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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hello and Welcome! I love that you posted so many pictures right from the start. Beaker is adorable! When is Beaker coming home? Will you be weaning him? Six weeks is young to start teaching him much, except bonding and learning to trust you, but the pictures show that you are already doing that! Please keep us posted on his growth. We love babies here! :woohoo:
  2. Tari, that's wonderful. I hope she keeps it up. You must be so excited! :woohoo:
  3. Talon hates showers, baths, getting wet. Beccy, I too, bought one of those bird misters. Talon hated it at first, she would fly off into another room. So I put her in her play cage, and used it on her. She didn't like it, but after she realized it would chase her all over her cage, she sat there, pouting, and gave in. I did that weekly with her, and very quickly, she learned it wasn't so bad. Now I can give her a mist bath on her play perch, and she will still try and go after the end of the hose, but she will stay in one place and take her punishment, as she sees it! :evil:
  4. Loviechick, that's great! 2lbs. is wonderful, you must be happy. What ever you are doing, is working, so keep it up!
  5. I have leather furniture. It is the easiest to clean as far as birds go. MY cats don't like it for their claws. There really is no place for them to scratch and get their claws into. So, I think that is the best option for us.:side:
  6. Joe, that is really nice. You are so clever! Your birds sure are lucky!:woohoo:
  7. Hi Adele! It's so nice that you joined our family. You will find lots of us from the other forum here. Judy is right, this place is very busy and full of fun. There are always members here to share and get helpful advice from. The IM box is always lots of fun, especially at night. The members here are very loving, caring, gentle and sweet. You won't find any criticism here like in the other forum. We have added many rooms here also. And lots of pictures are encouraged, so please feel free to post away! Again, I'm very happy you are here! Please tell your friends, we have a blast here! Penny
  8. Hello and Welcome. I look forward to hearing something more about you and your grey.
  9. Congratulations Dan! I love reading your posts. You always have something very good to add. Keep it up! {Characters-0002005D}
  10. YES! Talon has gone through a few of them. It is her favorite place to perch, and I have many around the house, some strung from the ceilings, and some turned sideways,and she climbs through them like tunnels. I have had to replace 2 of them in 2 years. I do keep a close eye on them, and cut the strings off as they fray. She too, got stuck in one of the threads with her foot, and got quite frantic. Thank God I was home, or it could have been very tragic. PLEASE replace them immediately. They could get hurt on the wires, and it sounds like the threads are to bare to keep them safely.
  11. Good Judy! Sounds like everyone is doing great. Keep up the good work! My biggest problem, is staying away from the chocolate chip cookies!!
  12. These are great! I love them all!! :woohoo:
  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. It would certainly be helpful to know the cause, if only for peace of mind. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  14. Sorry, I missed this. But Welcome! I enjoy our IM chats!
  15. Hi Kierstin and Welcome! I am happy you joined. I look forward to hearing more from you!
  16. Welcome Stephanie. I hope you get this little guy, he needs you. Please keep us updated!
  17. Zeta, Welcome to our family. I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't look at the pictures with out crying. Thank you for sharing them with us, and reminding us about the terrible way this tragedy was handled by the so called "People in Charge" if you will. I hope you find that special Grey to share your life with. Please keep us posted.
  18. Aaw. very nice pictures. I love the last one!
  19. Go to your profile. Click on Update Profile, Click on Contact Info. There you can change your password.
  20. Talon

    Ken Globus

    Yes, Judy, I am going. (It is only about 45 minutes from my house.)It is a 3 day World Exposition, November 2,3, and 4th. Cats, dogs, and birds. Wasn't sure about some of the seminars, but I think after Dan's advice, I will go to see Ken Globus. I won't be bringing Talon, as I want to do other things, and SHOP for bird toys!! But I hope to learn something from the event. Thanks for the advice!
  21. Yes, Lisa we are having technical problems posting pictures, and are working to rectify the problem asap. Don't give up yet, we"ll get it fixed.
  22. Talon

    Ken Globus

    Has anyone here ever heard of Ken Globus known as "The Bird Whisper"? I have an opportunity to go to a Bird Training Workshop he is doing. I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with his techniques, and if it really worth the 4 hour training session he is doing.
  23. I have been having problems with my video camera, as soon as I can, I will try and video tape her.
  24. Not to mention the scarring that is left behind after the laser treatments. In most cases I have seen, the tattoo looks better than the scarring. Remember, you have to live with that tattoo even into your old age.
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