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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I will need to get new cages one day..I think the cost of SS cages equals the $$ spent replacing metal cages over time ...no? Okay, I just looked..I am wrong! lol
  2. Oops, I didn't check the link...I have it on my home computer..I will fix the link when I get home (at work, playing hooky)
  3. To All Our Older Members: I know many of our members that contribute these days are newer members and aren't familiar with one of our earliest members. For those of us that have hung in there for all these years......you may remember when we first joined (after jumping ship from another bird forum), there were only 3 rooms here. As a group, we have increased the rooms to what we have today. The membership was more like a family back in the day when we were all so active..being here every day all through-out the day.....those were fun times! We became a family and shared lots of ups & downs as we built this forum to the encyclopedia of knowledge it is today. We couldn't have done it without the fierce force from CeasarsDad. He was instrumental in the growth we've had here. He posted videos, ran contests & created a family forum. Although he never owned this forum (not for a lack of trying over & over) He really helped this forum take off, he assigned many a moderator & I as the Administrator. He was known for his African grey Ceasar (who Frank adored more than anything). He stopped posting several years ago as he lost Ceasar after his wife left the door open & he flew out never to be found again by the family. They live in Florida & it was always his hope that he was free or was found by a loving family...he was heartbroken & couldn't bring himself to come back here much after that. I have held off sharing this sad news for personal reasons......but today felt like it was time those who remembered him & loved him for all he contributed here, knew what happened to him. I am sad & sorry to tell you that Ceasarsdad (Frank) passed away last October at the age of 62 , after a year & half battle with a brain tumor (glioblastoma). This was one of the best videos he ever posted: http://www.greyforums.net/videos/state1.wmv<br><br>Post Of course the famous: Grey Owner, What do you look like? thread was started by Frank. There is much more he posted...his posts & advice and memories will live on forever here. Rest in Peace Frank, you will never be forgotten, you left quite a legacy here at this forum. ❤️
  4. Talon

    Vet question

    Just like my children, my parrots are never left alone with any stranger, even the vet. They understand and are comforted by you being there
  5. All 3 of mine came to me with clipped wings. I am a firm believer in allowing them the freedom to fly just like we have our legs, their wings are their legs...I have a tag that recently started plucking her legs and a little,of her chest. She is low on the totem pole and the others don’t allow her to get a lot of attention. She is the only one allowed out in the am while I get ready for work, and the last one to bed. I try and give her more attention, I know it’s stress related...but with work, my time is limited. Her place in the flock is a contributor to it I am sure. It saddens me..
  6. Talon

    Bird lights

    Really Ray? I never knew that. I do use uv lights, it’s the fixture I was concerned about.
  7. Talon

