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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Well that explains alot. What an interesting way they have of looking at things. Nilah has on many occasions attacked my daughter when her boyfriend comes around, and me when my sister come to visit.
  2. Oh goody, can't wait for advice. My sweet Nilah does the very same thing when any guest comes over. We are very close and she is very bonded to me, always wants to be with me every minute. But when a guest comes over, the same behavior as yours.....
  3. I also talk to my birds as though they are children. I tell them things., such as, no, you can not be on my shoulder if you are going to bite me, or get off me. Or you be a good bird or you,will,have to leave. They DO in time understand those phrases, and behave. I always say the same things, again consistency....
  4. All good advice. I am sure he is trying to push your buttons and playing you to see what he can get way with. I would spin around fast if he is on your shoulder EVERY time he bites and let him know that's a no no with your voice and your discontent. He wants something from you, maybe attention, or just to be a part of what you are doing. When my shoulder birds act up, I talk to them and explain to them everything I am doing as I do it, or just talk. It seems to distract them from biting and they take more interest in my voice. I know what you mean is the morning as once in a while one of my 3 will go thru a stage of not wanting to go back into they're cage. This lasts for several days until they realize I am consistent and NEVER LET them win. Yes, I have been late for work because of it, but it's necessary for them. Usually times like that, I give them a forbidden item such as a pencil. They love them and I tease and distract them with it all the way to their cage, and yes, I have allowed them to chew it. Sometimes a cookie works too. Usually when one of my birds starts misbehaving and I am at my wits end, ready to do something drastic, I find its usually the peak and in a few days, the behaviour changes for the better. Hang in there, get creative and be consistent with your rules. He will learn after pushing you to your limits! Good luck and keep us posted.
  5. I am pleased to announce we have a New Moderator for our Rescue Room! I have asked Katana600 to take on the task of Moderator. She has lots of experience with rescues, and will be a great asset. Her posts are always helpful and full of advice. Her patience, love and compassion for birds shows in all she posts. Please welcome Katana600, and Congratulations Dee! I know you will be awesome!! :cool:
  6. Great idea for perches, I'm going to remember that as my birds love perches that height to eat at the table on. Thanks for the pictures they are great!
  7. That's fantastic! My son has a go pro, I should use it, but never thought too.
  8. Touch ups ad color timing is fine, just don't make your parrot blue!
  9. I understand, and not to worry, after this contest, we will have a photoshop contest as well. We have done photoshop contests in the past and they are always so much fun! I love what you photoshop experts come up with, can't wait!
  10. Please post all Contest Entires in this thread.
  11. Sorry for the delay....had some back door customizing to do here. NEW CONTEST!!!! STARTING TODAY, THIS MINUTE, OUR CONTEST BEGINS! IT IS A XMAS THEMED CONTEST. PLEASE POST ANY PICTURES YOU WANT OF YOUR FLOCK MEMBER OR MEMBERS. THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT OF TIMES YOU ENTER. Use your imagination, get creative, it can be anything to do with Xmas, cooking, wardrobe, Xmas tree, decorations, presents, Xmas card , etc. The rules are: Any type of bird. It MUST be a member of your flock family at home. It MUST be X-MAS themed. ABSOLUTELY NO PHOTOSHOP, if it suspected, by my discretion, your entry will be disqualified & deleted. EVERYONE IS WELCOME, THAT INCLUDES ALL MEMBERS, ALL MODERATORS, ALL SUPER-MODERATORS, AND ALL SUPER-ADMINS. I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER. THE WINNER WILL BE DECIDED BY VOTING VIA POLL. WE WILL HAVE A FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH & SIXTH PLACE WINNERS AS I EXPECT LOTS OF ENTRIES! So get those cameras out and get started! Entry deadline is Dec. 31, 2012, 12pm, EST. THE WINNER'S WILL EARN A NEW TITLE OF CONTEST WINNER! DISPLAYED ABOVE THEIR NAME ON THEIR PROFILE & ALL POSTS!
