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Everything posted by Talon

  1. WOW! Thanks for the update! Good luck getting those birds to bed tonight!!
  2. This is funny! But all kidding aside. Dishwashers using dish washing soap is fine. I run mine at night when Talon is upstairs in her sleep cage, so no problems.
  3. I've never even heard of it. :ohmy:
  4. What a scary way to wake up! I hope you find out what it was. Let me know, I'm curious. :huh:
  5. Welcome! I don't have any hands on experience with a rescue, but many members here do. I'm sure they will give you the advice you are looking for very soon. Please keep us posted, and I'm glad you joined!
  6. Makena, You poor thing. I would NEVER give medications such as that to any bird. Dan is correct, this is a behavior problem that is only recent. I would wait until you move, and settle in, and are able to see the avian vet there for help with this. Please keep us updated.
  7. Wow the others have said it all. My advice is simple, don't do it! there are so many other ways to make money, breeding birds is not one of them.
  8. Tracy, I just love this room!! It is definitely my favorite room to visit. These pictures are so nice to see, especially since some of us have never experienced seeing our grey at such a young age. :cheer:
  9. Congratulations, and welcome to our family.Wwe love to see photo's here. Please feel free to visit the photography room, and post lots of pictures!! B)
  10. We will definitely miss you, but family does come first! Don't worry, we will hold the fort down in your absence as best we can. You leave some big shoes to fill! <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/04/14 00:35
  11. Dave, they are soooo adorable! Thank you for posting this picture, and sharing your story with us. That's one sweet mama!!
  12. Very nice pictures! Looks like a wonderful day to ride!
  13. Talon


    I think that's a good age! YES!! 2 and under!
  14. Talon


    Talon is 2 1/2 years old. SHE IS PAST THE BABY STAGE, AND ONTO THE TERRIBLE TWOS!! Maybe we need a terrible two's room too!! :woohoo: :laugh:
  15. Yup! Fairy works fast doesn't she!! Thank you Fairy!!
  16. Talon


    I just wanted to start off with a "Welcome to our Baby Room". Here you can ask any questions related to baby greys, or offer any advice that you may find helpful in the raising and care of our precious babies! Posting baby photo's would be a wonderful addition as well! :cheer:
  17. He's adorable!!! What a cutie! :cheer:
  18. I am happy to announce the opening of a New Room here at greyforums.net. In the next day or so, we will be opening The Baby Room This room will be an easy to find place to go to ask baby questions, offer information and advice for the help in overall baby care for Greys. So look for it coming soon!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/04/12 03:06
  19. Hi mMokey and Welcome to our Family! B)
  20. I have office clear mats under the cage and playstand for Talon. They're the ones you put on carpet to slide you office chair around on. They wipe up clean and easily, and I also keep a dustbuster close by. :S
  21. WOW! Those are fun to hear. What a good little talker! B)
  22. Talon hates baths!!! She doesn't get one as often as she should. :(
  23. Coopersmom, Wow! You really were meant to have this bird. I don't understand why they didn't call you when they decided to give him to the shelter, but all will be well soon. It's too bad your leaving for a bit, but the fun and work will begin when you get back. Please keep us posted! B)
  24. Hi Rex, and WELCOME to our family! I look forward to hearing more about that smartie you have there!!
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