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Everything posted by Talon

  1. You never have to leave and say Goodbye. Stop by anytime even if it's only occasionally....we certainly understand how life can change things, but we will always be here to just say HI once in a while, or to share something ......
  2. Talon

    garlic ok?

    I Believe, real Garlic (not the powdered kind) can be deadly, it was on my no no list: Onions, Raw potatoes, Mushrooms and Garlic cloves... I am sure other more expert opinions will correct me if I am wrong.
  3. Hi Everyone...TALON here: Thank you for all the Birthday Wishes. I had a great day, in fact, my birthday was 3 days ago and I am still singing "Happy Birthday" every morning to Penny in hopes of getting more "forbidden Treats".... Well, it must have worked, cause today, she came home with 4 bags of CANDY CORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite!! I will go anywhere looking for it in my house. I usually find the candy bowl and get caught with beak fulls..then my mommy takes it away... but I usually figure out a way to get the cupboard door open for more..............SSSHHH!!!!!! Don't tell her, she thinks Melissa is eating it all, not me!!!!!
  4. I don't think anyone here in this bird family let's their bird pop sit for any length of time where it could do any harm........It's just a way of life.....cleaning bird poop. In my house with 3 flying birds, it can be a full time job!!
  5. Talon, my timneh will NEVER EVER poop in any of her cages. She has a big sleep cage and a daytime play cage. She will stay in there all day or night and hold it until she comes out. My other two....well, they don't care where they go, the cage, floor, table, counter, couch, ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Today is Talon's 5 Year Hatchday! She has always been a very sweet girl. She is the only one who like to talk in sentences, not just words.... She sang Happy Birthday with me to herself over and over! Plus she got a new favorite toy! A popcorn box with streamers and toys in it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALON!!!!!! Your family loves you!
  7. Talon

    Cheese Nips!!

    Yes, Judy is right. They aren't a healthy treat for us, and especially not for our birds, but as an occasional treat, I allow it.
  8. I leave the grates in my 4 cages. They tend to drop many toys out of their toy buckets and I don't want the toys landing in poop. I also don't want my birds in the poop in the case they slip and fall to the bottom of their cage when climbing down their ladders which go to the bottom perch. As for cleaning the bird poop off them, I use 2.5 acid water and pull the grates out once a week to do the underside. Easy to clean! My cages are big and the grates can't be wahsed in the sink, I just do it on the floor near their cage.
  9. I love it! Thanks for the smile today!!
  10. As far as I know, they will continue to grow.
  11. Yes she does...just this morning, I went out early and came home to get them up LATE..........as I was walking upstairs to get Talon, Nilah was screaming "BIRD, BIRD, BIRD!!!!" frantically....
  12. WOW! You have ahouse full! Love the pics! Thanks for sharing them. You should go to our sister site and make a banner with them all for here! Pets are top!
  13. Most of you already know about Nilah.....she thinks she's soooo smart! (Well, she is!) Every morning, when I get her out of her cage and put her and the others onto their potty baskets, which sit on the counter, she climbs down, walks precariously on the small rim of the sink to get to the other side of the counter then she reaches up to the hooks on the wall, (that's where we all hang our car keys, alarms, etc.) grabs onto the AWAY button (mind you, she has to choose between 5 buttons on my remote alarm) and squeezes it with her beak so it beeps loudly and starts the house alarm system beeping and saying "Away, exit now!" then it beeps for about 2 1/2 minutes. She quickly hears the first beep, then jumps and runs away as if to say, "I didn't do anything...!" Every morning, she does the same routine! I'm still convinced she's smarter than my 2 greys.
  14. Talon

    Cheese Nips!!

    MY birds have found a new favorite treat. They LOVE Cheese Nips! My kids like to snack on them and it is required...LOL to give them each a couple. They will hold it ever so carefully, eat it and they do it in such a way, they hardly make any crumbs! They turn it and turn it and eat it in circles. Funny how they do that.... It's interesting that whenever they get a favorite treat, they don't waste any! :cool:
  15. Let's do this in a respectful manner please. No expert, my way is the only way, no going off topic, just fun suggestions to help Jenn who was gracious to ask for some advice, and for us to share OUr experiences with our own birds.
  16. I am re-posting this to put this topic back on track. First tricks? We all have things our birds do that can be considered "tricks" not taught like a performance, but little things they do for us to get our attention in our loving homes. I have many that my birds do, and I have taught them for my own enjoyment, they relish in the attention, and I relish in the fun in interacting with them. Let's share some of the fun things (tricks) our birds may do for us to show off! Talon
  17. Yes, this has been posted at our local post office.
  18. Mine is a lot like Dan's. Definitely worth the extra $$ Strong and Sturdy.
  19. WOW! So powerful and thought provoking...Thanks Jay for reminding us what's truly important.
  20. Jayd & Karcar: Bless your hearts and your efforts. It has taken me the week to finally be able to bring myself to read this thread in it's entirety. My heart has been so broken by this thread. These poor poor birds. I am in awe of you both for opening up your hearts and being the living angels you are for helping these birds have a better life, they were living in hell and you are doing all you can to try and bring them out into a world they deserved to have. I am so proud to have the privelage of knowing you both. Please keep us updated, Jayd, I had no idea you had a crack bird. Please tell us more...we can all learn from your experience and your hero some efforts.
  21. That is exactly what I have under my 3 bird cages.....I found it cheapest at Staples. They clean up very nicely!
  22. Talon

    Dish washing

    I wash all my birds dishes in the dishwasher...always have.......
  23. I have both a timneh and a congo. What all the others here have said, I agree with TOTALLY!
  24. You can't.......they love to be up high. I have 3 birds, and that's their favorite place to be. MY house is filled with tree stands, hanging gyms, perches every where..... Up there they can watch all the goings on in the house. My advise to you is to get rid of the things on top of your cabinets. You could try putting something scary up on them to discourage them, but after a while, they will get used to it and continue to fly there.
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