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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Photobucket is the easiest....you can download it for free.
  2. Consider yourself lucky. My grey has pulled ALL the keys off of our laptops in about 15 seconds! We have had to replace 6 keyboards total...yeah, I know, we are slow learners...
  3. Dave, what is a yellow crowned amazon....a yellow nape?
  4. WOW! That is fantastic! I love it and I want one..... My greys FLIP out when they see zebra tape, they think its a snake... I'd be curious to see how your lucky bird likes it.
  5. What a phenomenal first post! I couldn't agree more with you. There is nothing like a zon, and until you own one, you just can't fully understand the magnitude of such a creature.....in my opinion, they far outweigh a grey, although I wouldn't give my 2 greys up for anything!
  6. My birds are locked in when they are put in their cages, I have 2 dogs, a cat, and WAY to many danger s for them to get into. They would also chew my doors and woodwork to shreds if left alone....
  7. I would like to welcome Ray P to our moderator team here in the Amazon Room! We all know, he has lots to offer us here in all the rooms, but of course I have no doubt he will take off with fun things here. Please welcome Ray, and I look forward to seeing this room take off! :cool:
  8. Congrats Louie, You are the luckiest bird around having landed on the doorstep of such a wonderfully patient and kind loving mommy! I love hearing about you and Nilah sends her love and kisses to you too!
  9. Talon

    Too big?

    Get it, the bigger the better. YOu can't have a cage that is too big, once you fill it with various perches, toys, etc, The cage magically shrinks...
  10. I have 2 greys and an amazon. They are less dusty, but still produce a lot of bird dander even if you bathe them frequently which they love. There will be dander on their feathers which they do lose when molting and anytime they fall out. I would hate to see you adopt a bird only to have to give it up later because of your mom's health...
  11. Hi Ray, I agree wholeheartedly! And as I've said in the past...the Amazon Room deserves a play here at Greyforums because I have an amazon, and I felt after all the free time I put in here running this forum....I deserve to have my own way at least once!! HEE HEE!
  12. I use the custom parrot mix from Bird of Paradise in NJ. Plus I supplement snack munches with Kaytee parrot mix.
  13. Dogs have an instinct towards birds in my opinion, although they may seem disinterested and well-behaved around your birds for years, there is always that time when they get startled by something your bird may do and instinct WILL kick in. ALWAYS supervise them when out together. I have a friend who went out for a quick coffee and left their 2 birds out with their 2 small dogs who never paid any attention to their birds. Their birds wings were clipped. WHen they got back a few minutes later, their were feathers and blood all over the house....sadly they lost one of their very much loved birds to their dogs......They have such sadness and guilt they live with every da. yYou can never be too careful or too watchful.
  14. I have 3 shower perches, 2 I put on the window in my kitchen, the other one for my shower. The problem with the suction cup types (which is what I have) they ALWAYS chew on the suction cups and eventually they will fall as they pull hard enough. Fortunately, my 3 parrots flew off as it happens. I can't tell you how many times this has happened... Be careful with that type, you have to check it all the time as they will chew bits and the suction cups get smaller and smaller until they no longer support their weight.
  15. WOW Robin...you are so lucky...I wish my 2 were great friends like yours.
  16. I agree with Ray.... I have a tag & cag, both only 2 months apart in age. They do not 'flock' together as Dan states. They tolerate each other...my tag knows she is smaller and would never take on my cag. Mt cag rules as far as they are concerned. My amazon is 3 1/2 years younger. All 3 of my birds are fully flighted, they are always out together. They will never play with each other, my cag has tried to be friends with my amazon, she puts her head down for scrithes to her at times, but my amazon says NO WAY! They are all very jealous for my attention when I sit on the couch, I always pay attention to all 3 of them as equally as possible. They all get time with me, but the cag and amazon are possessive of me at times. I usually have have a grey on one shoulder and an amazon on the other. They will share in food together when eating at breakfast & dinner, they will hang out with me together, but never will they be best buddies.....I don't believe it is possible with an amazon in the picture....they dominate! Well, that is my 2 cents worth. As long as they don't fight, I would be very happy that they choose to co-exist as mine do.
  17. Hee Hee. don't you know.....Greys train US!! LOL It is still early, I don't believe in "training" greys as much as I do allowing them to be as God intended them to be, but in learning their language and trying to communicate our wishes and wants with them so they will be more apt to enjoy the things we want them to do, and want to please us when it fits them...
  18. I had to search every where to find a fully stainless steel one. (of course I wanted black) I love mine! They are very hard to find.
  19. Totally against clipping,, and I have 5 birds, that is why I try and stay out of these types of discussions...
  20. One other suggestion, I have a small travel cage. I put one of my birds in it, and take them into the car where I then let them out providing all the windows are closed. They love the car ride with me! My vet told me he had a man who had a grey and it started plucking terribly, he took it out for daily car rides, and it stopped. Go figure!
  21. Hi, I have 3 parrots, and I too never want to take their free flying away from them, so I applaud you for that. I don't take my birds out as I feel as you do, not worth the risk. Make sure she has a uv light, leave the tv on, they do like to watch it. I also have a bird sitter DVD that loops and they enjoy that a few times a week, as well as kid tv shows. I have found that my birds love their hanging buckets with bits of broken toys, treats, wooden beads, popsicle sticks etc., wrapped up tightly in scrap paper. They spend lots of time trying to chew the paper off. I would suggest that. Be careful, one of my greys is scared of the shiny metal hanging bucket, she is fine with the wooden one. It may take a while former to attempt to go near it, but once she does, it will occupy her for quite a while. I also feel as you do about the vet, I don't think a vet visit is necessary, she may just be bored, and chewing her feathersmkeeps her busy. I also have a tag and she prefers parakeet size toys.........also, qtips are a favorite of my birds.
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