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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Awwww........Cricket sounds like a sweetheart! Nilah can reac havoc also, but she loves to do the cuddles that Cricket does, only she never falls asleep. My cag, Rikki falls asleep all the time during cuddles.
  2. My birds go in and out of each others cages all the time. But only when the other bird is out of them.
  3. 2 0f my cages have a black sheet, and one has a navy blue one. My cages are very large and tall so I have to jump up high to cover them. They barely go half way down the cages, so they can perch low and peek out if they want.
  4. Great advice from the others. Yay to you for taking them in and doing great research here for them. Sounds like they didn't have the best care, but I can tell you will fix that! Definitely, that grey needs a much larger cage, check eBay, you can find a good size cage very cheap. Ai would try cooked foods, and let them see you loving it. It will take some time for them to adjust and trust you. But be loving and patient, it will be worth it in the end. Canteens to hear more!
  5. Very cool. Can't wait to see how your birds like it.
  6. Just placed an order on eBay for a variety of things.
  7. I'm not sure what it would be listed as. they have many items they don't sell online. You can call the store and ask them about it. They are very kind, helpful people. ALL their employees know almost as much as the owner, so I think you will find them very easy to help you.
  8. I want to be the first to wish Judy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Judy is a wonderful friend to all, a very devoted member here at Greyforums, and a special person to us and all our birds. I am honored to call myself her friend, even tho we live hundreds of miles apart. Judy came here with me and a few others from another African grey forum. When we arrived, there was only 3 rooms here, around 1200 members, and we took over, built this forum up to what it is now. If not for Judy's devotion to our family here, it would be a very different place. She is quick to welcome every new member, offer advice, and give a tongue lashing when needed..... We have all come to rely on Judy to offer a kind word, encouragement, a shoulder when we need it, and just a fun time in general. Judy truly cares about us, and our flocks and other pets. Please be sure to wish JUDYGRAM a HAPPY BIRTHDAY as well as a big THANK YOU for all she does here. Oh, and for those members that are fairly new, the post counts were set back when we switched the forum over to V-bulletin. Judy has in excess of 50000 posts!!!!!!
  9. I bought it in NJ where I bought Nilah. They had 3 different sizes, I bought the medium size one. Below is the link to the store I bought it in, they do sell online. This is also the place where I get my food that I feed all my birds. this is the food, it is the Ultimate Blend, I am in the auto ship program with them, so I never have to order it. http://www.mybirdstore.com/FOOD_TREATS-BIRD_PARADISE_BLENDS.html'>http://www.mybirdstore.com/FOOD_TREATS-BIRD_PARADISE_BLENDS.html Here is their home page, http://www.mybirdstore.com/
  10. Yup, had the flash messed up on my cell phone when I quickly took those pictures.
  11. Yes, all 3 of my birds love that, I keep it there in hopes of keeping them away from my keys, etc that hang on the wall nearby.
  12. I agree with all the others have written. There is a big chance that your bird won't enjoy a mate. I have 2 greys, and although they co-exist fine in the same house, they don't want anything to do with each other. They both mind their own business and prefer the company of us instead of each other. Your grey may resent you bringing in another bird and become more destructive in your home.
  13. I ordered them online. Don't remember where, but I bought a wooden one and my timneh loved it. I ordered a stainless steel one another time for her other cage and she freaked out and never got used to it. I gave that one to my cag, she didn't seem to mind.
  14. Amazons are always showing greys how to eat. If you own an amazon, you know that they live to eat.
  15. Just wanted to show off some pictures of Nilah.
  16. Nilah enjoys helping herself when she wants a drink, if only she would learn to turn it on and off!
  17. Yes, all my fruits and veggies are soaked in 11.5 alkaline water. You would not believe the difference it makes. Anyways, I wanted to post a photo I took of Nilah's droppings that day. Looks pretty scary doesn't it?
  18. Quick question, what is the "training" you are doing with them, sounds interesting, I would love to hear more.....and since you love to write...................
  19. Welcome to our family! I have very much enjoyed reading this thread. Kudos to you for being soft a bird and pet softy like the rest of us. Just can't seem to say NO, can we? Look forward to the next chapter.......
  20. I have small hanging buckets in their cages. I put broken toy pieces or wooden beads wrapped in paper. SOmetimes I put treats in them, but my greys are picky and have decided they don't like the usual treats...
  21. I use the bigger ones and stuff them into a coconut hanging toy I once bought. MY amazon loves pulling them out and chewing on them. For my greys, I wrap the bigger ones up in colored paper and put them in their toy buckets in their cages. They enjoy chewing and unwrapping the paper, then they pretty much drop the lego on the bottom of their cage.
  22. That is very nice! Thanks for sharing that and let us know how it goes.
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