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Everything posted by Talon

  1. This is where you can take your baby you are going to adopt and spend time with it for a s long as you want. Many people buy them as babies and come to visit until they are ready to go home. they also offer boarding, have a small hospital for those in need in their care and for weaning etc.
  2. Believe it or not...I have many more rooms of pictures I didn't post! Here are some of their birds in separate rooms: You have to sanitize your hands before you enter. I walked in and there were cockatoos running all over the floor! Some of their tree stands.
  3. Well, as you know, I went on my big trip to Bird Paradise in New Jersey to stock up on toys for my birds. I told you I would take pictures.....there are some areas of the store that I didn't take pictures of, only because I had so many, I thought I would bore you... Here they are: If you ever get the chance to go, it's worth taking your credit card and going!! LOL!
  4. Thanks Judy, that is sooo true!
  5. Judy, I would LOVE to meet you there!
  6. This is a great thread. All my birds are in their cages, covers, with their doors latched. I have smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, glass braking sensors, an alarm system and 2 dogs that bark at anything...... I want to know where all my animals are at night. I do have travel cages at the bottom of the basement stairs, but I think I will move them upstairs instead, just not much room to put them. I like that Janet has an emergency pack. I am curious, what do you have in it? I am sure there is food, but how often do you replace it?
  7. I don't ALLOW her to bite, she knows not too. She has a stubborn streak when it comes to bed time. Short of abusing her, you won't stop her if she decides your not getting the message and it is her last resort...
  8. HA HA HA! You guys have no faith in me.......I came home with NO, yes read it, NO bird!!!!!! I was tempted, that's for sure, there was 2 electrus that were just beautiful! I took lots and lots of pictures to share here, way too many, but I will post them tomorrow. I bought so many toys, I probably will have to take several photos of them to post! Bags and bags of fun stuff! I told the cashier to NOT tell me the total, I would just hand over the credit card.... she asked if I had a bird rescue........there was so many there!
  9. Tonight I was eating a banana when it was bedtime, I didn't say a word, just as Nilah was straining to get to my banana that I kept just out of beaks reach...........I told her to step up and she could have some, so as she was busy eating, I carried her towards her cage, as I got to the front hall, she stopped and looked, like she was wondering if I was going to put her to bed.........(damn smart bird!) so I asked her if she wanted so e more of my banana.....of course she did, she's an amazon! So off I went with the banana and her into her cage. HA!!!!!! That's 2 for me!!!! 0 for Nilah!
  10. Well, tomorrow is the day! I am getting up super early and driving to the bird store! Since I haven't bought my birds much in the way of new toys for a while, I am pulling out the credit card and heading out!!! And I am going ALONE so no one can hurry me along or convince me to come home with a bird, I have great willpower... I will post pictures and share all I buy!
  11. I think that we ALL belong in every room in this forum. I never meant to build this room so that members felt they hand to chose whether to be here in this room or not. We are not segregating here, please don't I feel that we ALL can follow the stories, offer advice, tips, make comments even if you don't have a rescue I am heading out first thing in the morning to my much anticipated trip to the biggest bird store ever, so i wont be around here, but this weekend, I would LOVE to set up a poll (which I can do in this forum to make it easy for all) and see how the 50 50 turns out! Great idea Ray!
  12. Wow! That scenario is a dream come true! So, tonight, I had to put the birds in their cages early around 6:15pm as I had to go teach Zumba. So my daughter just covered the up when she got home from work. I didn't get home until after 9pm so I was off the hook. Tonight, I work until 8:30Pm so she will probably be the one to put the to bed again. ( love the nights I work and she has to do it) But to tomorrow will be my night...ugh! Already planning my next strategy and treat!
  13. Very profound! A sticky it is!
  14. That is soooo funny! I would love to see Gilbert squatting down to hide his feet!!! LOL I too have out of the blue gotten that primal CHOMP from each bird at least once where they cut you and draw blood! But hey, it goes along with the territory..
  15. That a riot Judy! Leave it to you to put some pressure on me...
  16. Acappella, it's so nice to hear from you again! You have been missed. I am sorry to hear of your dad and his passing. I am sure it has been difficult for you. But on a good note, Dorian seems to be making such progress! What a special bond you have formed with him. I would love to see a picture ofthe is play stand you made, it sounds amazing! I hope others read your story, it is a pure example of what patience and love can do. Instead of being pushy and having expectations, you allowed Dorian to trust and bond and react to you on his own terms and it has paid off tenfold! Please don't be a stranger, and I would love to see an updated picture of Dorian when you can.
  17. I will add that their are ways to clip your bird to prevent crash landings. But the question is, has your bird had the opportunity to learn HOW to fly and land yet? If not, that could be why her landings are so hard.
  18. There are lots of threads reading this highly sensitive topic. Rater than get a bunch of feathers all ruffled as many of us have very strong feelings about whether to clip or not. ( I am of the NEVER clip your bird family) may I suggest that you search in the Grey Lounge for these past threads, there are many and there you will read much about both sides of this subject. I suggest this as these threads can get quite heated between members for and against, and I feel it is of no benefit to rehash the same arguements again... Thanks so much! Look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some pictures!!
  19. Thanks guys......funny how she sensed something...usually she LOVES going upstairs with me....but not tonight....her cage is downstairs...so this is going to be very difficult...I'm not that creative in coming up with NEW things!!!
  20. Thanks, I will look into that! Just a Quick Update on bedtime tonight, as usual, Nilah was sitting on my leg while I was on my ipad after work. I asked her to step up so I could get up and go to the bathroom...(which she understands) and I put her on her kitchen hangout/potty basket. I DID go into the bathroom, then I came out, and asked her if she wanted to go upstairs with me, she went onto my shoulder and got suspicious and flew onto the coat rack in the front hall on my way upstairs. I left her and went up, she then flew onto my shoulder when she realized I REALLY was going up there. I continued to wal towards my bedroom, and she again grew suspicious.....and flew to the top railing. I went into my bedroom and pondered.......ah ha! I had the perfect trick treat..I grabbed a new pencil off my desk....her FAVORITE FORBIDDEN ITEM!!!!! Then I walked to the top of the stairs to go down, she began her famous amazon 'I'm NOT going to bed" strut back and forth on the railing......then she saw what I had!!! ON my hand she stepped up, and tried to get the pencil as I was wiggling it around on my other hand and telling her I was going to do work with it.....then into her cage I put her, playing tug-war on the pencil..I WON this round!!! I left her uncovered until I got the other birds to bed, shut the lights off, gave her some kisses and sweet talk, covered her, then went on my merry own way. How NICE not to be chewed up and battle her..... Well, this worked THIS night, I am sure I will have to try something different tomorrow...she's much to smart.....
  21. Hi & Welcome Great picture!! Look forward to hearing more!
  22. Welcome to our family! Pics please...
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