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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hopefully others here will give you better advice, but there seems to be a lots of "ifs" with this bird. Sounds like if you got him, he would be in a cage 24/7, that is not in the best interest of the bird. They really need freedom out of a cage. Such as a big aviary. As for the tail feathers, only a vet can give you the answer you need. Parrots that are kept cages all the time, will pluck as those conditions will stress them.
  2. FYI, you have posted in the wrong room, I will move it to the appropriate room.
  3. There has always been a lot of security issues here...if you want to make yourself a moderator KevinD, give it a try...if you have specific issues you would like to discuss, send me a pm please
  4. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?202933-About-Egg-Laying&highlight=Laying+eggs
  5. Egos, I wish knew that answer to this....Dave would for sure
  6. I have seen an enormous drop in participation here since Facebook has become such the norm for many people. It is very easy to share pics and videos to FB, and can be a chore to share them here. I also see many parrot groups there as well. I prefer not to join in the goings on as far as parrot groups in fb. People there don't care about us there like they do here. This is family, we mourn for each other's loss, love following each and every parrot here. Even tho people don't spend much time here, it will always be our soft place to fall.
  7. Yes, I also can't access my profile or get messages, I have notified the tech dept.
  8. Wonderful thread! Yes, there is no love like that of an Amazon. My Nilah a yellow crowned Amazon is most happy when she is on me. I have learned early on that you must learn to read their body language. She does get fiesty in the spring, but it will pass
  9. Yep, learned this the hard way...but I have my 3, and that's all I will have. Not enough of me to go around as much as I would like. i also m at an age where I worry what will become of the 3 I have once I'm gone. They are all under 14 years old, they will outlive me.
  10. Hmm.. interesting. At quick glance, it looks like it isn't just any old essential oils, it is a special blend.
  11. Awww...love that ..whatcha doing dad?
  12. I came across this last year sometime. It's a wonderful thing
  13. Happy Birthday Corky!! I am sure you were spoiled as always!! My best wishes to your family, hope all is well now.
  14. Great reminder! Thank you!
  15. That's adorable! Thanks for sharing!!
  16. Merry Christmas to all! The birds will love the Xmas mess....maybe
  17. Congrats!!! I am so excited! TWICE the fun and yes you will have a blast with them! Can't wait to follow your posts about your flock now that you have 4! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
  18. Not my Amazon, she LOVES to fly!
  19. Loved it! Nilah loves singing, one day, I'll get it on video
  20. My only suggestion is to shut off all the lights when you want to put him to bed. They will not want to fly in the dark as he cant see. Talon doesn't like to go to bed, so I have to shut the lights off to keep her from flying away. She eagerly steps up in the dark as well.
  21. Talon

    Help Please

    Yes a little more information, background, her schedule ect, your interaction will help us offer suggestions.
  22. I understand that, but in the interim I made suggestion as our tech dept is out of the country and it takes time to get things fixed...we are 1 of many sites they own...and one of their smaller ones...sometimes we have to wait our turn
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