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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    Do you feed the entire thing to them, or just the seeds? Can they have the entire Pom?
  2. Martin, my heart breaks for you. You had no way on knowing. You did all the research you could, it's such a tragic loss. But I agree with the others, you have so much love to share, go find that special bird waiting for you to love it. He or she is out there, and it is meant to be.
  3. WOW! I guess I was lucky. Talon came to us at 8 1/2 weeks old, clipped. We kept her clipped until age 1 1/2. She is now 25 months old, and she flies beautifully! All over the house, taking corners nicely, never missing where she is headed, and she is so much happier! Thanks for the great info Mark!
  4. WOW! This is the hardest contest ever. The landscapes are all outstanding!!
  5. Talon

    Green beans

    Talon likes Mixed veggies. I buy various mixes of frozen ones, and cook them for her every afternoon. Our parakeets love the veggies more than she does. They both get veggies every afternoon. Fruits they aren't as big on yet.
  6. Good information guys, Andrew, and Dave, thanks! My avian vet said, that because they are not outdoors in the wild using their beak fiercely looking for food, and cracking nuts etc., like they would in their natural habitat, their beaks may do this. They need toys to chew on, and hidden snacks, so that they have to work their beak to keep it smooth. It doesn't hurt them if their beak is not perfect looking. We just make it easy for them to get food, and they don't get to wear their beak down as much as they would in the wild.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/11/17 04:52
  7. I use the Misty Mate as well with Talon. She hates to get wet, but tolerates it. They get very uncomfortable if they never have a bath. Their skin gets dry, flaky, and itchy. :dry:
  8. I think it sounds like great fun! Anyone else like to join us??<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/11/17 04:20
  9. That's exciting! I look forward to seeing pictures, and hearing more!
  10. Everyone gives excellant advice. That is an awfully young bird to acquire if you don't have prior experience with babies like that. Please do your research and heed everyone's advice, for the sake of that baby.
  11. I'm happy for you Judy! If I lived closer, it would be you and me shopping until we dropped, or at least gossiping until we dropped!! :P
  12. That was adorable!! Thanks for sharing Tari!
  13. Talon

    Mazuri Food

    Never heard of them. Where do you get them?
  14. Hi Mario, and Welcome! MY goodness, you sure do have a house full! 17 birds, not to mention all the dogs and other animals! WOW! I'm glad you are here, we have such fun with your Dad and sister, iIexpect the same from you!! :woohoo: Pictures, pictures......I'd love to see some of your zoo when you have the time.:cheer:
  15. Sounds yummy Mark! Let us know how it comes out. I too, have heard that the turkey is delicious cooked that way. Most of my family comes to my house for Thanksgiving dinner. So I get stuck doing just about everything, but the kids enjoy having the family around, so it's worth it. Judy, you are crazy to shop the day after Thanksgiving, standing in line for hours just to save money? Not me, I'd rather pay more than fight those crowds! :pinch:
  16. That a girl Judy! You are doing great, and I want you to keep it up. Big Sister is watching you......:evil: I have resorted to using a treadmill for the winter. It's been cold and windy in the mornings here, so I have been using that. I must say that I feel like a hamster on a wheel about half way through my run, but I keep the wheel turning anyways! :laugh:
  17. Talon is out from 9am until 9:30 pm, unless I have to go out. Then she goes in her cage for a few hours.
  18. Hi and Welcome to our family! I am happy you have joined us. I look forward to hearing more from you.
  19. This is an excellent page! I hope no one here ever needs to use it, but it's nice to know that many eyes are on the lookout should the need every arise.
  20. Very good Dan, and quite impressive how quickly you get gossip. I guess perhaps I better be looking over my shoulder at all times. :P I am curious how you knew I loved long hair....... :whistle:
  21. Wow! Those are some DUMB laws! :ohmy:
  22. I am happy to announce that Danmcq is the moderator of the Newsroom! As you know, this will be a difficult job, but Dan has proven himself over and above in the Off-Topics Room. I have no doubt he will do the same in the Newsroom! I know he has some ideas to add to this room. I look forward to seeing what he has in mind. CONGRATULATIONS DAN! {Communicate-0002011B}
  23. Our vet, said that they can't catch colds and flu from us like humans can. But he recommended not sharing utensils and glasses, etc. just to be on the safe side. I hope others have more informed advice.
  24. They are adorable! Yes, keep us updated!
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