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Everything posted by Talon

  1. {Feel-good-0002006E} Yay Right.................:laugh: :laugh:
  2. Oh, I'm sorry you have to go the rest of the week without him, but you did the right thing sending home with Mom & Dad. Keep airing out your apt. as much as possible. Let us know when he comes home! We'd love to hear some stories if you have any to share. :cheer:
  3. Tari, I'm glad to hear things are going so well. Thanks for keeping us up to date. And I know that light is almost here with a big burst of sunshine!! {Nature-00020095}
  4. Excellent advice Geoff. Karma for you my friend.
  5. I was going to ask what everyone does with their feathers, especially the larger ones...but now I'm not so sure. I am curious to know, do you save them? Throw them away? What do you guys do with them.....:dry:
  6. Frankie, Any news? How is the smell? Is your grey home with you yet? We need an update.....:dry:
  7. I have seen that before, and also Jewelry made out of African Grey feathers. Go Figure!!:blink:
  8. That's great! I love it when the phone rings, Talon always says, "Hello, okay, hold on....Matthew!"
  9. Welcome, and Congratulations! You sound like you have a very easy going bird. Just keep up all your doing, and she will stay outgoing and friendly. There will be the occasional stubborn streak, but that's normal for everyone....even us humans!! :cheer:
  10. Yup! Then 2000, 3000, 4000.....etc. I expect you to be the first 2000, seeing as how you like to talk, or am I thinking of someone else......:lol: ?
  11. Talon

    what a day!

    Those first few words are so exciting!! I'm reliving Talon's first words again through you & Bri. Thank you for bringing that excitement to mind again. Please keep sharing .....:cheer:
  12. Glad to hear you won't change the name!:cheer: We kept Talon's name after we thought SHE was a HE, but found out a year and a half later, HE was a SHE!
  13. Steve, first of all, Hello & Welcome to our family! You are very kind to go to such extremes for your birds. I am sorry I am far from Arizona, and can't help you. But we would love to hear more about your birds, and we love photo's. So if you have any, please post them when you can. When you finish your aviary, would you post a picture? I'd enjoy seeing what all your hard work led to. :cheer:
  14. Have a great time! Yes, lots of pictures would be great!! :woohoo: Give Kip a big kiss before you leave!!! {Love-00020119}
  15. That would make a great movie title!!:cheer:
  16. Oh, how terrible!! What a devastating story that is. I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for this important reminder.....I think some times people don't realize how dangerous Teflon is, especially to our feathered friends. I'm sure through this tragedy, you have saved many birds lives with your story.
  17. Talon

    what a day!

    He will say it again when you least expect it. Talon does the same thing, she'll say a new word or phrase a few times, then wait a day, and say it over & over with me. I think they just get stubborn sometimes. :silly:
  18. Talon

    what a day!

    Beccy, That is so exciting.......his first word! Just wait...it won't be long before he's babbling up a storm! I'm very happy for you!:cheer: {Communicate-0002011B}
  19. Joe, I 'm very happy for you! Sounds like things are going well. Everyone pretty much answered your questions, so nothing to add but Congratulations!! Keep us posted. :cheer:
  20. Interesting thought to ponder............:huh:
  21. Geoff, when you take him out, spend time with him. Talon cried a lot for the first 2 weeks, missing her clutch mates, and family. I would spend lots of time, holding her, cuddling her in a towel, and talking soothingly to her. I would sing lullaby's to her, that calmed her the most. It's a hard adjustment for them at a young age. Stay with him, give him all the comfort you can to help him through this adjustment. He'll be fine, and love you all the more. Keep us updated!
  22. That's a very cute name!! I'm glad you kept it! :cheer:
  23. Talon

    Topaz good news

    That's great news! Thank you!:cheer: :cheer:
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