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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. It's never a good idea to buy parrot CDs that have repititive words on them. Most people buy them hoping the bird may learn to talk. ""Hi there.------ I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple ""Hi there. -----I'm a good boy*--------I wanna some apple ""Hi there. ------I'm a good boy*--------I wanna some apple ""Hi there. -----I'm a good boy*---------I wanna some apple ""Hi there. ------I'm a good boy*--------I wanna some apple ""Hi there. -------I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple ""Hi there. -------I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple Well, there's a very tiny possibility ( 1%) that a bird will finally repeat what's on the CD and if played all day in a loop, what does it really mean??? The CD item a person buys will not be the same voice as the owner. The voice that's imitated by the bird will be the one on the CD. The words won't be connected to anything in context wise. Basically, the bird becomes a robot.
  2. Dan said it all. I'll only add on that since these 2 particular birds aren't friendly ( which is good), they should be left alone now and also in the future. Mating them now may only cause more unfriendliness with you which is normal. Right now, they've bonded together and that should be left like that. None of this would've happened if these birds had their own cages or separations. If they do have a clutch together, be ready that the eggs may be not be fertile since this is the first time they're doing this. You should definitely keep the other birds far away from them!!. Some mating birds pick at each other when they're alone ( unseen by the owner---usually at night) and in your situation, it may have been one bird trying to urge the other bird into mating. Heads aren't the usual target. Some mating birds (females) pick at themselves to provide feathers for a nest box. Not all birds but some. This is a natural thing that's done in the wild with parrots and other birds. Parrots are wild animals. As far as how maternal or paternal the birds are, only time can tell you that after the eggs hatch.
  3. Unfortunately,there are no video parrot channels and on YOUTUBE, those pieces can't be looped because they're not WAV files. When people want all day parrot sounds , they usually buy some different CDs and use a CD player to run all day. They're very nice CDs but I doubt that you can do anything with them through your computer. They keep a bird's attention because there's all different types of parrots all together on the CD going through their natural sounds in the Jungle/forest. There's no special CD that's made for any one species. And no, none of these CDs will help a parrot to talk. The sounds they make in the jungle/forest are their own natural sounds. Human talking is just mimicing what they've picked up in a house. http://www.shopwiki.com/_Birds-of-the-Rain-Forest-CD
  4. Dave007


    They're fine. You can leave them in the shell or take them out. After a few times of trying, your bird will tell you how he prefers them.
  5. There's other replies in this thread that pertain to TOOS but I'll get more specific about TOOs. The first magic words concerning buying are -----***That TOO is such a pretty bird. It seems friendly*** Many people don't take the time to fully get the history or personality as it pertains to a TOO that's it's getting older. A TOO is a totally different bird when it gets to adolescence. People don't try to understand how that type of bird will live in a house and what it'll really need. They don't try to understand natural loudness it has and will always have throughout it's life. They put a lot of demands on the owners. TOOS are totally different than greys or other species of parrots. Greys are independent and can develop a lifestyle with or without people. TOOS need people to be happy. Their idea of happiness is to be all over the person, constantly being held. They're known as clingy birds. A cage is the worst spot for a TOO. It immediatle gets into a destructive mode on surrounding things ans even worse,Their own bodies.. Their natural voice is very high pitched and screeching is common. They're very jealous birds . Greys are jealous birds. Putting the 2 species together isn't a good idea. There's trouble ahead. They will inflict very strong bites to other birds and people which 65% of the time draws blood. Some people have had to get stitches from bites. As far as it being a bird that lives in an apartment or in a house that's close by other houses, complaints are common to the owners and sometimes to local SPCAs. TOOs are the type of bird that can quickly take over a household. They demand attention. In shelters/ rehome/ adoption centers located all over the place, TOOs take up at last 35 % of those places. They're put there for numerous reasons. Loudness, biting, bad attitudes, self destructiveness. Etc Etc. Many times it's very sad to see these birds because of what they look like. This information isn't only on this board. It's common knowledge throughout the parrot community. The most beautiful cockatoo that exists is the Major Mitchell/ Leadbetter TOO. It's also the most expensive and the most aggressive TOO that a person can get--approx $3000. They only do well by Staying wild. Rarely will you see one for sale. Why isn't there a lot of talk about them? In the past, many members have been told about them and decided to see the pros and cons before getting them. The TOO comes under the category of Big Medium/Large size. The Macaw is known as the large category. This grey board as well as other grey boards pertains to all species of medium sized parrots. I believe that only people who.ve had lots of experience with larger parrots such as TOOs and Macaws should buy them although macaws have a better chance of not giving the owner grief. Their only problem is loudness. They are well rounded birds. Others wil say that they have no problems but they're in the minority as far as TOOs are concerned.
  6. Gee, thanks for the heads up. Next time I'm trying to give out some important helpful information I'll make doubly sure that no letter is missing.
  7. I know some people that feed it raw. I don't. One of the best ways to serve pasta is to buy a product called Gnocchi. It's potato/pasta balls. Cook and put them in tomato sauce and give your bird one. He can hold and eat it at the same time. Many greys love them. All of mine getvery excited when I'm cooking them. At the end, their claws may be a lottle dirty but the bird usually cleans it off quickly because the residue is tomato sauce and they love the taste. I even give my quakers smaller pieces and they gobble it up.
