click the little square box on the bottom left of your current avatar. There you have the option to change it.
  10. By all means, that should be his full time !! Very cute pics!!
  11. Talon

    Talon Rikki Nilah

  12. Talon


    From the album: Talon Rikki Nilah

  13. Oh yes! I pick her up a state away next Saturday! I will post more pics then, thank you!
  14. Now that you have seen our “exciting new look”, it should be somewhat familiar each time you log on. It is time to get started on a “ HOW TO THREAD” This is a tutorial to get you started, I will be adding to it as we go & more features may be added. As you may know, this site is still being worked on, tweaked as needed, & the settling in process will take some time, so please be patient.,… After logging in, you have some options, there are tabs at the top: BROWSE UNREAD CONTENT ACTIVITY CHATBOX GALLERY Hold your mouse over BROWSE & you have options to click on. Hold your mouse over ACTIVITY & you have options to click on. Click on UNREAD CONTENT for the lastest posts. UNREAD CONTENT is the latest posts only. If you click on the small bubble where it says the number of replies on that post, it will take you to the entire thread. Another way to see the latest posts if to click on the Grey Forums at the top, it will take you to the home page, you can scroll down to see the African Grey Forums which will list the rooms, look to the right on the room & in RED will be the latest post in that room, click on the RED post, & it will take you to the thread showing the latest post. Click on CHATBOX to see only the Chatbox. Click on GALLERY & you can see the albums of other members & make your own album where you can post pictures & videos. On the HOME page, if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you will see THEME, click on that & you have the option to change the “look/theme” of the forum. Anything you see in RED, you can click on & it will take you to that page. You just have to be adventurous & not be afraid to check out the new format. ? There will be updates here as things are added etc. REMEMBER: This is a work in progress, so please be patient with us while we work out the bugs & tweak it as needed. MOBILE FRIENDLY, for those of you like me who access this site mostly on my phone, it is very mobile friendly, which makes it very east to post pictures & videos directly from your phone, NO third party needed. PROFILE: Click on your profile & you will find many new options. You can now customize your Cover Photo. To change your Profile Picture, while on your profile, click on the small white square in the lower left of your profile picture, you have many options there. During the transition, many of the profile pics are elongated, you can simply upload a new photo & it will replace the one there. SEARCH THREADS: Now that all the “cancer” that was eating us alive prior to the conversion, you can now SEARCH for any topic dating back to the very first day of Greyforums. There is a lot of very useful information over the many years, so have some fun & search away! As always, THANK YOU for making our Greyt Family a wonderful one! We look forward to everyone settling in & starting new threads/Topics & posting pictures & videos!
  15. Wonderful to see you found your way back to our family. if you click on the Greyforums at the top, it will take you to the rooms, on the right in red is the latest post, if you click on that it will take you to the thread and show the new post at the bottom.
  16. Talon

    Shower Time!

    From the album: Talon Rikki Nilah

    Shower time for Nilah!
  17. From my cell phone, This is Vada, she a rescue from a kill shelter in Alabama, she's coming to me next Saturday night ?
  18. I just Ed added a video, but it still says uploading..
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