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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Happy happy Birthday Cricket! Wow I believe you are the olderst amazon in the room!
  2. Here is a list of some of the Beginning symptoms of Acidosis: Acne Muscular Pain/joint pain Low energy Food allergies Heartburn Diarrhea Constipation Hot/stron smelling urine Headaches Another fact: 70% of disease comes from a dehydrated, acidic colon. That's what drinking lots of Kangen water will help and keep the colon clean, thus preventing intestinal disease such as Crohn's disease for example.
  3. The only and best machine is Enagic. It also ionizes the water, guaranteed for life, and has a 35 year old company to back it up. It was invented by the owner of Sony , and they are a high quality company. Are they expensive? YES, but can you put a cost on your health? I don't it is worth it in my lifetime. I bought mine from an Enagic Distr. they finance it for 11 months interest free. Yes it felt like a small car payment, but the cost of our health was worth it. My machine is paid off now as I have had it for almost 3 years. It sits on my counter top, looks beautiful and used by us for drinking, cooking, watering my plants, rinsing vegetables, cleaning, disinfecting, and my Xmas tree loves it!
  4. I am posting this thread in this room as it pertains to our birds just as much as it does to us humans. The importance of drinking alkaline water can be found all over the internet. I could write a book here on the benefits of drinking it for health reasons, and all the success stories I have experienced with my pets and family members. But lucky for you I don't have the time nor do you have the time to read it. LOL I will try to condense my beliefs on water... It is a known fact that disease can only thrive & grow in an acidic environment. When we were born, as babies we are have a perfect 7.5 alkaline body. (as you know, our bodies are made up of 70% water, so drinking enough water is imperative) As we grow, we feed ourselves many acidic foods and drinks. When we don't watch what we eat & drink, over time, our bodies are forced to steal what it needs to combat the acidity, from our bones, organs & tissues. Thus weakening them and making them more prone to disease etc. Our body works hard to continue to fight all we put into it to maintain that 7.5 alkalinity needed to survive, over the years, it can't continue pulling from our bodies. Drinking alkaline water (9.5 is best) lessens the work our bodies have to do, and it keep us in check with our PH, and we are much healthier. Cancer cells can only grow in an acidic environment. Keeping our pH at the proper levels, can prevent many sicknesses, diseases and even cancer. There are many doctors that know this. My animals, and birds drink only 8.5 (due to their size) water. All are healthy, and it has made a huge difference in their skin, feathers, fur, eye health and blood tests at the doctors. FACT: Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg, received the 1931 Nobel Prize for discovering the real cause of cancer, cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissue is alkaline. FACT: Dr. Hiromari Oshiro, who invented the colonoscopy is the President & CEO of the Enagic Co, who invented the Kangen Water Machine. He recommends it to all his patients as it completely cleans out the colon, no cancer cells can thrive there. FACT: Do a PH test on bottled or city water. It will either be acidic or if treated with chemicals as city water is, it will be 7.5 as required by the health dept. FACT: ALL SODA, & SELTZER WATER IS ACIDIC. I will post some family & pet stories in the off topic room at another time.
  5. My 2 greys get hysterical if I try to spray them, they shake, get shortness of breath and occasionally blood tears. I have tried all methods since they were young. They HATE it. I leave a bowl of water on my table when I wash my floors or vacume. For some reason that spurs them into giving themselves a bath, but not always. Sometimes they are interested, sometimes not, I leave it up to them. They don't seem to have any problems, I let them chose just as they would in the wild.
  6. Yes, one of Talon's favorite things to do is to walk along the back of the couch when I am watching tv and pull my hair out strand by strand. I have to put a hood on to get her to stop.....there have been a few times when one of my 3 parrots got their foot tangled in my hair while on my shoulder and they start to panic and we have wuite a time untangling them. It can get pretty tight, so be careful....
  7. I couldnt disagree more. All my birds LOVE to hang out on their cage tops, the fridge, the top of the cupboards, the top of the curtain rods, top of the doors. I NEVER have a problem asking them to step up and them doing so. All birds love to be up high, it doenst make them more dominent in my opinion.
