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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hello and Welcome Patsy and Smokey! I too am from Massachusetts. And YES, it is freezing and snowy here right now. I look forward to hearing more from you! And don't forget pictures, we love them here!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  2. That's terrible. Every member here in the US, should send an email or letter off asap!! Please everyone, Kristin is right, it won't stop with just the Conures. :(
  3. I'd be interested to hear more about what was in the movie. Or did I miss something?
  4. I can't wait to see it finished! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  5. WOW Lisa, that sure is cold!!!! It is 7 degrees here, and much colder with the wind chill. But I'm laying in bed with my laptop keeping warm. :laugh:
  6. Awwww.....she loves you! I wouldn't worry about it. It's her way of saying she loves you. You certainly don't want to discourage her from showing her affection for you.
  7. Please keep in mind that this thread is 7 years old. Thus the strange posts. I would delete it, but since it's been revived, I will leave it alone. Once again, Dan has posted some very useful info! :cheer:
  8. Thank you for your good advice. Another way would be to do a search at the top of the page. There you will get a listing of all related topics.
  9. Nice Tari. thanks for sharing this link with us. :)
  10. Have you taken him in for a check up from the vet just to rule anything out? Greys disguise illness very well. Since there is a change in behavior and appetite, I definitely would have his health checked just for peace of mind, and ten go from there. Please keep us posted.
  11. Nice to see how happy you and Cosmo are! Thanks for sharing them with us.
  12. Welcome! please keep us posted on your search to find a grey.
  13. Heather, That's a beautiful photo. Congratulations! And thanks for sharing it with us!!
  14. Talon prefers to take a bath in a bowl of water also. She does send water flying everywhere, but she has a great time getting herself wet. I put very small rubber ducks in it just for fun also. :woohoo: :woohoo:
  15. Talon

    Grey Fun

    Such cute stories! Keep them coming! I get such enjoyment reading them. Thanks everyone for sharing.
  16. Thank you Laurie! I am feeling like I'm starting to get settled and back to normal somewhat. But I'm just glad to be back here with all my family forum members and friends. :)
  17. Thank you Mark. We are adjusting to the changes, and are quite happy! Still trying to get on some sort of schedule in between unpacking and looking for things. I will be here regularly again. B) I missed you as well. Thank you for being such a good listener when I needed one. :unsure: Luv u, Penny
  18. Hi Everyone! I am so happy to finally be back! :cheer: I have missed everyone so much. Although life has been busy and hectic for me, I have been in touch daily with Judygram and keeping up posts via my Blackberry. (THANK GOD FOR TECHNOLOGY) I was without internet in my new home for almost 2 weeks, I thought my kids were going to die from withdrawals. :laugh: :laugh: But we are up and running now, getting settled in, and loving our new home. Talon has taken the move very well. She had no problems adjusting, other than not wanting to go to bed the first few nights. She still has an unsettled schedule, up late, up early, spending more time in her cage than she is used to. But she doesn't seem to mind at all. In fact, she seems quite happy here. We have cathedral ceilings, and more of an open floor plan, so she really seems to like to hear her voice echo when she speaks! She is talking a lot to herself. So I am very happy in how well she is doing. Judy, You are a wonderful friend. You have been here for me through all my ups and downs, my complaints, my hopes and dreams. You truly are the kind of friend that leaves footprints on my heart, and you always will be. That invitation for you is always open, I expect you to use it. Thank you for starting this thread, and making me feel loved and wanted here. We all need to feel that every once and a while. I'm glad I have you in my family to support me. Your the best! Love ya, Penny Tracy, Thank you for your kind words. It made me feel so good to know I was missed. You are a very nice person, and I am honored to call you my friend. I hope to talk to you soon on the phone. Still working on that conference call. Dan, Thanks for the wonderful words. I love how you always take the time to make me and everyone here feel so special! :kiss: I will have to get typing and give you something to research. Seems things are slow for you in that department lately. You have always been a good friend to me, and it means a lot to me. You bring so much to this forum. Thanks for holding the fort down while I was gone. You're a sweetheart! Luv ya, Penny Toni, Thank you for taking the time to wish me well! I hope to stay put, if I don't I think the others will send a posse' out looking for me.......:laugh: Makena, Thank you for you upbeat attitude. It sure has helped me through these last few weeks. I remember your words well! I feel very blessed to have you as one of my dearest friends. As I have said before, you are wise beyond your years. You are an amazing woman, and thank you for being here for me when I have needed it. Luv ya girl! Penny Tari, Thank you for welcoming me back. Our birdies and pets have done very well with the changes. In fact, they all seem much happier! Talonsis, Your cute! You have been the shining light these past few weeks. I know things have been difficult for you. But you really rose above and beyond with all you have done to help me, and help with the animals and your brothers. I am soooo lucky to have you as my daughter. You are an amazing young woman, I have seen such strength in you during this time. I am so proud to call you my daughter and friend. I love you Melissa. Mom And by the way, you have been missed here just as much, and I want to say, "WELCOME BACK" :kiss: Joe, What can I say........that window has been cracked, but I don't have a ladder! :laugh: :laugh: I have missed our chats in the IM box, but I see that Judy has been keeping you busy! I have missed your wit, and humor, and I am glad to see that you have been practicing up on your typing skills. I expect many new posts from you now that you are no longer 2 fingers! I missed you. Luv, Penny FairY, That was a beautiful song. It was perfect, and just what I needed to hear. And I imagine that you understand exactly how I am feeling. I hope all goes well with you. Know that I am here for you and you have my support. Pm me anytime. Luv, Penny<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/01/14 06:25
  19. Hmmmmm........I better go unpack my camera, if I can find the right box. :P :pinch: It's great to see a New contest! Yay! :cheer:
  20. Excellent Judy! I feel as you do. Friends are most important, we must cherish them and nurture our relationships with them. I don't like to make New Years Resolutions, but I do like to try and be a better person each and every day. Whether I succeed in that.....well that's another story altogether! :laugh:
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