  12. Sorry for the delay....had some back door customizing to do here. NEW CONTEST!!!! STARTING TODAY, THIS MINUTE, OUR CONTEST BEGINS! IT IS A XMAS THEMED CONTEST. PLEASE POST ANY PICTURES YOU WANT OF YOUR FLOCK MEMBER OR MEMBERS. THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT OF TIMES YOU ENTER. Use your imagination, get creative, it can be anything to do with Xmas, cooking, wardrobe, Xmas tree, decorations, presents, Xmas card , etc. The rules are: Any type of bird. It MUST be a member of your flock family at home. It MUST be X-MAS themed. ABSOLUTELY NO PHOTOSHOP, if it suspected, by my discretion, your entry will be disqualified & deleted. EVERYONE IS WELCOME, THAT INCLUDES ALL MEMBERS, ALL MODERATORS, ALL SUPER-MODERATORS, AND ALL SUPER-ADMINS. I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER. THE WINNER WILL BE DECIDED BY VOTING VIA POLL. WE WILL HAVE A FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH & SIXTH PLACE WINNERS AS I EXPECT LOTS OF ENTRIES! So get those cameras out and get started! Entry deadline is Dec. 31, 2012, 12pm, EST. THE WINNER'S WILL EARN A NEW TITLE OF CONTEST WINNER! DISPLAYED ABOVE THEIR NAME ON THEIR PROFILE & ALL POSTS!
  13. Oh, forgot to add, when you copy te img code, your picture won't show up, you will only see an address. When you publish your post, it will then appear for all to see.
  14. Great pics! While in Photobucket, copy the 'img code', then R click and chose 'copy'. Go to your open window where you are posting and R click and chose 'paste' your picture will appear instead of a thumbnail. . Let me now if you Need any more help. I look forward to seeing more
  15. Welcome to my world. With my 3, when one of them behaves this way, they usually know it irritates me, and the more frustrated I get with their behaviour, the more they do it. Try a wanted item they don't usually get as a distraction, and pretend it is te coolest thing or the most forbidden item....they will want it and change direction. I put small empty boxes on to of my counters or kitchen cabinets, that helped keep them busy enough so they behaved better. But you are right, patience......also,get used to it, it's life with a parrot!
  16. For those of you having pm or forum problems: Please go to the top of the address bar on your browser when logged into Greyforums. Go to the right side of the address bar, Click on the icon that looks like a torn piec of paper. That is a compatability view for browser issues on older software forum software. That should take care of any issues you are having here at Greyforums.
  17. still working on it, please keep me posted.
  18. OK, thank you I will continue to push them to get it fixed ASAP!
  19. Greywings, did you get my pm?
  20. NO? Did you receive my pm a few minutes ago?
  21. There are some issues with the private message system again...I will send it off to the tech dept. This forum and vbulletin does not like Google Chrome!
  22. Hi, welcome back and congrats on your new addition. She is still very young so you shouldn't expect much from her as far as talking goes. If you play a variety of things for her, she probably won't pick things up that way. I greet my birds and say the same phrases to them when I do things every day, so they tend to pick them up eventually. If you get upset or aggravated or frustrated at her for saying the same word over and over again, she gets a reaction and you are only reinforcing that word. My amazon will pick things up quicker I say if it is loud and have a lot of fluctuation in the phrase or word. She loves to yell, OH MY GOD! and then laugh loudly. She also likes to scream like I tend to if I drop something or trip... Give it time, be patient and she will relax and open up when SHE is ready. Gosh!You've only had her 3 weeks, she isn't even settled in yet......you are expecting too much, too fast, it could take her up to a year with you to totally and completely trust you and feel at home IMP.
  23. Beautiful & lucky bird! LOVE a sucker like me!!
  24. I don't use Chrome and have no pm problems. I use the pm system daily. Hasve you cleraned out your pm folders? They only store so much and will prevent you from recieving etc. Make sure all are cleaned out.
  25. Sorry, it won't play on my iPad . If you describe it maybe I'd have a clue.
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