  8. Wow, that was great! Rikki and Nilah loved it too!
  9. Talon has since renovated the window, she prefers to open the top up more.
  10. Talon sings Happy Birthday to You. Nilah my amazon, LOVES to sing anything, even of she doesn't know the words.
  11. I agree with Jeff. My experience is this: My 15 year old son wanted an African grey for Xmas. He did his research, knew more about them than I did. I refused as it was too long of a lifelong commitment for a 15 year old to understand. As Jeff said, their is girlfriends, driving, school events, college, and not knowing what path your life will take. Impossible at 15, and especially 12. He begged for 2 years. When he was 17, and after lots of talks with him, I decided to get him one for Xmas. Thus Talon entered our lives forever. She was a baby, although weaned, she cried for the first 2-3 weeks. My poor son, he would come to me say, mom, I fed her, I played with her, I cuddled her, I talked to her, I offered treats, , I did everything I could think of, I don't know what to do! So, I was left holding her and trying to co fort her. Looking back, I knew she was mourning the only home she knew and her flock before she cam to us. Her cage was kept in his room. I felt sorry for her even tho I would leave on a bird video for her while he was in school all day. She was alone.....so I bought her a play cage for downstairs so she could be with me when I was home. I allowed her out for most of the day. When my son came home, he was apply to go up to his room ALONE and leave her downstairs for the Rst of us to enjoy. She did sleep in his room, but mostly stayed downstairs where I cared for her. This lasted for about 3 years. Then I got divorced, moved my other kids out, but my then 18 year ok'd son wanted to stay in his room with his father. He said,, mom yyou should take Talon, after all you care for her and do all the work. I'm in school and she'll be all alone. She likes you better anyways. (something we can't control, who our bird decides to like) So, Talon is with me, and although my son enjoys seeing her, she will go after him and bite him every chance she can. Almost like she will never forgive him for leaving her world. And it has been 5 years, no change in how she reacts to him. So in hindsight, it was not a stupid idea to get Talon for my son, cause she has enriched ourlives so much, but I truly believe a parrot shouldn't be given to a younger less settled in their life person. The trauma can be too much for the parrot and will cause them to have baggage forever.
  12. Oh my! The same thing happended to Talon. I got a few bites with all the screaming and fighting she was doing when I tried to free her as her breaking her leg was my biggest fear as well. I wrapped vet wrap around those places. I didn't want to fill them as I was afraid shed pull out whatever I used. I know how scarey this was for you. Glad all is ok now.
  13. I am happy to announce.........we have a new moderator! Dhorje Is our newest moderator of our Photography Room which is now renamed 'Photography & Video Room!' This is a long time coming, and I apologize for not making Dhorje moderator sooner. If you have seen his photography here, it is stunning! Hopefully us amateur's get some advice. I look forward to seeing lots more from everyone. This room is one I frequent, as the photos posted here are beautifully done. I look forward to seeing what our well deserved moderator does with this room. CONGRATULATIONS Dhorje!!!
  14. Momma doesn't mind at all, no worries, she does have those salty wet drops when she's watching tv sometimes.....don't get it, doesn't happen to us. Parronts are weird beings!
  15. Hi everyone. Thanks so much for all the support, it's nice to know I have lots of birdie friends that care.....remember, I live with Nilah, ugh, she's such a pain.... Joe, my momma never had those salty water drops on her face. She's says she's a "tough cookie" whatever that means, jeez, I know what a cookie is, and I've tried momma, she's no tasty cookie!!! Ana Grey, my momma keeps our travel cages next to our cages all the time. But since we were flying all over the house, I think she thought it was quicker to throw us into other rooms and slam doors cause it was quicker. This has happened a few other times, I remember, and she threw us all upstairs into her bedroom and again slammed the door, which is surprising, cause she doesn't like us in her room. She says we get into everything......well. Gee, we're just customizing it for her the way WE think it should be, but she doesn't appreciate our artistic side. Well anyways, (please forgive me for talking so much, I can't talk much in my house cause Nilah is such a motor mouth) our house has never filled with smoke this bad before. I heard momma tell others that she researched it on the Internet and asked her chimney sweeper man, and they say it's newer, smaller chimneys that have to be heated before lighting a fire or smoke comes in. She always thinks she's heated it for like 10 minutes, but doesn't always work. She says if she starts a fire with a Duraflame log, it doesn't smoke.....well she came home with a big box of those duraflames logs yesterday, but she's scared to light another fire. Matthew keeps asking and she says, no never again!
  16. Wingy, momma has the chimney sweeper come every year. He says it's a new fireplace and she has to heat the flu up before starting a fire. She uses a blue tank with a long perch on the end of it and she sends fire up it for a long time, but sometimes it doesn't work when it's really cold...
