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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Great Topic Ray! My amazon (Nilah) flies EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! SHE seems to be going thru the terrible two's. Flying all over to get into what ever she chooses for the moment. She flys like a missile.........don't get in her way, she puts so much power into her flying, she'll hit you head on! She is a bit clumsy on her landing, not gentle like my greys. But watch out, when we hear wings flapping, we get out of her way and we all duck!!!
  2. hmmm. interesting. I had all the leg bands removed from my 3 birds. I have them still, but I have read many tragic stories about too many accidents where the leg bands caused broken legs, chewed off legs and even death because the leg bands got caught on something while the owner was away or asleep. My vet also highly recommends removing them for safety reasons.
  3. Interesting......I haven't had any problems at all with him or his company. In fact, I have received 2 free air cleaners, several bulbs and filters at n/c. They are more than just a machine that blows air.......I have had GREAT success with these air cleaners, and I have purchased several other types and brands and they were all garbage and didn't last.
  4. Hi, not much to add as others have offered great advice! I have both a tag and a cag. Their personalities are as differents as night and day. My tag is small, not afraid of much, sweet in her own way, but NO way would she be a cuddler or a biter. My cag is moody as can be. She will bite on occasion, but I attribute that to ME not watching her body language when I am in a hurry or distracted. She is louder than the tag with her voice, but LOVES to cuddle and be petted until she falls asleep. There really are no stereo-types, just personalities. The CAG is a beautiful bird with their bright red tail, a bit clumsier, but tags are sweet and quick, and mine flies beautifully! Whatever you choose, you will fall in love with them....however if you really have your heart set on a LARGER bird, you may want a cag.
  5. I have the JW Air systems. Invest in one or more for your home and you will see instant results to your allergies. PUtting them in my house cut my son's asthma medicine in half with in a week. I highly recommend them. I have 5 in my house.
  6. Welcome, I Love your thread title. You will finds lots of info here. Most greys and parrots don't like you putting your hand, especially a stranger in their home....not the best way to tell how they will react to you. Better to interact with them outside their cage. Also, it takes a long time for a grey to settle in and trust us humans.....hard to say from pet store visits.
  7. HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY to go Cricket!!!! WOO HOO!! When are these humans going to get it.....we can always outsmart them! Nilah....and very nice to have a new friend here. OMG! That was the funniest thing I've ever heard! I am still laughing hysterically. Would have loved to see the look on your face....priceless I imagine!!! Penny...the small human in a flock of birds!
  8. HELLLLOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Nilah is still here!
  9. YES..............I am VERY concerned as well. I miss Jay's daily check-ins, and pray all is well. Jay & Maggie, you are in our prayers.....your forum family misses you and wishes you both the best.
  10. Hi Everyone! Thanks Jill for bringing life back into this thread. As you know, I'm a personal trainer specializing in all aspects of wellness. I am glad to see 2 of you working on getting fit! It really is a lifestyle change when you make the decision to be healthier! Drinking more water is the best way to start, but you need to drink alkaline water.....not the bottled water that you buy in stores. I have a machine that hooks up to my faucet and sits on my counter top. I use it for drinking, cooking, cleaning, disinfecting, you name it. Studies have shown that all disease lives in an acid environment, all that we drink is acidic in nature. So it's important to drink alkaline water to combat the acidic foods we eat and drink. Keep exercising and eating healthy. It will so be worth it in the long run! After all, WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!!
  11. I live in Massachusetts, and I bought my baby sight-unseen from a breeder in Florida. I had seen pictures and heard updates on her. She was shipped in Dec. by Delta. I picked her up at the airport and brought her to her forever home with us. She did just fine. No problems, just my nervousness and worry that I was going to get to the airport and no bird, or something worse. I had her checked out by a vet 2-3 weeks later after she was settled in just to make sure all was well. All was well, except that she tested positive for e-coli... but we treated that and she is a sweet wonderful bird. That was 5 years ago!
