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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Nancy, I never see her chewing or,domg anything other than preening at might like my others do before bed. And there is really no one I would trust to play with my birds.....all my kids are at school or working full times also. I do leave the tv on, have the other birds in her room in their cages, and have my 3 cats home as well so she is not alone in the quiet.
  2. Hi everyone. I have been very worried about Talon. Over the last few months, I have noticed her ankles are bear with lack of feathers. Mostly her right one. I don't ever see feathers anywhere for proof of plucking. So I let it go to watch and see if I see her picking at her feet. I don't . The last few weeks , I have noticed her chest is looking funny, like she is plucking a few feathers, although I never see it or find any anywhere around her cages. I have tried to give her more one on one attention the last couple of weeks as Nilah can be domineering over me. But Talon never was much of a one on one bird too much. I posted some pics I took from my phone this morning, you can kind of see, but not very well. The only things different in her life, is me working full time for the past 14 months which means she is in her cage more than she used to be...which breaks my heart as there is nothing I can do to change that. I have made a vet appt for a checkup on this Tues at 3:15 to rule out anything medical. I will let you know what the vet says.... I am worried..... Please excuse the peanut butter on her feet, she marched across the peanut butter toast.
  3. I hate the cold and snow. I have a generator so soon I will stock up on gas, cover the pool this weekend and wish for a longer summer
  4. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. I understand your feelings. I will deactivate your account, but know that you are welcome here anytime. We hope to see you again when the time is right. My thoughts are with you.
  5. I can do it for you It can I ask why? If you chose to no longer be a member you can just never log on again. It will have the same affect.
  6. I have 3 wall birds and 3 large parrots. I used to be home most the day, so they were always out. The past year and half, I have had to take on a full time job also. It breaks my heart tohave to put them in their cages when I leave for work, but I have o choice. I make sure they are out in the morning with me for about an hour and a half, then into their ages, and I leave the tv on. I have a camera I use that goes to my phone so I can look in on them from work. That is nice, but then I see them sitting in their cages and I feel bad..... I come home around 5:30 and immediately let the out and chat up a storm asking them about their day and they help me cook dinner. They stay out until 8:30ish, then they go to bed. If I am late etting home, they will stay up later. On the weekends, it's mostly put all day. They seem to be ok and have adapted.
  7. OOPs, the first half of my post got deleted I guess. I meant to say, my amazon is 4 1/2 years old. She is not a screamer, but she loves to talk & yell words and phrases loudly! Her favorite, "OH MY GOD!!!!" Sometimes when my windows are open, my neighbors must think someone is being murdered at my house. She will talk non stop when I talk, as soon as I stop, she does also, having a phone conversation only can happen when I go outside cause she will talk loudly when I do. The more animated I get, the louder she gets. People ask me how many kids I have at home...the answer? they are working or in school and all teenagers! She is like having a 2 year old. She has to be watched constantly. You never know what she is into next. She must be a part of everything I am doing, doesn't care to sit & watch like my greys will. She will have her quiet times where she likes to sit & look out the window, but I am always having to check on her if she is quiet...never know what trouble she has found. She is a handful, but she loves me to death & makes no qualms about letting me know.
  8. MY greys are more quiet. I can trust them not to have to look every few minutes to see what they are doing. They love to just be in the same room and I don't find them loud, my cag is louder, my tag talks a lot, but in a very sweet voice. All that being said, there is nothing like an amazons love for you. A grey will love & bond with you, but on their own terms. An amazon's love is apparent at all times, but they can be feisty at times & stubborn as well. YOU really have to assert yourself in the beginning of being the Flock leader and letting them know they must do what you want them to when required. A grey doesn't have those issues in my house. We work together..
  9. Talon


    Yikes! Yes, this unusual. You re right, that is a lot of sugar. My tag loves juice, but she only gets juice as a nighttime treat. I put a tiny amount in a cup and hold it while she takes a few sips before bed. It's her nighttime ritual. All other times of the day it's water. My cag only drinks water, and my amazon likes juice if I offer it, but I rarely do. I would wean her off of it, or cut it with water to dilute it little by little.
  10. Jeez, you guys make Nilah sound like a sex addict! She has gone thru this for the last 2 years, from spring all thru the summer every day when I get one from work. I won't go into details, but I'm her substitute mate.....in the beginning as per the advice I got here, I discouraged it, even getting up and leaving the room. But that left her so frustrated, she would become a brat misbehaving. When i finally ignored it and allowed her to satisfy herself while perched on me , she would become quite happy and content and a sweetheart..... So........ She's finally calmed down now, and here it is the end of August.
  11. I love this! This is something crazy my nephews would love to do. Oh and for the record, they aren't rednecks....
  12. How warm is his room? Perhaps he loves the heat from it?
  13. I wonder if maybe he doesn't like it so close. My tag got a severe sunburn from that same kind of light on her eye. Or maybe you should add a few more hanging toys near the top to play with.
  14. So glad to hear Mama is back with her flock. Doesn't it just warm you from the inside out when they show you how much they have missed you. They have such a way of making you feel their love and how attached to you they are. That should speed up her recovery!
  15. I am not a big fan of trick training, so I cant be of any help. However, Welcome, and please post in the Welcome Room so we can learn more about you & your grey. Also, we LOVE pics! Greys tend to decide on their own who they choose to be their favorite within a family. It sometimes changes over the years, but you just never know and you cant force yourself to be the favorite..
  16. Oh my....my heart aches for you so badly. I read your story and felt like I was there. You did the best you could, don't beat yourself up. Accidents happen, and it was a tragic accident. I know many people arent aware, but a cat has a chemical in its saliva and claws that are toxic to birds and rodents. It won't kill it immediately, but over a short period of time, it will kill them. It can happen from a bite or a scratch. That may be the case here. I'm not a vet, but I know this for a fact. That is why many people say, "cat scratch fever" , a human actually will itch in the spot when you get scratched by a cat. My prayers to ease your pain are being said tonight. I am glad the suffering for Jas was short. He knows you loved him. Time will lessen the pain, be patient and forgiving of yourself.
  17. I kind of figured I'd get flack about the unhealthy kool pop. Lol But it was all in fun, they get a tiny taste abut once or twice a year. I really don't believe it will harm them considering it isn't something they get very often.... gosh, Talon loves cold things, snow and ice, and Rikki usually hates anything cold, so this was a rare thing for her to try.
  18. The lesson to be learned here.....YOU MUST SHARE!
  19. I Love that he wants to go water the flowers. It's so funny to hear Dayo talk, all my birds talk in a girls voice. I'm not used to hearing apart talk,in a mans voice. Although Rikki used to, but no longer, she sounds more like an old hag.....
  20. I don't worry about my birds getting sunflower seeds like Dan, it is in their seed mix. Rikki my cag LOVES them, Talon my tag, doesn't like them. Taln loves safflower tho. rikki, not so much. Then there is Nilah, she eats anything!
  21. http://www.wwnytv.com/news/local/Is-This-Your-Bird-Found-In-Clayton-218347261.html Posted here just in case...you never know, who knows who.
  22. Talon


    Nancy, all you have to do is click the star on the bottom left of their post to up their reputation.
  23. Nancy, I sent you a pm 2 days ago. Please send a picture if Kiki.
  24. Nancy, have you listed Kiki on 911 parrot alert? Idont see her there. It may be helpful.
  25. Aww. How sad. I would get a fleece hut. It's comforting, and after a while, you may find she loves it like my Talon does.
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