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Everything posted by Talon

  1. My amazon was clipped very very short when I bought her. Her wings were fully grown out in 10 months. MY grey took much longer, more like 12-14 months, and then she would try to fly, crash land and break one or two...she never learned how to fly and it took her a long time to learn. My amazon got the hang of it very quickly.
  2. I do use the untreated wood boxes, Popsicle sticks, and untreated baskets. I ALWAYS stay away from anything made in China as they don't have the stringent regulations we do..( there are so many toys being recalled in the US that were made in China) Asking the employees, isn't a solution, they don't always know where their products are shipped from.
  3. I have ordered them online at Staples. All 2 of my cages have them...they are great! Cheap too!
  4. Talon


    I use a nylon scrubby pad that you would use for dishes, after I spray on 2.5 Acidic water for sanitizing, then rinse by spraying 11.5 Alkaline water. No hard scrubbing needed, just lightly in a few hard poop spots. No cleaners necessary. This method of cleaning is used in Japan by doctors, hospitals and most hotels instead of harsh chemicals. Cheap too! I make it with my own tap water......
  5. I accidently did the same thing to one of my greys, Rikki...her foot was sore for a couple of days, but she was fine. Just watch for infection, but he should be fine. It will grow back.
  6. P.S. I'd never give up my Grey's, Zon's and Grey's are so different... You'll never know a Zon until you live with one.....lol I second this!! However, as Dan has said. Most schools have required cleaning chemicals they use. That would be very harmful to any bird. As Jayd has said, Amazons do have a bite, in fact, they prefer to clamp on your finger as they step up, some think they are trying to bite you, but they are really making sure that finger perch is stable, steady and strong! Kids tend to scream and not want to go near the bird when this happens. Also, as Dan has stated, When they reach sexual maturity, they are very difficult to handle. Even taking them out of their cage can be a problem. My Amazon is now 1 1/2 years old. She is very territorial of her cage even though she is out of it most of the day. She does NOT want me to ever clean it, or stick my hand in it when she is looking. She will try and attack me in her own sweet way....I never let her have the upper hand, although it costs me in pain sometimes... I would suggest parakeets that you could take home at night and on the weekend.
  7. NO Jay, the thanks goes to you! I have never had a moderator put more love, care, compassion, research and time into a room before. You have made this room exciting, informative and always fun! We have some wonderful members contributing as well, and I would like to thank them. Without them and you, this room wouldn't have been so successful. This room was my selfish dream and you guys made it a reality. I am blessed and in awe of you all. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Love to you, Penny
  8. This is all great info!! An update on Nilah...her flying is incredible. She has yet to venture to fly upstairs, but she can fly all over the house and change directions. Sometimes she's headed somewhere, and you can see her change her mind as to where she is going to land, she hesitates with a hover, then she turns and off she goes. I am quite impressed with how fast she has learned to fly never having the opportunity to do it before. When Rikki first learned, she had never flown and it took her a good year to master it, Nilah has it down perfectly!! Try cooking dinner with 3 birds flying and fighting over my shoulder.... Yesterday, she was flying thru the downstairs looking for me and yelling "BIIIIRRRRD!!!!!"...... as she was flying! Now that takes talent!! signed, her proud momma bird...
  9. This is great! Thanks for sharing this. Love that Amazon!!!!


    Hope you have a great day!

  11. Thank you Dan. I think that sometimes others don't seem to understand that when they post something on a forum, it is subject to the opinions of others from all over the world, and if they don't want others opinions, then they shouldn't post... The debate about clipping, not clipping, allowing your birds outside with or without a harness or an enclosure is a subject that has been beaten to death here and every other bird forum. The only thing it accomplishes is hurt, anger, bashing of others, etc. I can see that as admin, it's best not speak any thoughts. I will continue to sit back, run the forum from the behind the curtain. I apologize to anyone who I've offended. No hard feelings here. :) PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST BY ME. GO BACK TO THE TOPIC, AND FEEL FREE TO POST AS YOU LIKE ABOUT THIS TOPIC. GOOD DAY.
  12. Oops, after reading this yet again, I'm not sure they are in a covered patio where they can fly if their instincts kick in......if they are not, then I second what Jayd said even more......just MY opinion tho, after all, they are YOUR birds. I hope and pray they are as safe as possible. After all, that YOUR job as their loving PARRONT.
  13. Jshendrix: Your post regarding Jayd's comment was uncalled for. I agree wholeheartedly with what he wrote. My heart went in my throat when I saw the photo of your 3 beautiful birds outside like that. We have been on this forum for so long, and we have experienced the heart wrenching that goes on time and time again from members distraught over losing their "clipped" birds because they are ignorant to the fact that a "clipped" bird can get swept up in a breeze especially when startled. Just refer back to Dan's post. If you had clearly stated in the beginning that they were in an enclosed area, perhaps our hearts would have stopped beating in our throats. We had no way of knowing that they were safely outside........Please see it from an outsiders position not knowing the full story as you left out a few details....no hard feelings please, just understanding. We LOVE all the birds here on the forum and want nothing but the best for them. The pictures are beautiful by the way. 3 Lovely birds, you are lucky and blessed.
  14. Talon

