Everyone gives you good advice, however, I did things quite the opposite, when I picked up Talon from the airport. After 7 hours of her being in her little bird carrier to the airport, the 4 hour flight, holding time in the cargo area for about 1 hour, and having about a 90 minute ride home in the car. I brought her into the house and put her in my son's room on his bed while still in her carrier. I gave her about 20 minutes to settle in, and then we took her out and let her walk around on the bed. She wanted to be with us, as she was quite frightened, and I imagine shell shocked. We kept her in the room, tried to comfort her. She was only 8 1/2 weeks old. We took her over and slowly introduced her to her cage which was in the same room. Eventually after about 1 1/2 hours , we put her in her cage. We didn't wait to start handling her, she seemed to really want the human companionship. It did take a few days of teaching her to step up, but we worked on that, right away the next day. Because she was so young, she did cry a lot for her family for about 2 1/2 weeks. It was very sad, I spent a lot of time holding her in a blanket, and singing lullabies to her to help calm her.
So take your cues from your bird, and do the best you can. What is right for one bird, isn't necessarily right for another.
Talon is a very happy and content bird, and never bit until she reached the terrible twos. :pinch: