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Does your grey talk in front of others?


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Finnigan says the funniest stuff to me. Just this morning, we are in the bathroom getting ready for work and she was being a little minx, into everything, and I said, what is wrong with you and I swear she looked right at me and said, what is wrong with you. Would she say it again in front of my husband? No. :angry: She said to me other day, be careful, hot, and made the blowing sound that you make when its hot....will she say that in front of anyone else? NO! :angry: She just makes the blowing sound. She won't say anything except PeekABoo in front of anyone and she barks like a dog(I don't have a dog). She also screeches like a macaw (I do have a macaw). My husband and son just look at me and shake their heads. I think they think I'm insane.:unsure:

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Mischief is a real ham! She is an attention hog and when people come over the show starts. The louder we get, the more she talks, and she always surprises me with new words and sounds. She will also dance and wave to people if they go over and say hello to her. She meows like a cat, pops, clicks, and shoots lasers. (lol)

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There are many closet talkers. You just never know.


My Grey will talk in front of others, but only when we are all sitting for example in the living room socializing or watching a movie where there is background noise. If all are silent and staring at him waiting for him to say something, he will remain mum. The only exception is if they have something he wants like food items. If they do, then he will ask for that food by name. :-)


It would be great if others chimed in and we could get a poll going here of who has a closet talker and those that have a public speaker. :-)


In fact, lets start a poll. Go here and vote:


http://poll.pollcode.com/7zeG<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/23 15:54

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Misty is also less vocal with other people around. Its the curse of talking Grey parrots to make you seem a liar !

When my brother comes over Misty greets him with "Tony" (my bro's name) but little else. But one funny thing is when Tony and I are in deep conversation Misty listens in and interjects with the odd "uh ha" and occasional "ya". So he likes to listen to a good debate!


Steve n Misty

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hahahha that's cute!


When we first got our grey, she wouldn't talk much if we were standing near her or the cage, but now that she is settling in, she is talking in front of all of us.


I don't think we've heard anything as funny as what you're describing, though! :)

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Great poll Dan! Finnigan is just really starting to become clear in her speech. She still has a lot of mumbling but you can always tell when its a question as she always ends this long mumble session with hmmm? I started paying attention to when i speak to her, and darn if don't end every question to her with a hmmm?

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Josey talks in front of me and my hubby but not much of anyone else, but she is not a closet talker. She didn't say much the week she spent with the sitter so I guess she has to be comfortable with the people she talks around.


Christina they will copy whatever you do or say so no wonder she picked up the hmmmm if you use it a lot.

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Charlie will say very little infront of others. He will be quiet or repeat one sentance, usually hello their how are you. He can say so much it is quite frustrating when he acts like he cant talk. If friends and I are laughing he will always join in with his manic laugh and have us in pleats, he laughs at exactly the right time,even if a comedy is on tv. I swear he understands every word.

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Usually only if they are in the next room. Last summer we would walk around the lake and Tobie would be on my shoulder. There were usually lots of others we would pass who would say ohh you have a bird on your shoulder. If they stopped Tobie would whistle this little soft greeting. Sometimes I could say "give them a kiss" or "give them a rasberry" and he would.

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It depends on Zeus's mood. If he's crabby, he won't talk at all if we're in the room unless he is impatient and wants something immediately.


If he's in a good mood, which he usually is, he will talk. He's gotten more comfortable with it lately though since when he talks he gets the oohing and ahhing and GOOD BOY so obviously he's learned that being a ham = praise and sometimes treats.


He didn't usually talk around our friends or people who come over, but he's gotten better about it and less shy as he's grown up. He really likes my fiance's best friend and my best friend, and will chatter around them now.


He does his best talking when he is in the cage and the other birds are out. We have lovebirds, an IRN, and a Green Cheeked Conure who all get out time each day, and Zeus will snap and try to bite them so they have to be let out seperately. But he will talk clearly and often when he's in the cage and the others are out!