  12. I agree with Jayd on this. I remember a thread here several years ago. It was a cooking product that one of our members had researched by calling the company and specifically asking them if it was safe to use around a bird. They said 'all their products were safe'. Well, they went ahead, purchased it and used it and their bird died within 30 minutes of using it. The company denied everything.... PLEASE err on the side of caution and Don't use it. It's not worth the pain and heartbreak if God forbid something terrible happened. It is YOUR job to keep your precious baby safe, and I am sure you will.
  13. I ordered mine from Windy city. It is too large and I cut it in half. I have it hanging from 2 hooks in the back corner of my living room, and secured on the bottom with 2 hooks also. I have toys hung on it and a large purple jolly ball around it too. Nilah and Talon use it a lot. Rikki won't have anything to do with it. I have had it there for over a year....
  14. Jay is it true their eyes can bleed if restrained?? I have never seen this or heard of this in al lthe research I have done. And if this is true, then when you towel them, is that considered restrained...?
  15. Hi Jill, Rikki's favorite pastime is chewing all my door frames as well. I'm not sure if you remember, but I had to tape fake birds I bought from the craft store over each door in my house. It really adds to the decor!! You should try it!!
  16. Haven't seen this on Craigs list yet....but the nights have been windy, rainy and 30 degrees. I have little hope that this poor bird can survive these temps with all the hawks out and about this time of year. Hopefully someone found him pretty quickly and he is safe...
  17. Hmmmm. I always see people complain about a screaming bird...I have 3 and have never experienced that......wonder why.....?
  18. I agree with the advice others have posted. Put a SOUNDPROOF door on his office. Use anoise canceling headset. And tell him to relish in the additional help he gets from the bird. PErsonally when I am on the phone with customers, they LOVE hearing my bird and learning some cool facts about it. I have never had anyone tell me it's too noisy or they don't want to hear the bird. Everyone LOVES hearing it! It's not like 'kid' noise where it's common. Having a parrot is a unique situation. Tell hubby to lighten up and enjoy this beautiful creature who only want our love, attention and approval...
  19. Had to make it a STICKY too!!
  20. This is FANTASTIC!!!! all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure enjoyed that! Thank you for sharing that with us...it's a MUST SEE!
  21. Has anyone found that the cotton rope breaks when pulled on? Mine does... I purchased a climbing net for my birds. I bought the recommended size for african greys., It is way too big, I wished I had bought the smaller size...
  22. Thanks everyone! Judy, Alkaline water is the ONLY water ANYONE (pets included) should be drinking. Most foods and all drinks, including bottled/tap/well water is acidic to us and all pets. It is well known by the medical community that ALL disease and cancer cells live in acidic conditions. If our bodies are flushed with alkaline water, this will reverse our chances of that happening. I have a machine on my counter top that produces alkaline water right from my faucet. It is all we drink, cook with and clean with. If anyone wants more info, pm me and I will be happy to send you info. I have been massively researching this topic for over 6 months. My machine also produces acid water which is used in hospitals and hotels for sterilizing and killing all bacteria. I use this on all my birds cages, tree stands and toys, plus cleaning my bathrooms and house. I haven't purchased any cleaning products for the past 5 months!
  23. :cool: Hi everyone. I took my 3 birds in for JUST a nail-clipping this week. :confused: (I lost my job a month ago, so no money for check-ups.) But while I was there, I thought.....hmmm. they haven't been in for a year, so I minds well just do it!! They were all very good! The vet said they were all very "robust" birds!! :rolleyes: He did his usual "Gram Stain test with each of them. Talon has always had bacteria and yeast problems. Her tests are always positive for bacteria. I put all my animals, birds, horses, cat, dog, and family members on high alkaline water 4 months ago. Wel,l as I suspected, due to the water ....all 3 tests were negative!! I am very happy, I hate the course of treatment that they have to go thru for the positive results! Very happy news for me!! :cool:
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