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Everything posted by Talon

  1. FYI: Dr. Irene Pepperburg has no connections to this movie......
  2. All great advice!! Personally, I would STOP wearing the perfume around your bird. Their lungs are very sensitive to odors, and she may not like the smell she inhales when she is near you. Perhaps she wants to be near you, but at first is telling you she doesn't like it, then when she realizes she can't change it or she has finished her little tantrum in trying to tell you this, she calms and has to accept what she can't change. Just a thought from my perspective......
  3. I buy my cages from cages4less. I really like the quality. Heavy duty and they will last a long time. The one from Petco is like the one I bought 4 years ago. I threw it away 1 1/2 years ago, it rusted and the bars were very cheap and bend easily. I have found that over the years, regarding cages, you get what you pay for. All my cages were $500 or more. THey will last many many years.....
  4. What a great story! My dog Cody has been known to jump up and snitch a big piece of meat that's hanging out of my birds beak. I have to watch him carefully when we eat dinner.
  5. Okay...I'm going to charge my camera, and see if I can set up the tripod, and then.....get NILAH, NOT ME on camera!
  6. That's funny. My 3 will step up anywhere I ask. Carrying 3 parrots around the house, beggars can't be choosy.... I usally have one on each shoulder and one somewhere else on an arm! I look like a tree stand!!
  7. I have recently started teaching Zumba classes at my dance studio. For those of you who don't know much about it, it's mostly latin music. I have about 13 routines to practice and memorize. This Ido in my living room where the birds can join in. Every song that comes on, Nilah Screams and sings the entire song. When it ends, she shuts up...waits...and the next song comes on and she starts upagain!! She'll do this for as long as I work on it, about 3 hours every day. I hope to video tape her and put it here, just not so good with a camera... You have to see it, it's a riot!
  8. Update. It's been one week, NIlah's foot seems to be much better. She's finally using it as normal. Still has some scales to heal, but she seems to be doing well. Thanks for all your suggestions and help, and especially your support. Hope to get some pics up soon.
  9. OMG!!! I LOVE this photo! That's priceless!!! Thanks for the laugh.
  10. Thanks for the reminder of how important to not let things go. I hope and pray all is well very soon/
  11. Love the updates! Sounds like your doing a great job letting him settle in and get used to his new forever home.
  12. I have the bird sitter dvd. I play it 2-3 times a week. Other times, Nick Jr. wins out. They like Spongebob. My Amazon loves music, especially opera, ,but haven't been able to find anything like that.
  13. Yup, testing the waters.......this is a stage and you are doing very well by not reacting. Great job!! It's hard NOT to react when bitten by surprise!
  14. I have 3 females and I worry about the egg binding and egg laying. Wouldn't have that with a male.....
  15. How adorable!! Thanks for sharing the pics. I LOVE the babies.
  16. If you can afford it, go with the biggest cage you can. Once you fill it with toys and perches. It becomes quite small...
  17. Jay, Maggie & your flock, My best wishes are with you today. I am thankful for all you have done in your lives with us and your flock. Get well soon.
  18. Nice to hear. You must be very special.
  19. Hi everyone, Thanks for all the suggestions. Update: Nilah is very quiet this am, some quiet talking, standing on one foot...she ate breakfast with me as usual, except she was perched on 1 foot on my forearm, I had to feed her oatmeal on a spoon like always, but she can't hold food yet, so I had to hold her toast while she ate it. Her foot is swollen, but when she has to, she will step on it. Mostly she holds it up and stays put. Not much flying. I don't want to put any ointment on it, cause she will lick or chew at it. I am also afraid that peroxide might sting. I am spraying her foot with 2.5 acid water, she doesn't seem to mind it. After 30 seconds, this water will kill any kind of infection as well as speed up the healing process. I almost took her to the vet this am, but she seems to be ok so far. Thanks for all your concern and help. I will keep you updated..
  20. A quick story on recent developments this past week. Nilah has been trying to follow us out the door. A couple of times, she almost made it into the garage...tonight tho..... I was upstairs in my bedroom at my computer, and the birds where downstairs with my kids. 2 of my 3 kids went out the door with their friends......one of their teenage friends thought it would be funny to spin out in the driveway with his car. The noise made my 11 year old run out the front door to see what happened....Nilah flew at the door as he came back in. (all this happened while I was upstairs) He slammed the front door....Nilah's feet were stuck in the door...he panicked and didn't know what to do...he was afraid if he opened the door, she would escape. Her NON-STOP SCREAMS sent me flying down the stairs almost falling as I was tripping over the dog. When I saw what was going on, I told him to open the door as I told Nilah to step up. It all happened so quickly... One of her talons was badly cut and loose scales were hanging off, of course it was bleeding, but not for very long. She kept chewing the skin of it off. It is cut lenghthwise. Looks like someone sliced it, but it's very chewed up looking now. There is nothing to stitch up, but it is very raw looking. After many cuddles and comfort from me, I finally got her settled and into bed now. This happened about 3 hours ago. I am wondering what I can do so that infection won't set in. She won't let me put anything cold on it, a cloth, paper towel, tried...HATES cold. Any suggestions...? I have been so worried about her. Plus, now we have to make some decisions as to how we are going to handle this flying routine. I HATE to take her newly found flying skills away from her. She LOVES to fly throughout the house yelling my name..."BIRD!" But this is for another time, my main concern right now is helping her heal, and eating will be a problem, she LOVES holding her own food...
  21. Talon

    Jay Update

    Thank you for the update. Tell him I miss him!! My prayers are with you and your flock.
  22. Janet, Great video! I love the idea of hanging the chain like that. Nilah would love that!! Louie sounds like my Rikki! All my doors and window sills are chewed. My house is a mess...........
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