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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Wow! How trusting, my greys would eat my face if I tried that 🙄
  2. Love this! Get well soon!
  3. Due to my work schedule, I feed frozen veggies. I make a mixture of pasta, rice, quinoa, and various frozen veggies. Freeze it and have enough to give daily for about a month. They don't always like what I have chosen, but they will pick at it at the very least.
  4. I am still working so every day is normal here for my guys...... I am sure they would love me home more so they can get out. 😀
  5. I worry about it, but for my 21 year old son who has asthma that goes wild when he gets sick. He will be alone. I worry about getting it because I am a runner and don’t want to lose my lung capacity. However I am considered an essential worker and am still working every day. I just try to stay safe and stay away from others.
  6. Thank you! What a generous offer!
  7. Oh dear. Stay safe and I wish you a speedy recovery! Love the video!!!!!
  8. I am still working...but have stocked up on bird food, frozen veggies and to! Lol. Laying low otherwise, haven’t gone out for anything other than work and groceries. Out state everything is closed anyways, but we are playing it safe here.
  9. This is a wonderful thought provoking subject. 1. Do I feel sorry for my 3 parrots? Yes, almost every day.... 2. Do I feel guilty that I have to work and they stay in their cages all day until I get home in the evening? Yes, absolutely,..Terrible guilt.. But I keep telling myself that my 3 were bred in homes..they do not know the life their ancestors have. The old saying you don't miss what you don't have.. 3. Do I wish they could fly free and experience what their instincts tell them? Yes, a lot..however, they most likely would not survive in the wild, They don't know what "wild" is. So I do the best I can for them, they all have macaw size cages, filled with toys, and toy baskets with toys wrapped in paper so they can forage. I give them as much attention as I can. Feeding them as healthy as possible. My house looks like a giant bird cage, I have rope perches, boings, birds tree stands EVERYWHERE, So when they are out, they have every opportunity to fly wherever they chose. They mostly chose to be with me or my honey, eating dinner with us or watching tv on us, I long to be able to give them the kind of out of cage time I used to be able to (some days, all day) when my job was different, but now I am working full time, long hours, but Sat afternoon & I dedicate Sundays to their time. I go nowhere on Sundays as that is there time to be free out of their cages from morning to night. They only know life with me except for Rikki who was purchased by someone else in a pet store, they had her for 1 year until the man (Rikkis favorite, was too ill and the wife gave her to another couple. After 6 weeks they came on this forum and asked how to keep her quiet as she whistled too much and was too loud! Turns out they lived 2 hours away.. I made a sarcastic comment to them, and next thing I know, they brought her to me..her forever home) So like all of you, I do the best I can and try to not stress over the lives they have..after all thats all they know..<3 GREAT TOPIC!! Thanks to all who posted, it is really nice to hear others thoughts, after all we're not alone like we feel sometimes.
  10. Talon


    For me...life has changed..so just lack of time on my end..
  11. Your profile page will give you access to your past posts
  12. That’s a cool Idea! I don’t have any holiday traditions for my parrots, just spoil them as always. Lol
  13. I have a yellow crowned amazon, 9 years old!
  14. Talon


    Prayers from all of us here at Greyforums ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  15. I am so sorry for your loss....I know how it feels,when they are taken away so young. I lost my dear indoor cat to kidney disease at just 7 years old almost a year ago...too young..I just still don’t understand and miss him so much. My heart is sad for you...😔❤️
  16. Talon

    I need help

    I love that! Thanks KevinD.,❤️
  17. What beautiful pics and a beautiful story to go with them! Corky is a beauty for sure!!
  18. Talon

    I need help

    Oh we will support you. I can’t wait to post videos, but unfortunately they are all in my phone and I haven’t had the time to load them to my ipad
  19. Can’t thank you enough for all the hard work you are doing! ❤️
  20. I'm in...I'll invest..but of course you already know that...right? I think most people grab video with their phone..or ipad..that would be the best & give us a boost in members posting.
  21. Yes, we're having some glitches. Trying...
  22. Ha, soundslike life with Nilah!
  23. Nice to see and hear from you Maggie. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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