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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Timbersmom, EXCELLANT thoughts and great points you made. I feel better already...it was a heart wrenching thread to start, but I really wanted others thoughts as I have some very disturbing feelings in thinking about doing something so difficult.. As I said, it was only 1 option that someone suggested. It is something that has been on my mind for almost a year....and I felt bringing it up here in this family would give a clearer insight.
  2. Thank you for your insight. I am just sharing something I was told about many months ago. The thought of my healthy birds being put down, I cant even fathom. I didn't mean to imply I am the only who can care for them, it's just I'm all there is is right now.. this is why I posted this, I want to hear others thoughts on the subject as hard as it us.....thanks again, I totally respect what you said and it gives me hope.
  3. One thing I always remember, my birds NEVER asked to be pets, never asked for this life in captivity that they have been dealt....they don't ask to live 40-80 years being passed around in our world, not the one they were meant for....they were meant to be free, but they were bred and dealt this hand. I want to make the time they have the best possible, with no suffering in any way shape or form. They don't deserve it
  4. This is going to be a very rough, controversial topic. It could turn badly very quickly. So I ask that all members use respect for the topic, and various feelings and opinions that will emerge from this subject. For those of you that are aware, I have 3 parrots, 2 greys and a closely very bonded Amazon. Their ages are 7, 13 & 13. My kids are grown and all but 1 are out, on their own starting their lives. My birds are very close to me and I am the sole caregiver of their flock. I am at a point in my life where I need to plan for the day that I will no longer be on the earth. I really don't feel that my kids are an option for my parrots as they start their lives, my daughter possibly for my greys, who can predict what their lives will be like, I hate to saddle her with them and their needs. I know of a few people who are in the same place I am and after much thought and soul searching, they have come to a decision. For me, the thought of my birds being given to another home, or who knows where, perhaps being locked in a cage, perhaps being abused, not understanding what happened to the freedom they had with me,and losing their home. Having to adjust to a whole new situation. The chance of them all getting a wonderful loving home is so slim. I feel they don't deserve the chaos that will come of my demise. As it is now, I can't go away for 2 days as I have no one to care for them, or no one who can handle them. They know me and only me. So back to this decision my friends have made and have it all set up in their wills......In the event of their deaths, there are instructions in their will, that their birds will be euthanized. As horrible as that sounds, after it settles in, it almost would be a comfort to know they aren't left behind with out the proper care if it's not available. I don't want my birds passed around, separated, and having to spend several years trying to adjust and adapt to a new life, a new routine, new homes, new faces, leaving their comforting routine, foods, treats, their whole life will be disrupted, and gone. so I am just throwing this out there.....I have not made a decision. It is just something I feel strongly about considering as an option among many. PLEASE keep it kind and respectful. I WILL lock this thread if flame wars begin. I'd rather not, a discussion, or opinions are fine, don't INSULT a others thoughts and feelings. THANK YOU in advance for your kindness towards others.
  5. I have ceiling fans all thought my house. I use them mostly on low, my birds never fly into them, they are pretty close to the ceiling. Sometimes when they are off, my parrots will land on them and I turn them on low to get them off cause they want to chew them. Talon loves to ride them around and around. I spin them faster to get my Amazon to fly off. Had them for 11 years. In issues
  6. Welcome! I look forward to having you in our grey family!
  7. Yea, he sounds bored and ready for new adventures!
  8. I never received a request . We don't delete, we only de activate
  9. She is absolutely adorable! But as the others have said, a much bigger cage is best. I buy macaw size cages for my parrots. Once you start filling them with perches, food bowls and toys, they get quite small inside. The bigger they are, the happier they are I find.
  10. Jeez.... I live in the country and skunks live here as well. DONT put a havaheart trap out, it will spray inside of it and fill your house again ! i found this online when searching for moth balls.... Warning The use of mothballs for skunk’s removal is illegal in some states. Mothballs – containing paradichlorobenzene – are considered to be pesticides. The product should be used only inside tightly sealed containers. Read more: http://pestkill.org/rodents/skunks/repellents-and-deterrent-solutions/
  11. I agree with the vet wrap, but also put a folded towel on the bottom of the cage so when he does fall it will be a softer landing. My timneh gets night terrors and when she falls to the bottom she doesn't get hurt as she lands in a soft place.
  12. That is adorable!!! She's so sweet! I LOVE the wave!!!!
  13. I have bought numerous ones ..my birds chew the suction cups up. They also pull them away form the wall with their beak and them and the perch go crashing down .
  14. Thank you Dave, happy new year to our wonderful family here! I wish everyone a very happy peaceful year! ,
  15. Omg! That is hilarious, but fantastic!! I would love to be able to do that with my greys....but they would make Hamburg out of my hand!
  16. Thanks Sterling, that's a fantastic idea! I have many doors to the outside, to escaping should be pretty quick, it's gathering up my birds that concerns me, but the catch net is a wonderful idea! I think more practice in their travel cages is a good idea, I don't know how you manage to do it daily, but I should start it weekly for now!
  17. My alarms have gone off so much, that it actually takes me about 20 seconds or so till I realize what it is. I am a very calm person, so I don't panic, the birds were fine until the alarms started to get quite loud. There was 11 wired in my house, so you can imagine how that sounds. Luvparrots, I have a bird window into my aviary as well, but my outdoor aviary is attached to my house .
  18. Well, it is Christmas today, I was sitting on the couch playing on my iPad, had xmas dinner in the oven, a fire in the fireplace, relaxing, just said goodbye to my 2 sons as they were leaving to go over to their dads house...then all the smoke alarms in the house starting going off! I ran in the basement and saw what looked like smoke coming from the top of the furnace I just had cleaned 2 days ago. I ran upstairs to hit the emergency switch to the furnace to off. The birds were flying frantically around the house. I went back in the basement and saw that it was actually the hot water heater, water was all over the floor and it was steam, not smoke. When I went back upstairs, it occurred to me that in the event of a fire, there was NO way I was going to be able to catch the birds and get them in their travel cages that I keep next to their regular cages in the event of an emergency........does anyone have any advice? I always thought I was prepared in my mind that the first thing I would do is get them into their travel cages and Into my car and back,it away from the house ...I see now that if they are out in the house...that never going to be possible...I feel so defeated......?
  19. There are some states that now have an animal abuse registry just like a sex offender registry. Also any states have made it a federal offense to abuse animals. I hope all other states follow suit.
  20. No one here said the answer is to get a gun, but being alert, prepared and on your guard to protect your family is all I said. You chose how you feel safe and prepared. As Judy said, better to have and not need than to need and not have.
  21. This is her favorite new one:
  22. That little devil swinging in the aviary is the best thing I've ever see ! I so enjoyed that, I wish I could do that with my greys!
  23. I have yet to figure out a way to play them for her while I'm at work. I only have a tv and did player in the bird room
  24. Well, it seems I have discovered Nilahs favorite language. I play you tube videos for her as she loves to hear others birds sing. I stumbled across Spanish speaking amazons....OMG, she loves it! Her little eyes pinning with excitement, she just can't get enough!
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