  8. No, there's no official registry for bands. Bands provide different types of information imprinted on bands. This place will tell you all about it. You would still have to follow all government regulations in order to take your bird to another country. That involes the country you're now in and the country you're going to whether the bird is banded or not. Basically, bands and chips are used for identification.. http://www.avianweb.com/legbands.htm
  9. Your bird has gotten used to all things--living style--living conditions---equal friendiness with both of you. Many greys are in the exact same living situation as yours and there'a never any problems. You may feel that he's bored at certain times of the day when he does nothing but sit and stare and possibly nap. All greys do this on a constant basis. He's not bored. He's just being an african grey. As far as getting another bird, there's no way you can know if they're compatible. Your grey is #1 and he's quite happen with that figure. As far as a TOO, I would say that you need to sit down and strongly think about that. TOOs are the 2nd loudest bird in the Parrot world and they squawk and yell quite often. Even if they talk, that's very high pitched and loud. Many people have gotten TOOs without knowing the facts and wind up being very sorry. If everything is not just right with a TOO, they will seriosly pluck. They're the worst pluckers in the parrot world. Think before you choose.
  10. Why don't you simply remove the toy and get another one? You're scaring the bird and that's not good. The bird is simply telling you that the toy is bothering him or making him afraid or just not having any interest in it. Parrots don't like every single toy simply because it says *made for parrots*
  11. You needn't be nervousYou should explain the past injury and the bird will be examined. If there's a problem the vet will recommend what has to be done. How short is too short? All parrots have different sized beaks. That includes the same species. It has to do with how much the bird files it's own beak. It's not painful to the bird as long as it's done properly. Owners also file beaks down but they're experienced at doing it. As far as pointed, flat or beveled, The vet is the one that files down the beak to it's proper size and usually, the owner has nothing to say as far as choosing a style.
  12. I think you may be setting your sights to high. Concerning your other bird/birds, there's positively no way that you can know how a new one will take to the other. You're hoping that the new bird will have the ability to do things with your bird and also with your family and just because this grey may be ideal in it's present home doesn't mean it'll be the same way in yours. That's simply wishful thinking. ****Clearly a guy not ready to let go. My girlfriend and I made it clear this was most likely not in the best interest of the Grey's own psyche. How can you possibly know that? The bird will stay in a familar situation with people that it knows. It just might be that the person had second thoughts about putting the bird into a new unknown environment. There's nothing wrong with that. Many people won't feel that way. ****Clearly a guy not ready to let go. My girlfriend and I made it clear this was most likely not in the best interest of the Grey's own psyche. You can never judge or know about a parrot's psyche Lastly and most important------a person/persons has to be totally ready to accept a needy bird. There's more needy birds out there than ideal birds. A person has to be ready to accept present personalities, attitudes, likes or dislikes of everything surrounding him/her. Few of these things can be changed. Sacrifices need to be made in order to accomodate a needy bird. Most people here who have adopted pre owned birds will tell you that the bird was definitly needy and their main concern was to give a bird a more normal life style. They usually come from bad living conditions, poor health, neglected, sometimes abused situations. And as far as what the owner did--I'm very glad she pulled the bird from the for sale section of Craigslist. It's not the best place to get animals and for every success story of an animal on Craigslist, there's at least 30 unsuccessful stories and that's especially true when selling a wild animal such as a parrot.
  13. Considering my age (Already listed) well lets say this--today I received a wonderful birthday present that I got online.----a fantastic and beautiful set of dentures. Overnight express delivery. ( disposible)
  14. Thanks very much. As Bob Hope would say *Thanks for the Memories*
  15. Thank you both. They were very nice compliments . Always glad to help out. Age? well lets say this--today I received a wonderful birthday present that I got online.----a fantastic and beautiful set dentures. Overnight express delivery.
  16. Things are getting much better but you need to expect some set backs. Yes, she's moody and isn't used to everything and for a time, her behavior will be erractic. Not to worry. Just go with the flow and she'll come around. Good luck.
  17. Well, it's always good to tell people about the good results but also the possible bad results. One good thing about your bird's problem is that it will not affect the personality and luckily there's treatments out there to use. Many people have birds that have all stages of plucking problems, some some aren't serious, some are more serious. It's a matter of doing something a little different concerning the problem. That ointment is also used for raw bruises, mild cuts, getting bitten from another bird, some types of wing problems etc etc. It just takes some time to straighten out the problem. You many not have total success but you will have some percentage of success.
  18. The only way to see if there's follicle damage is to wait until surrounding feathers grow back and check the bald areas and that can only be spotted if the bird no longer plucks the new feathers. That takes a while. In the mean time, those areas get very dry and brittle and also cause plucking. below is an ointment that is extremely good for putting on damaged dried skin. I have a sticky in the health roon about this aloe vera gel. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/DaveVP/DSCN0113.jpg
  19. I was given 2 greys ( 1 TAG-1 CAG) The TAG has extreme aggression problems and the CAG had an extreme plucking problem ( no feathers at all) The third pet grey I have is from one of my breeder pairs. Had him since he was in the egg.
  20. Although most birds won't be angry afterward, people who do worry make sure that things that have to done are done by a vet to make sure that any anger is directed towards the vet, not the owner.
  21. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=How+to+Make+Dark+Bread&qpvt=How+to+Make+Dark+Bread&FORM=VDRE# Janet, I prefer the dark banana bread with walnut chips in it. Let me know when it's ready. Do it right this time.
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