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Hi all, bit bothered today George my Goffins has made a tiny tear in his chest area.

Just when I thought that he was getting along nicely, hes been covered with a tube bandage and aloed all over, hes also had a dose of Baytril today to fight any impending infection and he hasnt been able to touch the area since. Straight to the vets if not. Im just so concerned about placing a collar on him as his feathers were coming along so well and I think he might just go insane with the plucking once the collar has been removed.:blink:

but of course it has to be watched over with great care.

Its a minor thing at the moment

I wonder if its a sexual frustration thing now as he keeps offering me his back end rather than his head for a scratch. Maybe hes a tad frustrated

He has a multitude of shredding toys and is out the cage all day long.

Anyway Im sure this is just a blip and it will all be ok, best not to panic really.

Hope you all had a good day



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Hayley I hope George is ok.It is so hard when you just want to help them.Keep us up updated.

I have an apointment at the hospital for March 19,not too long.My foot is not too bad, its really just a lump of sorts but in a bad place.

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Thanks sheila

I hope you are getting on ok?

George hasnt touched the chest area since and seems he was just having an off day.

Guess we might get a few of those one day he seems aloof another hes like a piece of velcro!

Enjoy the weekend all

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I am glad George is ok Haley.


I have had a crazy week. My mum went into hospital on wednesday with an asthma attack so things have been a bit fraught.She is a bit better today but will be in till about Monday or Tuesday.I hope they can get her a bit more mobile before they allow her home, she is very bad on her legs and can just about move round her flat.She is very down at the moment because even at 82 she loves to go out round the shops but is just not able,even with her mobility scooter.

I am looking forward to a few glasses of wine over the weekend ,Infact I will have one now.Why not?

Things are still very slack in work but we have been told it will pick up in the next week or so.

I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

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Hello- Hayley, I'm glad George is doing okay! Sheila, sorry to hear about your mother- I hope she gets better and is able to get out on that scooter again.

And, I hope you get that foot put back to right again.

I'm so happy it is Friday!

I just got a brand new cage for my baby greys and it was delivered this afternoon so tonight I get to go home and put a cage together. It is the kind with a removable divider in the middle so if I want to separate the little ones I can, or remove it and let them play together. I think it's going to be really nice!

I hope everyone has some fun this weekend and also some peace and quiet time too- Sheila I hope you are enjoying that glass of wine, and drink one for me too will you? Cheers... :P

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Well it is so cold here today! We are bracing ourselves for another bad spell as we have been forecast snow over the next few days which is coming over from Russia!


I hope everything dosent come to the normal standstill in the morning after we have had a bit of snow, thats what normally happens over here!


Hope everyone has had a great weekend, cant wait to catch up with everyone:)

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Oh Toni, boy will he be doublely surprised!!


No Super Bowl watching in this house today, nope not even my hubby will be watching it, doesn't care for pro football just college and I really don't give a rat's patootie either.


I am enjoying a cold but sunny day here in Virginia and the snow storm we thought we were going to get the first part of the week has about fizzled out I think, its just not meant for us to have any significient snowfall this winter, I am so disappointed, woe is me:( :S:(

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I am in the middle of packing my entire household so we can relocate from Michigan to Texas:blink: That's why I haven't been very active on the forum lately.


My husband has a job opportunity in Texas and although the economy is bad all over it seems, Michigan has been hit extremely bad with the Autoworkers & such. In my opinion the job situation is bleak at best right now and think it's best to get out of this state while we still can:dry: . So it's off we go to warmer weather, starry skies, tumbleweeds & long horn steers:laugh:


I am very excited for all this to happen (except for the packing:S ). We have already taken a trip down there to check out the area and found a place to live. We drove. It was a 3 day trip we crunched into 2 days:whistle:


We played out several different scenaries about our flock on the initial trip down there. To board them? Have someone watch them? Take a couple, board a couple? We have 4 and a small dog:ohmy: In the end we decided they could all take the trip with us:laugh: They all had nice travel cages and Baxter & Bonkers rode together in the largest cage. Tigger & Cooper had their own cages. I am so happy to report they were not stressed out about it one bit. They traveled better than I had hoped. I know we must have looked like a band of gypies but who cares:laugh: They kept us entertained the whole way there and back. We let them out of their cages in the hotel rooms and I even think they liked it. It didn't seem to phase them at all. I took pictures, I might end up posting them later on.


Anyway, that's what I've been up to lately. Now I am relaxing for a while and am going to enjoy the Super Bowl later on tonight.