    new used cage

    Hi Dan... Yeah but any germ or disease on planet earth can not and does not survive in WATER with pH 2.6 or lower. It is DEAD in less then 30 seconds. Now I am not disputing that there exists caustic chemicals that can kill microbes.. There certainly are.. but there are much better and safer approaches too. I don't pay for any of this. It cost me just 2 cents a gallon to make. Of course it does cost to buy the machine but I did that for the health benefits to me and my family. The acid water is a "freebie" so to speak. Anyone interesting in learning more please don't hesitate to PM me. I really don't want to start a long drawn out debate here in this thread. I'm sure the OP understands.
  15. Talon

    new used cage

    I have to chime in on this thread..... the absolute BEST cleaner, disinfectant, sanitizer, sterilizer is 2.5 Acid water. This is the only thing I use on all my tree stands, playstands, cages, toys, etc. NOTHING cleans better. I spray it on, let it sit for a minute and wipe clean. 2.5 acic water is used in hospitals, hotels, used by doctors instead of soap when washing their hands to prep for surgery as it is antibacterial, etc. it kills all bacteria, e.coli, mrsa, and salmonella. There is no harm to my birds. no fumes, no chemicals, just water! I highly recommend it for any one!
  16. Talon

    Pets Are Top

    OH!!! I LOVE it!!! So nice to see all your family of feathered kids. Thanks Jay, nice of you to do for us to enjoy!
  17. Talon

    Pets Are Top

    Hi everyone! Please look at the new banner in my posts. It is from a new site called Pets Are Top. It is a brand new site designed by the owners of Greyforums. I think you will find it fun! I have found it to be very easy to work with, and a fun idea to share your pets with everyone. Please click on the Check my Pets on the bottom of my banner. It will take you directly to Pets are Top page and you can make your own banner and add info about your pets if you desire. It only took me a few minutes to make! Very user friendly!!
  18. I have always believed that all living things have feelings and understand death. As sad as this is, Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking testament.It is what us bird owners always knew...
  19. Aww.....Happy Birthday Tee! 16 years old....wow! Nice that your dad loves you enough to get you shrimp for your birthday!
  20. Nilah loves a coconut with a hole in it. I stuff it with all kinds of toy bits from old toys, all shapes and sizes. I bought it pre made and it hangs in her cage. She loves it and empties it out daily. Thanks for the suggestions Jay!!
  21. Jay and Diego, I have to agree with you both. Nilah seems to fly only as a last resort. She would rather climb, yell "BIRD!" when looking for me..then when I won't come get her, she finally decides to fly and find me. My greys don't bother calling. they just take off flying elegantly around the house until they hear a noise that might be me, then they are off and they ALWAYS find me!! Meanwhile, Nilah is still screaming "BIIIRRDDD!!!"""""
  22. Okay, Diego has come up with an interesting observation. One I think needs more discussion from some Amazon owners. Do those of you with Amazons, find that they prefer to fly in straight lines rather than twists and turns like our greys do? I haven't found this, but Nilah is still learning and not as fluent as my greys yet. She twists and changes direction in mid flight to land where she chooses. I would be curious to know what others find in their homes. :cool:
  23. I find it interesting that you say Amazons prefer to fly in a straight line so to speak. I had never heard that before. MAybe Jay and the others will chime in on this.....My amazon, Nilah does twists and turns, changes directions...but not as fluently as my greys do. I attribute this to the fact that she is still learning and flaps her little wings off trying to get where she is going. It's hard work for her still, but hopefully one day she will be as relaxed about it as my grey are. They flew alot like her when they were first learning to fly with those new wings too! Hmm sounds like the start of a new thread......ok...I'm on it!
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