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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    Hey guys, guess what? Momma got something called a tax refund. Dont know what that is but she's leaving us in our cages all day today can't even come out for breakfast But we'll survive cause she's driving 4 hours to our Disney land to the Bird of Paradise store to spend it all on US to buy toys snd perches! Hope she gets some hard wooden toys for us to chew up. , we'll miss her but I will be worth it. She won't be home till dark. Can't wait!
  2. Good Grief!!! My mom doesnt understand why I cluck when I get excited! Doesn't she no anything about us Amazons???? When ever she talks to me or asks me to do a trick, I am so excited by her attention I cluck repeatedly to show my excitment, WHY does she think that's cute and abnormal?? Come on Salsa and all you guys, tell her!!!!!!! Constanty having to teach her about us, you would think she would have done her research!
  3. Fixed by the tech dept. All seems to be working fine now!
  4. No problems from others. Perhaps it's something on your end....
  5. So glad to hear from you on this Jay. So are you saying expresso beans have less caffeine? And will this have long term effects on her?
  6. I have 5 different species of birds. All but one is flighted. My parakeets rarely come out of their cage, they were never trained to enjoy us humans...all the others are out at the same time due to my work schedule and time. I keep an eye on them and when I hear one flying, I always pay attention to where they are. My amazon and timneh sometimes get into tifts, my amazon sometimes terriozes my cockatiel, when that happens, he goes safely in his cage to get away from my amazon. Just keep a watchful eye as Dan says and all will be ok, they will work out their flock order and abide by it once they know their place.
  7. Yes, of course, been there done that. I spoke with the vets and researched the effects of too much caffeine in parrots. They both gave me the same info. Usually problems of rapid heartbeat, anxiety, nervousness, all the symptoms us humans get from too much caffeine only the effects are a thousand times more. Eventually leading the rapid acceleration of the nervous system, and death. The vet said the effects would most likely occur in the first 30 minutes. It didn't stop me from worrying and being scared for her.....but I was able to be somewhat calm at work as I was with her for about an hour after her morning Snack....
  8. Nancy is correct. Forget about it. Let him eat what he wants, keep giving him fresh fruits and veggies daily even if he doesn't seem to eat them, he will eventually try them. Mix some pasta in with the veggies. I have 2 African greys, many years ago wasted tons of $$ on trying to switch them to Harrison's because everyone here and the vet said it was the ONLY BEST food out there and ALL parrots should be eating them to live a long and healthy life. My birds NEVER accepted them. I was able to switch them over to a variety of pelles, but never Harrison's. I learned they aren't necessarily the ONLY healthy ones. Do the research, most vets recommend them exclusively because they are contracted and make a profit to sell them.....
  9. There is on when you first log in as there always was. Perhaps its something with your computer settings, as I log on in 3 different browsers on 5 different computers and its always there. It goes away after you check it and then log on, but it is there in the beg as usual.
  10. Hi everyone thanks for all your concern and cute comments. Ray, as a matter of fact, one of Nilah's favorite things to say every day and to anyone who meets her, is " I wnt to go to Starbucks!" and " want a cup of coffee?" in a new York accent....., Anyways, I came home at 3 to check on her , when I walked in the door, I called for her..she always yells back, "hi bird!" well not today, so I expected to find her poor little body laying on the bottom of her cage........slowly I crept into the bird room.......and peeked around the corner with my eyes squinted shut......afraid to look........getting ready for the devastation I was expecting ...........I looked up slowly......and saw GREEN MOVEMENT near her snack bowl!!!!!!! Yay! Iwas very happy, and I just now got home from my second job, and let her out of her cage and she is causing a ruckas, but seems fine.
  11. Talon LOVES snow! every time it snows, she waits by the window and expects to be given a bowl of snow. My other birds don't like the old, but she loves it! She also loves ice cubes...go figure!
  12. I have sent another pleading email to the higher ups. I have been logged n at work all day and have had no problems with it logging me out. Are you sure you have checked the remember me box?
  13. OH MY!! thats the besdt picture ever!!! I love it!
  14. Once again Nilah has gotten into a no-no. She is worse than any of my 4 kids were. She is into everything, eats glue, make up. soap, toothpaste, dish soap, ANYTHING she can get her beak onto. I am quite certain one day she will die because of it.... The rule I have is if it's quiet, I need to find her and see what she is up too. Well, today as the birds & I were eating breakfast at the table, I dont usually worry about Nilah as she prefers to wait on top of the kitchen cabinets until we are done, then she will go to the table and eat. It had been a while, so I called for her and looked around the kitchen only to find her on top of my expresso machine eating expresso beans (which she LOVES btw) She ate ALOT before I discovered her....She seems to be acting fine, I was home with her for about an hour afterwards. I put her in her cager and no am at work. She knocked over my camera and I forgot about it, so I cant log in and check on her... I really think she is going to die...sooner rather than later with all the different things she has eaten in her short life.... Just needed a place to vent some dispair...Thanks for listening, not much I can do now I suppose....just wait and watch MUCH MORE CAREFULLY! She is going thru as terrible stage needing constant supervision...shame on me, I should have known better....my only excuse is a severe migrtain I woke up with that had me all dis-orientated as I was trying to get thru my morning routine and off to work.
  15. I have notified the tech dept twice, they seem to be too busy for us... You will have no problem being thrown out as long as you check the Remmebr Me box as Judy said. I havent found it to be gone and I use Firefox & IE. Perhaps your computer display settings are different?
  16. The pm system seems to be working......... , yes?
  17. Please take the time to read ALL the warnings, you could save a feathered life..... http://www.birdhotline.com/comment.htm
  18. I used to shower with Nilah, but now that Im working 3 jobs, inhave to shower early before they are up..so no more...
  19. Congrats! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about that first exciting day!
  20. Well, I have a 7 year old grey that will cuddle up on a blanket wanting to be petted non stop next to me and cuddle until I have had enough.
  21. Thank you for the reply. You are doing a wonderful thing, your new addition must be so frightened..poor baby.
  22. When I adopted my cag, I was her 4th home. She had been allowed to land on heads and to eat out of human mouths... every time she tried to land on my head, I would duck and scream at the same time, and say, NO......she didnt like my reaction, she stopped pretty quickly, took a very short time and she never tried it again....
  23. hi there, where are you located, I do know of someone who lost their tag, but I don't know what part of the world you are in...
  24. The best we can do is allow them to be who they are, respect them, and their struggles to be who they are.... A wild creature forced not by their choice to, live in a human environment that they have no control over.
  25. Great advice Dan. My 3 parrots all were clipped when I got them. One was clipped all her life and never allowed to fly. Seeing as I am very much against clipping, once their feathers grew out enough to fly, we worked with them as Dan says, they never had the chance for their muscles to develop enough to use them in flying. My youngest son taught Our amazon how to fly, he would hold her on his arm and would gently run from one side of the room to the other in a straight line heading towards the couch and yell fly!!!! She would love it, and at first just stay on his arm, once she crane confident in what he was doing, he would drop his arm part way and she would have to try and fly a bit and would crash land at first o to the couch. Over time, she got stronger and more confident and it was longer flights and better landings. Now she loves flying and is very good at it.
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