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I know we must have looked like a band of gypies but who cares:laugh:


OMG. You have no idea how hard I laughed when I read the above quote. I can just imagine you, hubby, kids, birds, dogs, and lots of belongings LOL!


While you're enjoying the warm Texas weather, I'll still be here in Michigan. I will tell you one thing, you WILL miss the feel of soft grass! :lol: Last time I was in Texas, the grass was so dry and prickly that it felt like I was walking on needles!


I'm glad your family will have better opportunities there. Let us all know when you're settled in and I'd love to see pictures!

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Yes, we were a sight to see I'm sure. :laugh: And we have to do it again:blink:


I know I will miss the green grass. We always had such a beautiful landscaped yard here:( In Texas the grass was brown and very prickly. My dog didn't even want to walk on it:huh: But it was 80 degrees when we were there and the sun was shining brightly. A T shirt was too much.


I will miss the snow at Christmas time only. The brown grass I am used to cuz I lived in Oklahoma for 20 years. In the short time I was down there I felt like I was "home" again. I was born in Michigan but the west is my home.

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Erica I hope the move goes well and the future is bright for you in Texas.Is your new home nice. I would love to move to a larger house, mine is so tiny. It would be a great time to buy hear as house prices have fell so much but I dont wish to go in for another mortgage.


I am just having a cup of coffee and relaxing,after cleaning up again,Charlie and Cracker like to see me work..

I would love a riding holiday in Texas, that is one of my dreams. well we all have them dont we? Good luck with the move

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And boy did it snow!!!!


As I am typing it is coming down thick and fast, Jasper my youngest grey is watching the large snowflakes with great interest!


The schools are all closed again and like I said yesterday I knew everything would come to a stand still!


Keep warm everyone:)

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We got SNOW

And we all come to a standstill !

No train, buses, planes, schools shut, roads shut,power off and on the list goes on ! We only had 6 inches so far but this country canna cope with it ! Had a forced day off work as well and looks likely for tomorrow .Don't seem to have bothered George much ,he just carried on as norm ,wish we all could. Will have to see what tonight brings !:dry:

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Yep lots of snow.Why cant this country cope with a bit of snow.Its silly. I have been going about things as normal,just a bit slower.been to work, been the hospital,been to take my dad some tea.Now I am ready for bed.

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Well the snow has stopped where I live ,but ALL the schools are still shut ,the roads ,trains,buses,planes etc are getting back to normal .The temps are still low and it dose'nt look as though we will get any more snow this week. I got another day off work so will have to get moving and do some boring housework.Hope everybody else is having a good day .:)

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I have been at the hospital all afternoon so I know just how you feel.Hope your mum does ok.

They now think my mum has a clot on her lung we are waiting for a scan to confirm it. Her breathing is very bad and she now appears a little bit worse than when she went in last week. Looks like she will be in a while longer.

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Sorry to here this news Sheila, please let us know tomorrow how everything goes. Do you have time off work tomorrow to be with your mum? Give me a text if you cant get to the laptop.


I am also back at the hospital tomorrow, seems like a lot of us are spending time there at the moment.


Hope everyone else is keeping warm and well, lets hope this snow will go soon and the schools will be back to normal again, saying that we are forecast more snow for Thursday and Friday:(


Goralka, hope everything is fine with your mum as well.

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Was at the hospital longer than expected. Kenzie was in her cage from 11am-8pm which is, by far, the longest she has EVER been in her cage with us and we felt pretty bad. Luckily she kept plenty busy because we put her toy box in with her. Plus, we lined the whole back of her cage with palm tree shredding weave stuff, which she LOVES. The whole back wall was gone with we got home. :)


She was plenty spoiled when we got home. She got a little peanut, sliver of almond, a walnut, apples, and mashed potatoes.


Mum had 3 cysts taken of her ovary. One ovary was saved and one was not. The pathology reports came back as negative, so no cancer as far as we know. Since her incision was transverse and went over her heavily scarred stomach from 7 other surgeries, they're keeping her in the hospital for a couple days to control pain. She is in good hands at a very nice hospital. Her private room is awesome with her own huge flat screen T.V. and even her blinds are controlled electronically with the push of the button. Man! Technically is amazing these days. She should be quite comfortable so we're happy. Hopefully she will be well enough to come home tomorrow evening or Thursday morning.

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Oh I am so happy to hear your mom is cancer free and on the way to recovery!!! Now that a room I could spedn a few days in, but with the surgery or pain of course. ;-)


It's also good to hear you left your Grey with lots of stuff to shred and have fun with. I'm sure you were missed, but he had plenty to keep him busy during those hours you were away. :-)

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