He's now made friends with our puppy. The puppy used to be scared of him but has now decided that she loves him. They're always supervised of course but it's really cute. Zeus talks to her and has now taken to screaming "BELLA, BELLA!".


I would say that Zeus is a ham. But he's gone from a closeted talker to more of a ham and he just turned 2 last week. I can only imagine how much of a talker he's going to become! 111111.jpg


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It depends on Zeus's mood. If he's crabby, he won't talk at all if we're in the room unless he is impatient and wants something immediately.


If he's in a good mood, which he usually is, he will talk. He's gotten more comfortable with it lately though since when he talks he gets the oohing and ahhing and GOOD BOY so obviously he's learned that being a ham = praise and sometimes treats.


He didn't usually talk around our friends or people who come over, but he's gotten better about it and less shy as he's grown up. He really likes my fiance's best friend and my best friend, and will chatter around them now.


He does his best talking when he is in the cage and the other birds are out. We have lovebirds, an IRN, and a Green Cheeked Conure who all get out time each day, and Zeus will snap and try to bite them so they have to be let out seperately. But he will talk clearly and often when he's in the cage and the others are out!


He's now made friends with our puppy. The puppy used to be scared of him but has now decided that she loves him. They're always supervised of course but it's really cute. Zeus talks to her and has now taken to screaming "BELLA, BELLA!".


I would say that Zeus is a ham. But he's gone from a closeted talker to more of a ham and he just turned 2 last week. I can only imagine how much of a talker he's going to become! 111111-08e8267faa43b69e9f11b0bdc0314434.jpg


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Jacque doesn't talk much at all. But when he does it is almost always to me when I am alone.


One thing he did pick up awhile back is this coughing sound my husband was making when he had a cold. Apparently Jacque thought this sound was awesome and for almost a month it sounded like he had pneumonia! I had more than one (non bird owning" friend ask me why in the world I didn't take that bird to the vet...."He sounds like he is dying".


Now my friends Grey will wait until someone walks by and whisper, "Come here....Come here" when you get to the cage he will say, "Let me out!" It is hilarious!!



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Lacey is still just a wee thing at 9 months but is definately trying to talk. Her big thing is what we've coined "copy cat". She'll whistle and wait for us to copy her, then she'll progress to a longer series of whistles, more of a song...and again, wait for us to repeat exactly what she did. This will go on for a half hour or more! It's funny..if we get it wrong or start laughing (which is common, as it's sooo cute to hear her) then she'll repeat the same whistle, sort of her way of saying, "nope, listen more closely and try again"! We had company for Christmas and the little ham had the whole room involved in her game of Copy Cat..she clearly loved it! She was standing tall on top of her cage and her voice was loud and proud, like a professor taking command of the classroom. Everyone fell in love with her (of course). So, in my house...she is clearly teaching US to speak her language. Driving in the car the other day we found ourselves whistling her little whistles she's trying so hard to teach us. :whistle: Gotta love 'em!

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  • 8 months later...

Rebel talks more to herself than anyone else. When my sister comes over she barely says one word, I think we've gotten a "hello" and a "Rebel" out of her. Of course I talk about this bird that won't shut up. Normally she sits in her cage and has phone conversations, the one sided "hello.....ok.....alright....see ya later" I'm very curious to know what goes on when I am not at home. You can definatly hear her ringing the phone when I'm in the yard and lately she's taken to screaming "help...help", when I walk back there and ask her if she needs help with something, she puts her little foot up and says "let me out". I can't imagine what the neighbors think is going on in my house.


This morning when I went in to turn the light on (I turn it on early on cloudy days) she said "did you brush your teeth?....go to work....see ya later"


She's a silly little creature with a huge vocabulary, but only uses it on her terms. If you want a friend to hear them talk, record it!!


Aly~ Pirate_Rebel.jpg


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Whisper did not talk around other people when she was young (she is now 22 months old). In the last 3-4 months she is talking more in front of people but never if they are standing there staring at her. If we go on about socializing she will chatter away.


When it is just us at home SHE NEVER SHUTS UP.:laugh:

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