  17. Last night was a frightening time in our house. Our momma "worked" all day, whatever that means. When she comes home at the end of what she calls a "work" week, we all look forward to that time. She turns on that big box, takes what she calls her "iPad", a "blankie" and we all hang out with her on the couch. Our 2 doggies next to her, our kitties on her lap and us 3 fighting for a place, a knee, a shoulder, and usually Talon on the back of the couch pulling mommas hair out. This night was different tho......she started to get a fire in the fireplace ready. She was putting a flame up the chimney to warm it first, it took a long time, we didn't think she would ever stop and light the fire. Finally she lit the fire, but then the smoke filled our house so fast, it was awful! Momma was yelling for Josh to come help here. He came running downstairs and she yelled at him to open windows and get a fan. We could tell she was in a panic!! We got scared and started flying all over the house. Momma yelled at us to step up. Rikki and Nilah did and momma went upstairs as fast as she could. I heard her open her bedroom door, flick the light on and Nilah told me later, she threw them in there and slammed the door! Then I heard her run downstairs and I was watching Josh open all the windows in the middle of winter!!! By norm the house was filled with so much smoke we could hardly see, momma was telling me to step up and I obeyed, but as soon as she started to walk away, I was so scared, I flew and kept going to the highest place I could find. Momma would look for me thru the smoke and find me and I would step up, and then fly off! I was so scared, I didn't know what was happening, the smoke alarms were Blair g and I was frightened, I wanted to trust momma, but I was too scared cause she was upset and scared. I heard her tell Josh, "talons gonna die, I have to get her", josh was looking for me too. He found me on the curtain rod next to the fireplace where the smoke was pouring out. I heard momma say how bad her eyes hurt and she could hardly see me.....when she came to me, she looked up at me as she was trying to reach me and I couldn't stop blinking, my eyes hurt badly too.....momma saw it and I saw the pain in her eyes, she was so sad.....I couldn't bring myself to go to her, I was too scared, so I flew off into the kitchen and I to my box ontop of the cabinet, phew, safe finally! Then momma grabbed a stool and climbed onto the counter and pushed me I to my little box and held it tightly while she ran into the bathroom where she set me on the counter, turned the fan on and opened the window. She then slammed the door! How dare she!!!!! I heard her run to Piper, i heard her tell josh she hoped he wasn't dead. I heard her grab him and he yelled at her cause he hates her. I heard her run upstairs and I guess she put him I to that bathroom cause I could tell the fan went on, and I heard another door slam. I don't know what happended next, but it was a long time before momma came and got me out of the bathroom. But I do know when she got me, the windows were open, fans were blowing and it smelled!!!!! I saw momma hug josh and thank him, and that she would NEVER use that damn fireplace thing again!!!! The rest of the night, we were all pretty shocked and quiet. We didn't want much to eat for dinner, and momma kept asking me if I was okay. I could tell she was worried. She felt very bad cause I could feel it. Rikki and Nilah were okay, Rikki was talking, but Nilah sat on her tree stand and wouldn't talk or go sit with momma like she always does. Today, when we woke up, momma was anxious to see us and talk to us. We all had breakfast together like always, and everything seems good! Back to normal as much as it can be with Nilah living here...... Poor momma, I know she feels awful. She thought I and piper and little birdies were going to die, but we made it. Even tho Momma messed up, we know she will never let something like that happen again....let's hope not.....
  18. What a beautiful story........one I will remember and hope it's gets revived every Xmas! Dee, your post brought tears to my eyes, I wish the very same for Gilbert.
  19. That was adorable,!!! Now I'm mad at Nilah, she should be singing like that...ugh! Lol
  20. I am very much against micro-chipping. I highly respect the opinions of others, however, I have been told it is extremely painful, especially for birds. I do believe that to be the truth. Also, in the research I've done, many cats and dogs develop a tumor in the area of the micro-chip. One of my dogs came to me microchipped, and I chose not to microchip my other dog and cats,or birds. Also, what are the chances if your bird gets lose, that, Someone will find it AND capture it, AND have the good sense to have it checked for a chip. In my area, most likely, the bird would die if it's in the fall or winter, or probably a predator would get it first. : this is just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less..
  21. Good job today! Seems you need to perfect the spin to one revolution tho..... See, I am a dance and Zumba instructor...so let me help you with your technique, First you need to Spot when you spin. Find one object eye level, and look at it as long as you can as you start your spin, then when you can't turn your head any further, snap it around fast and find the object you were looking at. This will help with balance also, and you only need to do one spin. Second, as you spin you must whip your shoulder a bit so your bird flies off! Otherwise you will have to keep spinning until HE gets so dizzy either you or he falls off! Lol Your doing great!!! Keep it up!!!
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