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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Do you know how expensive an african grey is....?:huh: I agree with the others, if you are too busy for your dogs as you say, then you won't find anyone here that would trade with you. Greys require as much time as a child does, which being the mother of 4 children, I KNOW about this. A dog requires a much smaller amount of attention! DO your research! B)
  2. Yes, I agree with Dan. Greys require much more time than any dog or dogs. They aren't like other birds that you can just leave in a cage for most of the time. Maybe you should just devote your time to the birds you DO have. I am sure they would love any attention you could give them. Greys require as much time as a toddler does, and you don't put them in a playpen all day long .....:blink: No offense, but if your dogs are lacking in your attention as you say, a grey would for sure develop problems for being neglected with the attention you have.
  3. Janfromboone wrote: Yes, if you research the info we have here about clipped birds. You will see many stories about how easily, when they get frightened, the wind is just right, or their wings have grown just enough, but unnoticed to the owner, about how easily they can fly when you least expect it. I hope and pray that you find Rita and she is safely returned. I am so sorry to hear this.
  4. Talon

    I is back

    Welcome back! What a lucky bird Echo is to have such a big mansion! B)
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. :(
  6. My prayers & thoughts are with all the families of our treasured hero's. Karma for you for starting this thread. B)
  7. Hey, I started an African Grey Group for anyone on Facebook! B)
  8. {Feel-good-0002006E} You go girl! I can always go and look up his last name here if he thinks he's got us! :laugh: :laugh:
  9. Let the hunt begin..................:evil: :evil: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  10. Judy, talk about the Cold, Hard truth! :ohmy: We could always hunt him down in Facebook...........and annoy him there as well!:laugh: :P DAN, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME! Here you thought you could escape Judy and I.........well, you can't, NEVER!!:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  11. Well well well Dan! Keeping yourself a secret to the rest of us Facebook addicts? B)
  12. Yes, it is a family forum, that is why we are being very delicate in our wording here as this question was asked by a 14 year old.....but guess what? It is a fact of life that birds mate, and learning how is showing what a good owner you are, as you try to learn as much as possible about them. Questions like this one is one that anyone remotely considering breeding can learn from. B)
  13. For those of you that have an excuse for why you don't take the time to exercise, or for those of who feel sorry for yourself because of money problems, family problems, or just plain feeling sorry for yourself.....watch this: It's 9 minutes, but it's worth taking nine minutes out of your life to rethink your life and be grateful for all you have. :huh:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/07/17 16:33
  14. Pat yourself on the back for answering this Dan...:blink: :laugh: :laugh: Karma for you Dan.
  15. Please be reminded..... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/forum-feedback/16967-an-important-word-about-respect.html
  16. Well I think it's great because my birds have chewed my window sills to bits!
  17. Check this out! They are very expensive, but they are really nice. http://www.wingdow.com/products_gym.htm
  18. Luvparrots and I have agreed that we will not delete this thread. B)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/07/17 02:23
  19. I would get it to the vet asap. Make sure that he is ok and is not in any pain due to a possible injury. If he is favoring it, it sounds like its not something he was born with. Please keep us posted with updates and congrats on your new bird. There islots of info here to help you. read thru the many threads and ask any questions you may have.
  20. I am so sorry for your loss. Time will heal, but the memories will stay alive forever.
  21. Dave, what are your thoughts on bringing branches (non-toxic)in from the outdoors, and putting them in the cage for them to chew the bark off of? :dry:
  22. Talon has been singing, "Happy Birthday to you!" over and over and over.....:silly:
  23. What a horribly painful thing someone told you to do. That's like ripping fingernails off a human in my opinion! OUCH! :angry: As Judy has said, you have a long road ahead of you, IF your bird decides to trust you. I wish you the best of luck, keep loving it, talk sweetly ALL the time to it, give treats, and have someone else do the day to day care. You shouldn't stick your hand in the cage until he trust you, or he never will. Again, this is MY opinion. :dry:
  24. That's wonderful news! I'm so happy she is back with her family!
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