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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    Lidia, You can give karma, or take away, (but I hope no one ever does this) one every six hours. So as Judy says, positive karma here is what we like to see, if there is a problem, using the pm system we have is the way to go. You can always pm an admin or moderator to help with any issues that may arise. I haven't see anyone's karma go down for a while now, as I do watch it, but I'll keep a better eye on yours! So, just in case I missed it, positive karma for you today!! :)
  2. Trina, It was Amanda I believe, here is the link to that thread. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/18477-behavior-of-grey.html#18516
  3. Those are great Beccy, just in time too! Thanks!!!:cheer:
  4. Dan, What are you talking about....no photo! Wait until that wife of your's logs on. I'll get you good then!!:evil: Don't worry, Talonsis will be gentle with you.....She really will, after all your kind of new here and we don't want to scare you away.{Feel-good-0002006E}
  5. Josh, Congratulations to you! I'm very happy you found someone. Sounds like a good person. I'm sure you will be more than prepared when your ready for your baby. Let us know how things go when you visit.
  6. Talon

    Terrible twos ?

    Hunk sounds good, easier to type.......you don't mind do you??? (just kidding) :P
  7. shawzy4, That is such a great picture!! I love it! You took that with a cell phone? Wow, no excuses here for any of us.....hurry up,let's go everyone. But Talon is sleeping.............. maybe tomorrow. TIME IS RUNNING SHORT!!
  8. Talon

    Terrible twos ?

    Lidia Wrote" Mr. Paramedic, talon is 21 months old. Do you have a name or nickname that I can call you? Lidia, that is exactly what Talon has started going through the last month or so. Thanks for the helpful advice. How long does this stage of Terrible Two's last?:dry:
  9. Judy, is that the best you can do??? Come on now..........:woohoo:
  10. Hi, Everyone! We are having so much fun with this topic in the "What Do You Look Like" thread, that I thought it best to continue it here instead. LADIES, We seem to have some pretty handsome men here in this forum, but they appear to be a little shy :pinch: ......especially Mr. Paramedic..... So I thought we should all "Welcome" them here. Let them know they don't have to run from us. I mean they can try, but we can definitely beat them at our own game. Can't we ladies?? :kiss: So, How about it You Handsome Men.........Get your running shoes on, get set, go! And just in case you're wondering....we really are harmless, aren't we ladies? And remember, all in good, clean fun! This is a Family Forum remember. I'm sure Judy will be the first to start...in fact, seeing as she is the First Member to Post 1000 Posts, let's give her a head start! Here are a few of my very favorites:
  11. Judy, after what I went through with Talon's girl/boy story, I am a non-believer in anything but a DNA test!
  12. This is the best place to be!! A great family, lots of fun jokes, photos, terrific members, the best advice, lots of shared experience, a variety of opinions, oh ya, and I shouldn't forget the most important reason we are all here....our greys!! {Nature-00020095}
  13. Thanks! You too!:cheer:
  14. Talon

    bent feather

    Oh you guys are all chicken! {Nature-0002009B} It's not really that bad when they realize they can fly. Talon will only fly is she can't find us, gets startled, or we decide to eat a little lunch or dinner before getting her.(that's because she is spoiled, and eats on my shoulder, and sometimes I just want to eat a little of my food alone!!) She doesn't just take off around the house to fly for the fun of it. She really needs a reason before she flies. Maybe we're just lucky. She also never goes on the windowsills and chews wood. I have many perches around the house on windows, etc., so she will land there, or on the top of the curtain rods. They prefer to land on a high spot. She will fly circles around the room before looking for a high spot to land on, or she'll land on my hand, shoulder, or head..ouch! I think if they are content enough in their lives, and their needs are being met, they really have no desire to spend their time just flying. But take them outside...........and that's a different story.:huh:
  15. Amanda, Welcome! You will find lots of advice and experience here, you just need to keep reading. We got our bird at just under 9 weeks. She was already weaned, so I can't help you with that process. But you should offer her regular food as well as what you are feeding her. Buy the small pellets and offer some by hand. Certainly, you need to get the best advice from your vet, if you can't wait until Friday, call and ask them over the phone, they can help you get started. Every bird is different, they usually decide when it is time to wean themselves gradually, so there is no right or wrong. Just keep offering her food. It would be best to use baby food now for vegetables & fruits. She is a little young for the others. They will sleep and take frequent naps through out the day. So, allow her to do that as she will tire easily. Good luck, enjoy her, and keep us posted!! Let us know what the vet says on Friday!!
  16. Oh, I'm so sorry.....{Feel-bad-0002006A}
  17. It's more entertaining, birds talking, whistling, eating, interacting. It's very colorful and good close ups of many different kinds of parrots. Talon really hasn't picked up anything from it, but she enjoys having the company of other birds. :woohoo:
  18. Hey Mr. Paramedic, I love your sense of humor...but there is a lot of truth in what you say there. Yup! Karma for you!! :lol:
  19. Lidia, If I tried that with Talon, I would look like this....{Feel-bad-00020080} And Talon would look like this at me...{Emotions-00020077}
  20. Lidia, I have some toys and on the bottom of Talon's play cage. I also fill a heavy bowl with water and put a couple of rubber ducks in there. I have a ladder that goes down to the bottom, and a perch. She will frequently climb down to play and splash in the water. So, depending on your grey, it might work out very well. It's worth a try!! :silly:
  21. Well, we know who's in charge in your house!! :lol: Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are going really well.
  22. Well, for me, that's because I love the babies, and love to hear & see them. So:cheer: don't worry, just keep it up. We are all enjoying the updates!!
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