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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I'm glad he seems to be doing better! Hopefully it will stay that way.
  2. Hey, Kissing up to me ALWAYS works! Just ask......oh, never mind, can't give away all my secrets!:pinch: Oh poor Judy!!! {Emotions-0002011C}
  3. Oh Judy, I gave you karma too, here's for you! {Love-000200BF} And you know I right beside you Judy! Whatever you need... well, of course, within reason! :whistle: :whistle:
  4. Awwww....I LOVE flowers!! And yes, I did give you all karma, but perhaps I should give you just a little extra! {Feel-good-000200A2}
  5. Kristin, I'm so sorry to hear of this. I'm with Dan, red palm oil, aloe vera juice, plenty of baths, high humidity, lots of attention, and perhaps limit his cage time as much as you can. perhaps rearranging his cage would be enough of a distraction for him to "forget" about it. I know you two are moving soon, perhaps the anxiety of that is spilling over and he can feel it? Please keep us updates, we love Makena like he was our own. <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/03/18 21:08
  6. That was great Dan! And soooo true!! I knew I'd find Judy lurking here........B)
  7. YUP! That's right Judy!! Remember......I'm always watching..................B) B) :lol: :pinch: :silly:
  8. Well for you Dan, I would do anything.........:whistle:
  9. We just moved 3 months ago. Talon sat through us packing about a month in advance. Boxes piling up everywhere. I just kept things as normal as possible for her. On moving day, we put her in her travel cage, and moved in one day. We kept talking to her, and never left her alone where she couldn't see what was happening, or one of us. It was several hours before I was able to set up her cage. As long as she was with us, she was fine. I put her in her cage as soon as I could, and she watched all the commotion of the movers bringing in the furniture and boxes. She did very well. She didn't seem to mind, as long as she got reassurance from one of us while the chaos was going on. But they are all different, and they will bounce back in a couple of weeks once things have settled down a bit. Bedtime was the most difficult adjustment for her. She has a separate sleep cage in my bedroom, and she didn't want any part of going in it! It took her a month before she would willing go in it. So, keep us posted, and best of luck to you. Just don't let any of the anxiety that you feel about how she's going to handle it go noticed. B)
  10. Okay guys!! I know what you are doing, your just posting here so I will up your karma again......:laugh: {Feel-good-0002006E} Good work everyone! This is starting to be a fun thread!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  11. I would like to thank all our wonderful and caring members for their investigative work proving that this truly was the scam we all suspected it was. You have all gone above and beyond in your help with this for our family members. The caring that you have shown of others is a rare quality, and one that makes me very proud. I have deleted the email address, sent a pm to this member, and will report this thru the proper channels. I do, however, want to KEEP this thread here. I will not delete it, as I want this to remain as an example for any new members that may let the excitement of a "free bird" cloud their vision and be taken by ads like this. I know that many people have fallen for things like this and lost not only money, but their hopes and dreams for a bird. I have the ultimate respect for our members here that cared enough about others to take the time to uncover this with the PROOF that some may need to see that this is a scam. Karma for everyone here who posted! :cheer: Thank you all, Penny
  12. Judy, you will bounce back as soon as you are feeling better! I joined a gym a few weeks ago. I am doing very well. I am mostly doing upper body work as I feel like I get enough lower body work when I run, which I still do every day. But I have added bicycling at the gym for 2 1/2 miles after my run and workout. I love that! The hardest part about going to the gym is that I get up at 5am every day to go before I have to come home and get the kids to school. Getting to bed around 10:30 at night is sooooo hard for me. I hope that it will get easier. I am a night owl, and prefer to stay up until midnight. :S Well, that's my update. I hope to hear from others.
  13. Thanks Dave, and it's nice to see you haven't forgotten about us! B) B)
  14. No Irish in me, but it is my mommy's birthday on that very same day! And she married my father on that day as well. So it's a triple celebration! :woohoo:
  15. Welcome back, Muse!! We all missed you and your posts!! I look forward to your valuable contributions to our family!! :)
  16. Talon

    New Laptop

    Glad your back!! Laptops are great, it's a must Judy!!
  17. Stephen King's books are excellent. He lives in my neck of the world too. :silly:
  18. Shall I delete? What do you guys think???? Sounds bogus to me.
  19. Talon


    Yea, back on topic guys, or I'll have to go in my bag and dig out those sleeping topic police!! {Characters-0002005D}
  20. JUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't make me fly down there and kick your butt!! Let's go girl, you can do it. We are in this together, lets get exercising and cutting back on our intake. Smaller meals throughout the day, not 3 big ones. {Characters-00020059}
  21. Oh yes they can....................B) :laugh: :laugh: You GO Joe!! It's about time there was a Men's Only thread! I can't wait to watch where this goes. I'll be watching.................B) B) B) B) B) B)
  22. There could be many reasons for the sudden death. Even something as simple as being exposed to toxins such as something in the air, perfumes/air fresheners/candles,teflon, etc. Please let us know what the results are.
  23. OMG! Yup, I say, "No Talon", and "Don't chew that!" and, "DO YOU HAVE TO CHEW EVERYTHING IN THIS HOUSE ALL THE TIME!!! quite a lot!
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