    Bird lights

    Best UV light for parrots? I have used Featherbrite for 13 years, in that time I have had to replace them about 5 times due to a burning of the wires that attach to the bulb socket burning So glad I noticed the smell when I was home and not at work....Suggestions please? I used a in light 1 time and Talon got her right eye sunburned because of it..
  8. I am very sorry this happened. My condolences. How devastated you must feel. Thank you for the warning so others may now know not to use these types of heaters.
  9. All 3 of mine were clipped when I got them. One at 6 weeks, one at 6 months and 1 at 1 1/2. I let all their wings grow out. My 6 week old flies effortlessly and always has. My 6 month old was taught to fly by my youngest son, she is an amazon & is heavy, she can fly well, but she is like a missile when she flies, you gotta duck or get hit! LOL. MY year and half one took almost a year to grow out, she learned to fly but but was difficult. She still forgets she can fly at times. They are now 15 years old & 11 years old. they never plucked due to flying. the 6 week old that is now 15 is started to pluck, I feel it is due to stress and she is the lowest on the totem pole and gets the least amount of attention due to my work schedule and the others not letting her get much attention from me. I am quite sad about that, she does get special things and time out the others don't get, but it doesn't seem to make up for it.
  10. Gosh 3 birds later, I’ve had talon since she was 6 weeks old...I think if I remember correctly ..her first words were “step up”..not 100% certain tho...
  11. LNCAG, I couldn’t agree more! ❤️
  12. Breeding is a difficult thing to do with parrots. I suggest you look thru the files here and research all the information you can, I myself I don’t care for breeders of any sort, I believe in rescue, but if you become a breeder knowledge and experience is key. Otherwise don’t attempt it. Just my opinion.
  13. I think you misread the intent Janet. I believe it is Off topic section...general chat?
  14. Is she eating and drinking normally? Is she pooping as normal also? Maybe a vet visit is needed, greys hide their illness until,it’s almost too late on many occasions.
  15. That's a great start! I have done clicker training with our dogs, but have not tried it with my parrots. I hope it works for you both & builds a bond. Keep us posted!
  16. Aww.. Cricket was such a beauty, both inside & out! You were both blessed to have each other. My NIlah also would spend her life on your shoulder, if I sit on the couch and bend my leg on the recliner, she will go to my knee since it's the highest point. She too chooses my left shoulder, She is very trusting when she is there, I do keep my face away from her just in case, but if I read her body language, ( Ray you know what I mean) I will know when its not time for her to bet there.
  17. Yes, Ray is correct. I had no amazon and not a ton of parrot experience when I got my amazon Nilah at 6 months on a whim. Luckily for me she’s a female and not as aggressive as the males. I learned very fast that no matter what, she was never to have the upper hand on me, so I stayed consistent and never backed down, She is very loving and affectionate, but you MUST learn to read their body language, yes I have been bitten on the hand or arm and boy it is a bite like no grey can give! We have a relationship that you just can’t have with a grey. I know her limits, and we both follow the rules of our relationship that both of us have made..it works well. She hates other women and will attack them ,so she stays in her cage when I have guests, my sister is the only other allowed female, but that’s another story for another time. She is very much bonded and has the same relationship with my honey..he has lived with us for the past 2 years, and Nilah adores him and has established the same relationship with him as well. I love to hear about Cricket, so I am happy you feel you can now share. You had a relationship with Cricket like no one has with a n amazon, so please when you can share her beautiful memories ❤️
  18. Ouch, that looks painful. You are lucky to still have your eye.. I do allow my 3 on my xhoulders. However, I always keep my face away , unless Rikki signals do a kiss..but 99 % of the time, my face is turned away..you can never be too careful
  19. That would be a riot!!
  20. My 2 greys, both will be 15 years old later this year,act up and misbehave more than normal in the spring. But Nilah my amazon..that's a whole other ballgame...since she was 3 1/2, we have quite a time with her in the spring..I won't go into the details..but to say whe finds ways to "satisfy" herself anywhere..on the blanket, my shoulder your arm...it can be wuite embarrassing listening to her...she also gets more aggressive..All 3 of them will fight more over territory so I have to keep a watchful eye all thru spring when they are out. Nilah is 12 years old now, I do see signs of her being horny (for lack of a better word) slowing down. I hope this means the end is in sight, as I remember Ray, I think, telling me they calm down around the age of 12 or so...???
  21. HAAHAHAHAHAAAA Chalk it up to old age ?? LOL Yes, I have used it and remember now~
  22. I used this lamp for 2 weeks, and Talon had a red burn around her eye from it, however it was a vet trip and eye drops for 7 days with no improvement, as the vet thought it was an infection...turned out it wasn’t , it was burned from the light and I kept it far above her...needless to say, I threw it out!
  23. Talon

    a newbee

    I have an amazon, a cag & a tag. They co-exist in my house. I would NEVER put 4 (2 of each) together in an aviary unattended by me. Too much can happen. I have seen fights with my 3, and if I was not there to intervene, most likely 1 would end up a bloody mess of worse.They are not to be trusted even tho 95% of the time they do fine together. My amazon & tag USED to play chase as a fun game flying thru my house....now my amazon can be bully and just chase my tag out of her space..for whatever reason, they don't care for each other. MY 3 have found their place in a flock of 3 thru trial and testing...my cag is the queen (although not spoiled or favored) next is my amazon lastly is my tag...maybe due to size? even tho my amazon is big, idk. They are all close in age and grew up together..but know and have their place..they don't like to share...Ages: tag 14, cag 14 and 1 month younger than my tag..my amazon 11 years old. I have had them all since they were very young.
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